The Star Trek Podcast Network
The Star Trek Podcast Network
via Podcasts
Great Podcast alway a fun listen
I have been listening to Laurie and Tony for years doing this Podcast both of them are informative and have a great rapport. I also love the deep dives they do on the new episode that come out. I also visit a few times a day to get the most up to date news and stories.
My Go-To for Trek News and Analysis
I check multiple times a day. I am a true Star Trek fanatic and the site and its podcasts are the best, smartest source for news and analysis. They are less likely to fall into the OCD camp of the fandom while truly appreciating some the fun and erudite desire for a consistent fictional universe. This is KEY to me. Part of the fun of Trek getting into the weeds, but some of the thousands of commentators seem to never see the forest for the trees. I will admit, I want to one day write for TrekMovie, so this is a shameless plug, but it has the advantage of being true. Love listening to Laurie and Tony every week offer their well researched perspective on the news and episode of the week. Please keep up the great work!
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Maybe review a different franchise?
Hosts are great. They have awesome chemistry and the production value is very high. But these folks just don’t seem to like a lot of Star Trek other than Prodigy. Not every series or episode is my favorite but they just miss the point of the progression of the seasons and the connective tissues between the shows. Looking for a Trek pod to give an uplifting view of the different series and not just a list of downer grievances.
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My Favorite Star Trek Podcast but…
Great information about my favorite science fiction franchise. I hate to be that guy to complain about something that has nothing to do with the content but the tone of voices of the hosts totally get my nerves, especially Anthony Pascale’s. Sorry it’s distracting and I have to turn the podcast off and listen to it in parts. Perhaps the sound engineer can tweak the sound mix. I know it’s a total jerk complaint but for me it’s an issue. This a case of an individual who is a excellent writer but not a good broadcaster.
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Insightful, informative, and fun without being fawning
First of all, I LOVE this podcast, Anthony and Laurie play off each other effortlessly with intelligence and wit and with a deep Star Trek knowledge, but still realizing this is a TV show. Very entertaining!
Brisco C
Thanks for all the hard work that goes into each show
I always look forward to Friday after a long week and relax and enjoy an episode. I may not always agree with a review of an episode but enjoy you own point of view. Being in production, I know all the work that goes into each show even though you all have day jobs you still have the time to consistently crank out a show every week. I love the trekMovie site as well. Great times for being a fan of trek. Marc
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Great Hosts and Great Podcast!
This has become my favorite Trek podcast! You both make my Fridays like a great cup of coffee. Your analysis and reviews are always well thought out and informative and Laurie, I love your laugh! It always makes me smile😀 Keep up the great work! LLAP Rick Householder
Awesome gamer 17
Great in theory
I really like the format and overall content but one of the hosts, Tony is insufferably whiny. The nasally tone coupled with the plaintive affect make it impossible for me to hear this grown man talk. Get a new host and I’ll resub.
Listener Beware!
Any correction of the hosts will lead to a permanent ban on other social media. IDIC? Not even close.
Stronger condemnation needed
In the latest All Access episode, the hosts addresses the racist and inappropriate comments on the TrekMovie’s Facebook page. I appreciate that they called this out, but I wished the hopes were more serious in their delivery and condemned racism in more serious tones. Addressing racism is uncomfortable for many people, but I wished the hosts, which I enjoy, would have taken a harder line. In light of all that’s gone on in the last year, and this week in particular, strongly stating that racism and bigotry is not part of fandom was needed. I hope a future episode will address this more fully as antithetical to the entire ethos of Star Trek.
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One of the best Trek podcasts!
I enjoy the Shuttlepod but All Access Trek is even better. They are positive about things but they don’t just gush about the new shows. Anthony is great, he has a deep knowledge of Trek and the entertainment industry. I’m a total Laurie fan though, her insights are great and she is clearly passionate about Trek. Keep up the great work!
All Access Star Trek!
The only thing better than new Star Trek every week is listening to Anthony and Laurie break it down. I love getting the news too! Definitely my must-listen podcast on Fridays!
