Sex, Sleep & Red Meat. Podcast

Sex, Sleep & Red Meat.

Charlotte Jowsey Williams
A podcast for the open-minded. Join me as we explore everything from the toxicity of hormonal birth control, to the ways in which governments harness the most powerful emotion – fear, to why our concept of charity in the developing world is intrinsically flawed, but cryptocurrency may be revolutionary in the same region. New Episode Weekly.
#2 - They Want You Weak & Scared
If you’re unhealthy, your mind is less clear, you are overwhelmed and you resent those around you who are doing better than you or encouraging change; you turn against your neighbours. If you’re fearful, you shut down your prefrontal cortex, the rational part of your brain, and you stop thinking.  For these two reasons, you are extremely easy to control. Let's do something about it.
Jan 5, 2023
28 min
#1 - I'm Not The Enemy
Welcome to the first episode of the Sex, Sleep & Red Meat podcast, where I give you an insight into my WHY.  If you're asking, "Charlotte, why are you starting this podcast?", here's your answer. It may be intentionally slightly vague to lure you in, but I know you want to keep listening... Hey, at least I'm honest! 
Dec 1, 2022
10 min