Coffee Klatch Crew Podcast
via Podcasts
Thoughtful and researched
It's obvious these two put a lot of thought into this podcast. Their show is well researched, and I like that they each have their own area of expertise. They're easy to listen to--unlike some after shows who can't even remember characters' names! I like that they walk you through the episode as they discuss theories. I'll likely check out their other podcasts. Keep up the great work!
Fantastically Fun
Really enjoy reliving the episodes with these guys. An upbeat review with great commentary and side notes. Recommended!
Like listening to old friends
I have had the pleasure of following the Coffee Klatch Crew podcasts for Mr. Robot and Westworld. They never disappoint. They are a good mixture of serious analysis and far-out fan theories which make their podcasts informative and enjoyable. Highly recommended.
Wicked Jazz
Enjoyable listen!
Love their research and insights. The CKC are an enjoyable listen, and Sherlock is great!
Well done
Thorough, insightful, and enjoyable exploration of the show.
Because Fun & Engaging
I found this duo when searching for a Westworld podcast. When they switched to Sherlock I added that to my "have to listen" list. Fun, interesting, informed and engaging! LOVE!!
Great Companions
Measured. Thoughtful. Insightful. Very enjoyable podcast. I wish I could watch Sherlock with you! Thanks!
Chicago Christopher