shadeVSations Podcast


shadeVSations. Satire and sarcasm on steroids.
White Refrigerator ⚡️
Tweet of the week. Subway. Social media bio lines and the infamous "mogul" moniker. Dasha Peltrece Kelly. Gov Cuomo. Marvel's What If...DC's Titans.Don Cheadle and Kevin Hart. Naming Elon Musk's child. Mommy Dearest quotes.
Aug 18, 2021
1 hr 5 min
☕️ light on the shade
Woke woes. Herschel Walker's in the news again. Shaun King's current dilemma. Getting real about online black publications. Suicide Squad (w/spoilers). DaBaby has gotten his cancellation notice.
Aug 10, 2021
1 hr 9 min
Encore ‼️
Simon Biles. Aaron Reitz and the top things that make Texas a national embarrassment. Boosie and TI weigh in on DaBaby's comments. January 6 Insurrection hearings with Capitol police. Scarlett Johansson suing Disney.
Aug 1, 2021
54 min
Stay 👏🏾 in 👏🏾 your 👏🏾 lane👏🏾
Shading bottled water. Faun on the Peloton. Faun rides in a Tesla for the first time. The Rock is done with the Fast and Furious franchise. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree with Herschel Walker's son. Kristen for CNN. Recasting Black Panther. TikTok promoting white creators? [Redacted]'s pandemic purchases. Listen to the experts; STAY IN YOUR LANE! Blerdcon Blasphemy. Faun's A Different World update.
Jul 27, 2021
1 hr 39 min
We ❤️ a Season Premiere
Nene's club in ATL. Wendy Williams on TikTok star, Swavy's death. #FreeBritney. Snatching Prentice Penny's wig. Texas Governor Greg Abbott's "critical race theory" bill. Mainstream media discussing Trump. Monkey Pox is in DFW. Spoiler alert: Loki, Falcon & Winter Soldier, WandaVision reaction/reviews. Karen attack at Victoria's Secret. Mo'Nique and bonnets. Faun hasn't seen A Different World.
Jul 20, 2021
1 hr 15 min
Pi Day Special
In this Pi Day special, we go over how we came up with adding sketch comedy to the mix of the show in season 2.
Mar 14, 2021
43 min
Vota Por Mí
Venmo. Favorite films before 1990. Faun can't sit with band nerds, Roddy and Darion. Breaking out the Spanglish at the Democratic Debate. Handmaid's Tale. Iain Glen as Batman in Titans season 2. Robert Pattinson is still playing the Bat. Dead by Daylight. Final Fantasy XIV tv show. Faun was loud and wrong about "Love ya 3000" and Darion brings receipts.⁣
Jul 2, 2019
1 hr 7 min
P is for Politics
Songs that irritate you. Trump the psycho. Top 3 ways to spot a black republican and the Real World's Dondre shade. Buttigieg in South Bend. Symone Sanders stanning. Doom Patrol's 'Danny Patrol' episode. 'Striking Vipers' episode of Netflix's Black Mirror. Shang Tsung released for Mortal Kombat 11.⁣⁣Ending by @lashonta504 (⁣
Jun 25, 2019
1 hr 8 min
Ugly is tuhdabone
One year anniversary. Faun shades UberEats. OJ Simpson is on Twitter. Sarah Huckabee Sanders resigns. DJ Khaled cries over debuting at #2. X-Men stuff. Faun announces his candidacy for president. Cory Booker shade. E3 shade.⁣⁣ShadeVSations is powered by Roberts Media Group. For more programming and advertisement opportunities, please visit⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
Jun 18, 2019
1 hr 7 min
Pride, Prejudice & Shade (feat Anthony and Tristan of Velvet Rope Productions)
Velvet Rope Productions intro. Hometown shade. Ava DuVernay IS NOT your auntie! Racquel Bailey reaches for a role from Tyler Perry with a billboard. BlameItOnKway and Joanne the Scammer. Bishop Thomas Tobin's problematic and hypocritical tweet. Wilson Cruz replies with a slay. Corporate ride parodied with rainbow snake. Faun, the Read Receipt Nazi weighs in on email shade. Rumor: Nene forced to sit out of first half of RHOA season 12, Kenya Moore and Apollo Nida are returning to RHOA. X-Men: Dark Phoenix spoiler free review. Dallas Cowboys and Dallas Mavericks predictions. ⁣⁣Velvet Rope Productions:⁣Instagram: @velvetropeproductions⁣Facebook:⁣
Jun 11, 2019
1 hr 7 min
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