How much sex should I be having? Does watching gay porn make me gay? How can I help my partner see the benefits of masturbation?Cami Hurst, PhD, LMFT,CST, (she, her) and Braxton Dutson, LCSW, CST, (he, him) carefully answer and deconstruct these anonymous questions submitted by listeners. Even if you haven't asked these specific questions, Cami and Braxton offer a wealth of education and resources as they relate these questions to larger sexual health topics. If you would like to submit an an...
Aug 2, 2023
58 min

Cami Hurst, PhD, LMFT,CST, (she, her) goes in depth about postpartum health. Cami discusses mental health, interpersonal relationship health, and sexual health, as well as the many strategies and treatment options available to new parents. To access the Monday 9am (MDT) live stream:https://www.youtube.com/@sexplorerspodcasthttps://camihurst.com/
Jul 19, 2023
51 min

Braxton Dutson, LCSW, CST, (he, him) and Cami Hurst, PhD, LMFT,CST, (she, her) provide a guide for holistically understanding and exploring your sexual self. This episode is full of questions to facilitate self-reflection. You can find the Monday 9am (MDT) livestream at:https://camihurst.com/https://www.youtube.com/@sexplorerspodcast
Jul 19, 2023
57 min

Cami Hurst and Braxton Dutson review Love Worth Making: How to Have Ridiculously Great Sex in a Long-Lasting Relationship by Stephen Snyder. Tune in to hear two AASECT certified sex therapists review this book about cultivating a rewarding and healthy sex life within a committed, long-term relationship.This episode was recorded as part of a live stream hosted by Cami and Braxton on Monday mornings at 9am MDT on YouTube and Facebook. You can find them at https://www.youtube.com/@sexplorerspodcast
Jun 28, 2023
51 min

What if I am self-conscious about my weight? I'm worried my partner is only engaging in sex with me out of marital duty? Is my husband gay if he doesn't want to have sex with me? Tune in to hear Braxton Dutson, LCSW, CST, (he, him) and Cami Hurst, PhD, LMFT,CST, (she, her) answer commonly asked questions about sex and relationships. https://camihurst.com/https://www.youtube.com/@sexplorerspodcast
Jun 14, 2023
54 min

Dr. Cami Hurst and Braxtion Dutson candidly share the best strategies for understanding and healing from sexual assault. This episode is for everyone: those who have experienced sexual assault and those who may be partners to those who have experienced sexual assault. https://camihurst.com/https://www.youtube.com/@sexplorerspodcast
Jun 7, 2023
48 min

Tune in live each Monday morning 9am (MDT): https://www.youtube.com/@sexplorerspodcastJoin Dr. Cami Hurst and Braxton Dutson for a recording of Sexplorers, a live-stream show often including visuals and audience Q and A. In this episode, Cami and Braxton have a dynamic conversation about Cami's education module, "Six Principles of Sexual Health".
May 31, 2023
1 hr 2 min

Join Dr. Cami Hurst and Jen from Mama Dragons in this cross-over episode from In The Den. Cami and Jen talk about how to educate children of all ages about consent, and how to talk to your kids about safe sex.
May 17, 2023
45 min

A crossover episode from The Natasha Helfer Podcast, this episode discusses Dr. Cami Hust's recent doctoral reseach about consenting to unwanted sex.
Apr 12, 2023
1 hr 10 min

Join Dr. Cami Hurst and Amanda Louder for this crossover episode about Cami's doctoral research! Cami has spent the last year completing her dissertation and researching the effects of consenting to unwanted sex. Tune in to hear more information about consent, Cami's findings, and Amanda's perspective as a Certified Life Coach. If you liked this episode, you may also like Amanda's podcast, Sex For Saints.
Apr 12, 2023
50 min
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