On this episode I am joined by good friend and all around amazing person Jasper William Cartwright (https://twitter.com/JW_Cartwright) which you will know (or should know) from Three Black Halflings! (https://twitter.com/TBHalflings)
We have a fantastic conversation about how this year has really given us a better look at how we approach and discuss diversity and inclusion in games and how this has shaped ourselves. For our shout outs we discuss Black Heart Foundation (https://blackheartfoundation.org/) The Foundation is dedicated to improving the educational access, quality and outcomes for children from under privileged backgrounds in low resource environments and those who are otherwise ‘at risk’ due to poor health and nutrition. This is such a great great foundation, its based in the UK with branches all across the world, please check it out and share it around!
Also kicking off another fundraiser!
This one is a bit different, instead of going towards an organization, I want to raise money for a close friend whose family has been struck by cancer. Which is just low punch to the gut in the end of this really shitty year. All proceeds from this is going to be helping them and the family with whatever fees or medical bills that are going to occur. There’s a few designs, so def check them out! Literally any bit helps and is appreciated.
Please check out Jaspers work and go check out Three Black Halflings, it is a true joy to listen to. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/three-black-halflings-a-dungeons-dragons-podcast/id1520368162
Check out the award nominations for both Three Black Halflings and Tabletop Roulette! We are in the running for best actual play of the year and it would mean a lot to us if you can throw a vote our way! (you can vote for multiple people!)
Thank you to everyone that has given this podcast some patience. Episodes will be back to normal soon. For now, take care of each other, take care of yourselves, see you soon.
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Dec 6, 2020
1 hr 1 min
I'm joined by my good friend Dusty! We talk about our year and our projects that we are working on, and that we should reschedule thanksgiving (Mark your calendars for Feb 23rd)
Check out Cash on his things for more Dusty
And check out his friends music here!
Today we shout out the need to help the Philippines as they are dealing with a natural disaster, this Carrd has a lot of helpful information and links as well as ways to donate or help
Thats going to be all for now friends, take care of each other, take care of yourselves, we'll see you then.
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shoutinginplace/message
Nov 15, 2020
40 min
This week I am joined by the great Wren Apollo (https://twitter.com/AtomicFirebird) we talk
about this wild year, Pokemon, Larping and Mechs. It all connects, I promise.
Our shout outs into the void start with a close friend of Wren, Red Pelaez (https://twitter.com/ATHL337) Find out more about this awesome person and their great work for Extra Life (https://linktr.ee/ATHL337) (CriticalFun.com)
Next one is https://www.thetrevorproject.org/ Its a great resource for crisis intervention and resources for mental health for teens especially those that are LGBTQ+ or questioning. They are a great foundation, any help is great, sharing is even better.
If you want to see and hear more of Wren, check out all their work it is all super dang awesome.
Here is their Link Tree https://linktr.ee/AtomicFirebird
Follow their Actual Play show https://twitter.com/FastTimesDnD
Star Wars! https://twitter.com/TheHydianWay
And their awesome stream! https://twitter.com/MakeBelieveInfo
That is going to be it this week! Take care of each other, take care of yourselves, see you soon.
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shoutinginplace/message
Nov 1, 2020
39 min
Today I am joined by my long time friend and great creative Wiz of Wiz’s Wondrous Items (https://twitter.com/OccultWiz) we talk about the ups and downs of having a shop during quarantine and things that we’ve been using to pass the time.
If you want to check out her wares check out everything here at her Linktree! https://linktr.ee/wizswondrousitems but def check out her Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/wizswondrouspatreon
Our Shoutout from the Void is the Humane Society and the San Diego Humane Society. They’re taking care of animals in danger and in need across the country. And San Diego humane society is also doing some great great work. If you would like to know more, def check out their website (https://www.sdhumane.org) (they also have a kitten cam! http://kittencam.camzone.com/) you can also check the national humane society! (https://www.humanesociety.org/)
Wiz and I are doing a fundraiser for the Month of October! We have two shirts that have been designed by Wiz, both are going to the Humane society. The fundraiser may be extended for a little longer, we will see how it goes.
But def check out the shirts, they’re amazingly adorable and they all go to a good cause!
You may have heard something a little different at the beginning of the Podcast!
Paradigm Academy is a fantastic Actual Play Podcast using the Masks RPG system. The cast is filled with fantastic people, and the show is just great! Give them A listen https://paradigm-academy.pinecast.co/episode/9c0dc07def6443bb/misguided-youth
And follow them to keep up to date!
That is it for now however. We’ll be seeing you soon with a new episode. So for now, take care of each other, take care of yourselves and we’ll see you then!
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shoutinginplace/message
Oct 18, 2020
39 min
Note: This is not a normal episode, and is far from a feel good episode.