Great For Nostalgia, But Often Too Negative
I thoroughly enjoy this group’s nostalgic look back at 60s-90s era Trek, and I appreciate their insights when discussing current news about the franchise. They know their stuff, and there’s a strong feeling of being among friends that I greatly enjoy and appreciate. Unfortunately, their discussions of new Trek (Disco and Picard) are a completely different experience. The discussions almost always descend into negative and sometimes even snarky nitpicking. Star Trek is about ideas, characters, and moral and ethical dilemmas. I would enjoy hearing this group discuss each episode on that basis, rather than focus on and criticize the smallest of details. I respect the fact that they may not like an episode, but listening to complaints of even the most basic details is not a fun experience.
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A Well Rounded Trek Podcast
I’ve been listening since the beginning and I’ve slowly warmed up to this podcast. I love that, since it’s based around the TrekMovie website, it’s a pretty diverse podcast, doing everything from retro reviews to Discovery reviews to news and entertainment business topics. It’s one of the broadest Trek podcasts that I’ve discovered and I love it for that.
Don’t agree with previous reviews...the hosts express liking for much of Discovery. They are enthusiastic about having a Star Trek show to watch, to immerse themselves in, and to analyze. The ST universe contains some dogs, no way to sugarcoat that so why not criticize what needs it? That which is well done is praised.
Nitpickers Discovery podcast.
If every Trek show went through what these guys do then you would wonder why anybody liked Trek. They get 5 people together and ALL of them just say “Yea I agree with previous...” Have some diversity of opinion...There are plenty who do like it. 5 people complaining for 90 minutes isn’t fun.
“Problematic“ is the theme
The more I listened the more I came to realize that these hosts were nothing but negative towards each episode that was reviewed. Every episode was just picked apart and criticized. What’s the point in doing a review show if everything you say is negative towards the entire show with nothing positive added. If you hate it so much why even watch? Perhaps there are others you could turn over the podcast to that actually enjoy the series.
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Great Ep Breakdown/Too Nit Picky
This was the first Disco pod recommended upon my searching. This crew does a great job of episode breakdown and is knowledgeable about the comings and goings of the writers room (which is the kind of info I value a lot and doesn’t get talked about everywhere)...but they spend a lot of time nit picking the hypothetical science and similar nonsense. I am searching for a pod with more critical analysis, Star Trek “Cannon Talk”, and how the show fits into the other series as well as discussion related to where the show is going, in addition to the things this pod does well. Thanks.
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Tom Becker in MN
Best Discovery Podcast
I listen to several different ST Disco podcasts and I have come to the conclusion that this one has the best crew. They all seem to get along well and their discussions are complimentary — no major arguments between their viewpoints about each episode. Also, their expressions of humor seem genuine, not strained or scripted. It’s a plus for me that I love listening to Kayla’s voice — I could hear it all day !! ;-)
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Lost Their Way
I really enjoyed this show since it premiered, but I just can’t listen to their “At the Disco” episodes any longer. The enthusiastic, informed conversation I enjoyed has given way to what another reviewer described as excessive nitpicking. While I expect a good podcast to take a critical eye when appropriate, the Shuttle Pod hosts have made a snarky attitude their default. They aren’t giving a balanced critique at this point; they mock. It feels like there is no room in the show for genuine enjoyment. For all that the hosts are very likeable, just much more so when talking about the classic Trek they love and respect. When Discovery is on hiatus I might pick the show back up.
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Unprofessional and boring!
I couldn't turn this off fast enough. Their voices grate on the ear, and their comments are childish.
Pretty good content, awful audio
It was a kinda fun listen, but all three voices are at dramatically different audio levels. Difficult to listen to.
My Go To Trek Podcast Team
Though they don’t post podcasts quite as often as some of the other trek podcasters, I find this group to be the most entertaining to listen to. It’s a diverse group in both gender and personality type, which makes for a much more interesting discussion. And I always enjoy their topics. Plus, since they run the well-respected site, they really have their finger on the pulse of all things Trek. Would highly recommend this podcast as Kayla, Jared, Brian, and Matt do a great job! LLAP
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Engaging! Love it!
