Skeptics Stack Exchange Podcast Podcast

Skeptics Stack Exchange Podcast

Marco Cecconi & Steve Lundquist
Unofficial podcast for Skeptics Stack Exchange ( Hosted by Marco Cecconi (Sklivvz) and Steve Lundquist (Larian LeQuella).
Episode 8 - Physics
"# Questions * * * * # Hot Questions * * * # User Shout Outs [Top Users]( DavePhD, Avery, Lisa B, Tam Hartman [Welcome New user]( [maggie-oates]( "
May 23, 2017
41 min
Episode 7 - Nutrition
Podcast of Skeptics Stack Exchange ( Hosted by Marco Cecconi (Sklivvz) and Steve Lundquist (Larian LeQuella). In this episode: Is a vegetarian (vegan) diet more healthy? Is drinking water during a meal bad for you? Does having late or heavy dinner make you fat? Is food cooked in a microwave oven harmful for the health? Do 26% of Americans believe the sun revolves around the Earth? Did 96% of Hillary Clinton's 2015 charitable donations go to the Clinton Family Foundation? Is it true that "People Over 40 Should Only Work 3 Days A Week"? Top Users: IMSoP, RedGrittyBrick, Goose, Avery Welcome New user: Andrea Mora
Apr 27, 2017
41 min
Episode 6 - Quotes
Podcast of Skeptics Stack Exchange ( Hosted by Marco Cecconi (Sklivvz) and Steve Lundquist (Larian LeQuella). In this episode: Generally quote questions are hard at Skeptics. They are too often unsourced, and it is a case of trying to assert a negative position. That said, we get a lot of of these types of questions, so it is only fair that we cover this topic. * Canonical Question: - Did Bill Gates say that vaccines and health care could reduce the population growth by 10-15% ( * Follow Up: - Did Einstein say this about marriage?( - Did Ray Bradbury ever claim that "Fahrenheit 451" was not about censorship? ( - Did Bill Gates say 640k ought to be enough for everyone?( * Hot Questions: - Are thousands of Islamic terrorists entering the United States? ( - Did Augustine of Hippo warn christians to beware mathematicians?( - Are refugees in the UK holidaying in the countries they fled from? (
Oct 15, 2016
49 min