Hey all, this week, it's just me and I am going over the importance of voting this year.
Before we get to the real talk, let's talk about goof things.
First the fundraiser with the great Respawn Aim Fire is just about over, and we have raised over $100 for Extra Life!!! There's only a Few days left so if you want a very clean design, check it out! https://inktothepeople.com/shouting-for-extra-life
If you want to hear more of them check out their podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/respawn-aim-fire/id1209903676
Also Check out their episodes on this podcast!
Also Big Shout out to Wiz's Wonderous Items ( https://twitter.com/OccultWiz ) They are creating really awesome products, and for October I am partnering with them to raise money for the Humane Society, that fundraiser will be starting on the first, look out for that info later this week, but check out their work now! https://linktr.ee/wizswondrousitems
I Want to Also Shout out Allie and Treavors new podcast which is an expanded part of their normal podcast. Previously On! It's been one my new favorite things to listen to, so def check them out! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/previously-on-dahlia-talks-to-the-great-white-moose/id1451014396?i=1000491801964
For the Real Talk, the episode carries all my thoughts however here are all the resources I talked about!
Also Check out the concurrent fundraiser for the Vote.org fundraiser , trying a new platform, so lets see how it works!
Will be back next week with a normal episode!
Take care of each other, take care of yourselves, see you then!
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shoutinginplace/message
Sep 27, 2020
19 min
This week I am joined by the great Jerica Hannah from JK Games Podcast!
We discuss what games we’ve been playing a lot from the Backlog of Doom as well as discuss how it has been being stuck at home all day.
We have a couple Shoutouts from the Void!
The first that I want to bring up the Fundraiser With the Bois at Respawn Aim Fire (https://twitter.com/RespawnAimFire) where we are raising money for Extra Life! (https://www.extra-life.org/) If you don’t know Extra Life, they raise money for children’s hospitals across the country! They do drives all the time, and we are doing one ourselves! The fundraiser is going amazing! If you haven't seen it yet Check out the fundraiser here! (https://inktothepeople.com/shouting-for-extra-life)
The Next that we talked about was Girls Makes Games (https://www.girlsmakegames.com/missionandstory)
This is an organization that is working to increase the representation for women in gaming. Women only make up 22% of the game industry, but 46% of the community. They provide workshops and spaces for people to learn and also help the same people get opportunities in the industry. They are doing great work, definitely check them out!
The last Shout out is for Vote.org (https://www.vote.org/) They provide all the tools and resources you need to get registered to vote and important things you need to know about your state. The simple thing that we want to say is. Go Vote.
If you want to hear more of Jerica (of course you do) Follow all their awesome things!
Definitely Check out the Podcast on Twitter where you’ll see updates on the fundraisers and all the cool things I am releasing with this podcast
But that is all for this week, so take care of each other, take care of yourselves, see you next time.
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shoutinginplace/message
Sep 13, 2020
45 min
This week I am joined by the rad person and purveyor of games Tricky! (twitter.com/aclevertrick ) Join us this week as we discuss baking, school and more ttrpgs!
Wanted to take a quick moment to thank everyone who got a shirt for the awesome Difficulty Class Fundraiser! We raised over $280 between both fundraisers! But that's not the last of these fundraisers!
For September I am teaming up with the awesome folks at Respawn Aim Fire (https://twitter.com/RespawnAimFire) to raise money for Extra Life!!!
The Fundraiser will actually be starting on the First of the Month so keep an eye on the @shoutinginplace Twitter to see the design when it goes up!!!
Speaking of Extra Life it is also one of our Spotlights from the Void!
If you don't know about Extra Life, they are an organization that works heavily with the gaming community to raise money for childrens hospitals across the nation! If you want to find out more check out the website here! https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=cms.page&id=1306
The Other Spotlight from the void is The Portland Freedom Fund (https://portlandfreedomfund.org/) The Portland Freedom fund is an organization that helps people who have been wrongly incarcerated out with bail funds as well as helping people with associated fee for other things that come with the prison system, so definitely check it out and donate if you can, they people there are really gonna need the help!
If you enjoyed listening to Tricky (you know you did) check out his twitter as well as Tabletop Roulette (https://twitter.com/TTRPGRoulette) you will soon hear him on a few shows there playing fantastic characters! Also check out their Patreon to see some really awesome stuff there too! (https://www.patreon.com/ttrpgroulette)
Thank y'all so much for listening, thats all for this week. So for now, take care of each other, take care of yourselves, and we'll see you next time!
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shoutinginplace/message
Aug 31, 2020
50 min
This week we have TWO amazing people on. Dusty Weathers (AKA The Xanathar) and Treavor Bettis from Difficulty Class! I was unable to record this week, but these two awesome people helped me so much.