I see Star Trek from a new perspective after listening to the podcasts. The hosts are virtual experts on the subject, yet make it lively and entertaining. There's no small talk--they get right to the good stuff! I look forward to each new episode.
They Don't Waste Your Time
The Shuttle Pod Crew discusses various aspects of Star Trek, from episodes and films, to behind the scenes info and news. They don't waste a lot of time with "banter" and they are each very knowledgeable about not only the stories and characters, but the production end of the franchise as well. As part of the team, you know that they are smart, informed, and balanced. I look forward to hearing their news and views with each new episode.
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Star Trek Reviewed by People Who Take It Way Too Seriously
Snooze fest.
Freddie from Seattle
Like the hosts but...
I like and respect the hosts a lot, this podcast is just too negative in general. I know their nit picking comes from a place of love but personally I want to hear people geeking out with me about the fun stuff, not criticizing the negative to death. This show has way too much of the latter.
Knowledgeable and fun!
Great listens! This podcast helps me catch up on things in the Trek universe. The team of hosts are knowledgeable and give me more appreciation for the details I miss.
Great podcast!
If you're a fan of Star Trek, then this is the podcast for you. This is the best Star Trek podcast in existence. The cast are fun to listen to and knowledgeable about all things Trek. It always brightens my day when a new episode is posted.
I'm Beaming!
Each episode is more enjoyable than the last. The growing panel of interesting and passionate participants always go exactly as nerd-deep and any fan could want. I'm never disappointed and always glad to have listened through the end of each one. Highly recommend to any serious fan of "all good things" Trek.
Marlark 61
So good
Great podcast
Great podcast
I listen to many podcasts that follow and review my favorite shows (like Game of Thrones, Star Wars and Twin Peaks). Star Trek has always been a series that has completely enthralled me, so I've been searching for a podcast in preparation for Discovery. I am glad I found this one. Their knowledge of all things Star Trek is excellent, and I appreciate their objectivity. I don't want commentators who are total hacks for a property. These hosts love Star Trek even when they criticize it.
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Great pod!
Thanks for your weekly pods!! They are my go to for up to date information on all things trek. They make my unbearable commute something to look forward to. Thanks again and keep them coming!
Never miss it!
One of the best Trek podcasts around! Great discussion, conjecture and all around fun!
Doug Scott
The best ST news podcast available
I regularly listen to four or five podcasts related to Star Trek and the TrekMovie Shuttle Pod podcast is hands-down the most informative and essential podcast out there for Trek news. What I love most about Kayla, Brian and Jared is that they always do their best to stay positive, even when discussing some of the more questionable aspects of the franchise. This can not be said for other Trek news sources. Thanks for doing such a great job, guys!
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Best Star Trek Podcast Out There
This is by far the best Star Trek podcast out there. Brian, Jared, and Kayla are funny and engaging. They're the type of hosts you'd want to have a beer and good conversation with. Love the show - keep up the good work! For part 2 of weird Star Trek episodes I'd love you to cover The Thaw (VOY) and either Extinction or North Star (ENT).
Great podcast!
Enjoy the shows! You should try it out !
I love this podcast, it's my new addiction! Insightful commentary excellent moderator was good questions and thoughtful preparation. Fans of Star Trek will love this!
Enthusiastic but honest.
My favorite thing about this show is that they have not sugar coated anything (which can happen in the fan community). They are not afraid to say when something in Trek isn't working. The conversations are thoughtful and entertaining. The conversations are structured, but given room to breathe and go where ever they may, giving it a nice, casual, natural feel. Kayla's comments on Generations in episode 14 feel like they were lifted, almost verbatum, from the RedLetterMedia Plinkett review, but they are good comments worth discussing. My only real gripe.
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Exactly What I Was Looking For!
Went looking for a podcast for coverage of the upcoming series. 100% satisfied! Listening to all the past episodes and can't wait for more!
Great new Star Trek Podcast
This is a great show. I have had no issues with audio quality. I would not let one okay review stop you from checking out their podcast.
Horrible Audio Quality
The show itself is decent but the audio quality is terrible, especially the most recent episode as of this review.
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