Simple Songwriting Podcast Podcast

Simple Songwriting Podcast

Mitchell Heriaud
Welcome to hell! Just kidding, this podcast is a guide for the average person to be able to learn how to create & record music, maybe even out of your own home! In this podcast I’ll be sharing what I’ve learned about songwriting, composing, arranging, mixing, distribution in the past few years and more. I’ll give you some simple steps to take towards becoming the best songwriter you can be and encourage ya along the way! I make indie music under the name of averted eyes incase you're curious. Email me any questions: [email protected]
Brainstorming, Generating ideas, Saving (Habits of Effective Songwriters EP 1) AVOID WRITERS BLOCK!
So, we've discussed some of the ways that you can learn an instrument (I'll go into detail about chord progressions soon). But what are the habits of an effective songwriter? How do you get songs done and have a lot of flourishing ideas? Here's how I never run out of ideas and avoid writers block. Habits of Effective Songwriters Episode 1. Brainstorming, coming up with a surplus of ideas, keeping them for reference. You might even end up with too many ideas. But don't worry, we'll talk about how to turn those ideas into a finished product in the future episodes.  Thanks for listening  Do you guys like longer like 15 minute episodes or shorter 3-10 minutes? Let me know please :-) My email is [email protected]
Sep 27, 2021
6 min
7 Simple Steps to Learn an Instrument Fast (For Beginners & Intermediates)
EP 3. In this episode we go over 7 simple, optional steps you can take to learn an instrument quickly and easily.  If you want to skip straight to step 1, then skip to 3 minutes that's when I get into it! :-) Option 1: Learn some songs that you enjoy, this will give you an understanding of chords and song structure Option 2: Start learning scales. (I’ll do a full episode on scales). Scales are essentially just a set of musical notes and they give you a lot to work with when songwriting and jamming. Most modern western music is written in the "Major Scale". Look into the Major scale if you wish to understand the fundamentals of music. Option 3: Learn and understand how chords work. Chords are harmonies, stacks of notes that create a sound. Definitely a key concept in music, one of the most important one, along with understanding melodies, I'll do an entire episode on melody creation, and what a melody is. Option 4: Find a group of musicians to play with or form one yourself. It's good to play with other musicians as soon as you can, it's one of the most effective ways to improve, I cannot stress that enough. In the podcast I go over many of the ways you can find / create a music group in the podcast. Ask around, look online, you'll find people in no time. Option 5: Search up free pdf's and informational videos related to your instrument / music theory /songwriting. A simple google search will give you hundreds of thousands of results! Option 6: Find an instructor that can give you real constructive feedback and show you proper technique, help you make adjustments. There are many online and probably some in your area.  Option 7: Purchase books on the topic. People with lots of experience and wisdom have written books on music that are extremely helpful. Don't overlook books! Email me any questions, recommendations, comments, concerns: [email protected] Here's those links I mentioned! Book recommendation Services for meeting new musicians If you live in London, check out: If you live in the UK: If you live in Australia: Subreddit I found
Sep 25, 2021
11 min
3 tips for learning an instrument and consistently improving (REACH YOUR INSTRUMENT GOALS!)
EP 2: Just some tips for those of you that are getting into learning an instrument and or wish to improve on an instrument consistently. Here’s what I’d recommend after 11 years of playing guitar and a few other instruments
Sep 9, 2021
11 min
How to start songwriting as a beginner (Songwriting podcast EP1)
EP 1: This is the first podcast that I’ve created and it’s 3 simple paths that you can take to get your songwriting journey started! Thanks 4 listening :-)
Sep 2, 2021
6 min