They discuss how D&D has helped them mentally and they just have a great discussion and many infectious laughs!
The first Spotlight from the Void are the fundraiser between us and Difficulty Class. Both shirts have reached their goals!!!! This is the last week for the shirts if we can raise more that would be amazing, but also I am grateful for every damn one of the people who bought the shirts! You can see both shirts here and check out the organizations!
The next one is Tab for a Cause, its super simple and makes donating easy! It's a chrome Extension that simply generates revenue for each tab you open and you get to choose where to donate that! Check it out here and start donating
Finally go follow these awesome people. I appreciate both of them so much for doing this, and honestly, this may be a new thing that will come out every now and then, because bringing people together is such a big part of this podcast. BUT anyways go follow Treavor and all his podcasts!
And Go Follow Dusty and The Xanathar for all that good D&D goodness
Finally go check out the Twitter for the Podcast, it's where you will find out updates on organizations and when new episodes come out and stuff like that!
That's all for now, so take care of each otherm take care of yourselves, see you next time.
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shoutinginplace/message
Aug 23, 2020
1 hr 2 min
Today I have my friend and just all around cool person Reed on!
We discuss games (analogue and video games) how great the Tabletop Roulette community is and have a visit to Reeds Science corner! (patent pending)
We have a few Spotlights from the Void!
First, we are now officially halfway through the month and the fundraiser with Difficulty Class is going strong! We are almost at our goal for the Black table Arts campaign! If you want to support great causes and want a great shirt, def check them out!
Next we wanted to spotlight the 1000 Dreams Fund! https://1000dreamsfund.org/programs/broadcasther-initiative/
They are an organization that seeks to uplift woman and help close those gaps in the fields they are in. Woman in streaming and woman that are into competitive gaming are so underrepresented, 1000 Dreams Fund has the Stream for Dreams initiative that helps them pursue further education as well as get they representation they deserve!
Check out the interview with one of the recipients of the fund as well as a good friend of Reeds Mad_Madame_Em (https://twitter.com/Mad_Madame_Em)
The Next Shout out is the ACLU https://www.aclu.org/
If you haven't heard of the ACLU they are one of the oldest organizations that work to get the equal representation that everyone deserves! They help educate on the issues going on and give ways to help fight against them. Check them out, they are truly fantastic!
If you enjoyed listening to Reed go find more of their stuff on their plethora of platforms!
Gfycat- https://gfycat.com/@hellsbells77
Twitch- https://www.twitch.tv/hellsbells7777
Website- https://www.howtoseduceadragon.com/
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/elliecoale/?hl=en
You can actually find both of us in the Tabletop Roulette Discord (and soon on the podcast!!!) But check them out, the episodes that are up now are really great!!!
Twitter- https://twitter.com/TTRPGRoulette
Website- https://tabletoproulette.carrd.co/
Discord- https://discord.com/invite/AvBa8NP
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/ttrpgroulette
Check out the podcast on Twitter, you'll see updates on the podcast, fundraisers, and know as soon as new episodes are live!
Thats it for now though, so take care of each other, take care of yourselves, see you next time!
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shoutinginplace/message
Aug 16, 2020
59 min
I am joined today by the wonderful Sharise Nicole ( @boldreecie ) we discuss the things that have been keeping us busy which involves working on new projects, as well as watching a lot of shows and playing a lot of games.
We have a few Spotlights from the Void
The first is the fundraiser with @difficultyclass
These fundraisers are doing amazing and I think we can push even further then we already have. If you want awesome merch def check it out!
Next is Ms Thurston County Pageant! ( https://www.missthurstoncounty.com/ )
They are one of the leading scholarships aimed at young women as well as providing mentorships for a wide variety of life skills. It is a non profit organization that raises all the money themselves. It's a super awesome organization, please check them out and support them if you can!
Lastly is the Lambda Archives, (https://lambdaarchives.org/) They are again a non profit organization that aims to collect, preserve, and share the history of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people in San Diego, Northern Baja California and the Imperial County region. They provide space to feel comfortable in and are run by such great people. Cannot recommend them enough, Check them out if you can and support them if possible.
You want to see and find more of Reecie and her cool work
Follow her on Twitter! https://twitter.com/BoldReecie
Follow Be Bold Games! https://twitter.com/beboldgames
Check out Be Bold Games and their awesome work! https://www.beboldgames.com/
Follow the Podcast on twitter https://twitter.com/shoutinginplace
I’ll keep y’all updated on the fundraisers as well as new episodes and all that awesome stuff!
For now, take care of each other, take care of yourselves, see you next time!
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/shoutinginplace/message
Aug 9, 2020
41 min
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