Skimm This
Skimm This
Visiting Hours: Trump in North Korea, OPEC, and Cori Gauff at Wimbledon
12 minutes Posted Jul 1, 2019 at 1:42 pm.
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This weekend, President Trump became the first sitting US president to set foot in North Korea. This was Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s first meeting since February, when a summit about nuclear weapons and sanctions fell apart. But now the two say: talks are back on. What next? We’ll get into it. Meanwhile, members of OPEC are at the table in Vienna. To talk oil production. And tensions are high – in part because of the US and Iran. We’ll break it all down for you. Also on today’s episode: why Taylor Swift says Scooter Braun is a threat to her ‘reputation,’ and 15-year-old Cori Gauff’s big first impression at Wimbledon.