Heath and Brian
Scheming, machinations, shenanigans, chicanery. Schemachinaniganery.
#23 – Hey, Man…Don’t Eat A Plate Of Bacon
Elly Stevens joins Heath to resurrect Shenanigangsters from the dead as they talk about the Titanic, a nap based podcast, Downton Abbey/X-Files crossovers, Alamo Drafthouse, 100 Heartbreaks, Arcana the web series, spirituality, gripes, podcasts and many more tidbits and nuggets of randomness.
Feb 15, 2015
1 hr 2 min
#22 – Hatchback Slanket
In which our heroes record after a long hiatus and bring in Brian’s wife, Akasha for a super sized podcast! So much was covered in this podcast that it’s hard to know where to start. The usual journeys from the banal to the deep and philosophical. And a lot of fart talk. I mean a lot. Mostly toward the end. Which is probably where fart talk should go. They also ponder the queef.
Jan 22, 2014
2 hr 8 min
#21 – Astral Semen
In which Peter Rogers fills in for Brian and Heath and Peter discuss illness, being grumpy old men, social media annoyances, suspension of disbelief, movies, and even a little of the forbidden ground of politics. They also retread some ground that Heath and Brian have tread before, but so it goes as you do weekly podcasts and try to remember what you’ve talked about.
Dec 23, 2013
1 hr 14 min
#20 – Undercarriage Afterburner
In which our heroes get deep and tackle death and religion, identification with opinions (such as the various wars such as Mac/PC, iOS/Android, Xbox/Playstation), learning German for a film role and much more of the usual random mouth spewing variety.
Dec 6, 2013
1 hr 5 min
#19 – Gold Plated Dwight Yoakam Bot Sings The Beatles
In which our heroes discuss Harmy’s “Star Wars – Despecialized Edition” honesty and truth, spend way too long making up fake jingles and commenting on generic “sportsball,” stump each other with impossible and bad impressions and then imitate each other and themselves. Plus 74% more random and possibly tedious lunacy than normal.
Nov 23, 2013
1 hr 23 min
#18 – Buzzbring
In which our heroes discuss the days past of “appointment viewing” television, Brian’s trials and tribulations as a vegan, and play a bunch of TV themes and other tunes off Heath’s phone, and Brian literally phones it in for the last 10 minutes. Plus the usual assortment of lunacy.
Nov 17, 2013
1 hr 2 min
#17 – Sexist Math
In which our heroes solve for sexist math, explore the manly state of MANTANA, have a romantic ukulele duet, invent Movie Credit Theme Songs and Heath tries not to cough up a lung, among the other usual ingredients in the Shenanigangsters burrito.
Nov 8, 2013
1 hr 19 min
#16 – Gruntled
In which our heroes commit the cardinal sin of eating while podcasting, have a sexually charged Cold Read Theater, and pay tribute to the romantic love songs of KISS among the other ingredients in their casserole of inanity. They also talk about these two parodies of “Beth” by KISS that they wrote and recorded. Macbeth Macbeth Duet
Nov 1, 2013
1 hr 12 min
#15 – 24 Things
In which our heroes float down a trippy stream of consciousness with Brian being extra tired and sick, delve way to far into Jenny Agutter’s IMDB credits, and invent a new game of listing 24 things quickly off the top of your head. And remember, it’s always PANTS TIME! UH HUH!
Oct 25, 2013
1 hr 4 min
In which our heroes talk of their adventures in traffic tickets, Heath’s days at the Texas Renaissance Festival, and get stuck in Russian accents this week singing Beatles songs, among the other usual trips that you might think are drug fueled but are actually just our completely sober brains.
Oct 18, 2013
1 hr 11 min
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