Sid Roth's Messianic Vision
Sid Roth's Messianic Vision
Sid Roth
via Podcasts
Sid Roth is wonderful
I have followed Sid Roth since 2017 when my mother, who has watched him for decades, insisted I see him. Watching Sid Roth started me back to God again. Shortly later, I became born again and my life changed overnight. My taste in music, watching tv, a kinder view of people and the world. The greatest gift was my diagnosis of Complex PTSD, 95% disappeared. I am still in awe of Gods power to do this. Restoring my mind has helped the last 5%, truly God is kind and faithful
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Jess 77074434
Radio interviews
Sid does a great job of interviewing , his show is always informative , the reason I couldn't give it five stars is Sid used to interview his guest over the phone for radio , those interviews were more In Depth , they were longer too like 35 to 45 mins then oneday he stop posting them, now the only audio he post is from the actual show which is only 28 mins long, please bring back the audio phone interviews Sid! 🙏🏽
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Last Days
God has raised up Sid Roth to bring truths to light that He is revealing to His people in these final days before Jesus' coming for us! Sid is open to the Holy Spirit and obeys Him in the programming and choice of interviewees. Those who have ears let them hear!!
I love the selection of guests that Sid Roth
Roth has on his shows, but Steven Brooks really knows how to explain how to walk deeper, he gives specific examples. The only complaint I ever have about the show is that Sid cuts in to often when their speaking, I understand its a time management issue but its distracting
Faith Building
There is so much more to living for God than modern Churchianity would have you believe. Eye opening, faith building, generates a hunger for God!
Delivered From Ungodly Soul Ties
I've heard a message from my pastor about ungodly soul ties before, but it hit home while listening to one of Sid's guess talk about it. As the guess prayed for deliverance, (I know, it sounds crazy to me too) I could feel something being pulled out from my body. Is it crazy or is it supernatural? Thanks Sid, your faith has increased my faith!
Many thanks for your obedience in fulfilling your calling.
In a time and season when every thing that can be shaken is being shaken, your program is a breath of fresh wind blowing. It refreshes my faith to hear testimonies of the "Bigness" of our loving God from you and your guest. Keep the supernatural flowing. We need more.......God bless you.
These broadcasts INCREASED my Faith and changed my Life!
Thank you in the mighty name of Yeshua Jesus for broadcasting God's grace to both Jewish and Gentile believers. This is a very exciting time to know the Lord -- prophecies are flowing, annointing flowing, gifts, healing, and salvation all flowing!!! Thank you for being an instrument of the Lord's goodenss. May He continue the Bless you and Keep you and Cause His face to shine upon you!! SHALOM
The real deal
I lovvvvvve this podcast, it is my absolute favorite!!! I keep these podcasts running through the night while I sleep to permeate the atmosphere with the word and truth of God. Sid Roth does a excellent job investigating the supernatural. I learn something new everytime I listen . I just got set free from yoga-I was studying under a certification to become a teacher, I was close to being finished when I came across the book "truth seekers", as well as the podcast with Sid and Mike Shreve...what a wake up call!! How could I be so blind?! Thanks to Sid for making these resources available...I really appreciate his vision :-)
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Assume!!!! :D
Very nice job can you make more?
All of the messages!
All of these are so encouraging and draw me closer to the Lord Jesus.
I can hardly wait for each new episode.
What you want to know...
My favorite podcast.
Living Supernormally
Sid is "Red hot" for The Messiah and so are the guests he hosts on his program. Sid edifies the believer and wakes up non-believers with truths that transform us to a higher level of faith. Keep up the good works Sid, and may God continue to richly bless your ministry!
John Raymond
Thanks Sid for podcasting
Sid gathers testimonies from real people who share their real experiences with the very real God of this universe! Listen and strengthen your faith. I've been listening to this radio show for for years on WECC but now I can take it with me on my iPod. Thanks Sid for finally podcasting!
Chazlo 45