The OT Flourish Podcast
The OT Flourish Podcast
Mandy Chamberlain MOTR/L
via Podcasts
More to come?
If you keep making them, I’ll keep listening for sure! Thank you for your time and efforts. I would love to hear more about the OT’s role in dementia care, how to apply the sensory integrative model, and some great examples of redirection. Thanks again!
Awesome podcast
My fav 💕
Seniors flourish
Great podcast!
This is a great podcast—very informative and engaging. I am a MSOT student and I love that it allows me to be productive on my commute. I would highly recommend to anyone looking to expand their knowledge.
Best podcast EVER!
I LOVE this podcast!! I have a long commute to work so I enjoy listening to all things occupational therapy and learning new treatment tips! Additionally, Mandy does an amazing job bringing OT practitioners together from around the country to interview and gain new perspectives. ❤️🧡
Absolutely love this show and Mandy. She brings such valuable information to the table! She consistently provides value through her podcast and other online platforms. Love it!!
Love this podcast!!
I’m so happy I found this podcast!! I’m a level II fieldwork student and drive one hour each way to my site. I was looking for some OT things I could listen to (which is sadly SO few and far between), when I came across Mandy’s site. I love all the new knowledge that I’m learning and it makes my drive go so quickly!! Thanks, Mandy!
Love this podcast!
I have a long commute to fieldwork for the next eight weeks. I stumbled across this podcast on Pinterest and it really helps to pass the time! Episodes are the perfect length and have lots of great info for students like me. 💜
Mandy is truly a delight and is doing such wonderful things for the profession of OT! Keep it up!!!
I just put this into practice today!
During the podcast, cognition was discussed in the acute setting. SLP is usually focused on swallowing while OT is looking at an array of things (for me BUE, self-care, functional mobility, balance, activity tolerance, etc) and rarely would I look into depth at cognition, especially if they are alert and oriented x4 or if they have a known diagnosis that involves cognitive decline. Well, today I was more aware of one of my patients because of this podcast. Everyone was ready to d/c “Jane smith” Home after a GI bleed s/p EGD with unknown cause..., and she is moving around ok now, getting to the toilet (a little bit impulsive, but not too alarming), and then a few key red flags went off in my observations, leading me to go back to her room after I already completed my Eval and do the slums! Can I just say how happy I am to have heard this podcast, it was meant for the right moment...Sadly, “Jane smith” scored very low which may reveal the culprit to the GI bleed and poor medication management possibly causing overdose or drug mix ups, as a result of cognitive deficits for someone who I would not have suspected it from otherwise (or anyone else on the team for that matter). Good listen! Keep them coming.
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Mindy Joanne
OT love!
Finally an enjoyable professional conversation to engage in during commutes! Just wish this was open to not geriatrics but rather OT in general. The documentation series was very helpful for me as a fieldwork student. Thanks Mandy!
I learn so much!
Wonderful resource for me to help my clients. As a CLT, i help many older clients and have picked up several tips from this podcast!
kathleen Lisson
Great podcast!!
I’m so glad that there finally is an OT podcast! I love getting more information on different topics for the geriatric population. The podcasts are very informative. I’m recommending to all my OT friends! 💛
Miss Elissia to the G
Practical, accessible
Mandy has great guests, and I find the show really useful and inspiring to me as a student. Home health episode was one of the best!
Finally an OT podcast!!!!
Love listening to all these great OT ideas. I am currently and OT student, and I love being able to listen to seasoned OTs "talk shop" I love when you compare OT and PT, because sometimes find myself questioning the difference.
Loving the documentation series!
Great job, Mandy! I enjoy your podcast as I travel for my home health care job.
Carie in Ohio
Two thumbs up
So happy Mandy created this podcast to inspire and help further my career and passion for OTS! I've already shared with several coworkers:) Thanks again, we really needed this as OTs!!
Grateful for this podcast
I am absolutely obsessed! I currently split my time between three different private clinic locations, which means I have limited interaction with other OT's. This podcast has made my driving time enjoyable, and always makes me feel like I am having a conversation with co-workers who get me. Thank you Mandy for the great content.
Thank you so much for being such a leader in the care our our geriatric population! I appreciate and value your podcast as well as the other tools you have made available!
Good advise for practicing and student OT clinicians
I'm very happy to hear an occupational therapy podcast that delivers clinically appropriate and applicable treatment ideas and perspectives. As an OT in a skilled nursing facility, I feel this is an excellent resources for those in the field for some of the challenges we face working with elderly patients. Additionally, in working with students this podcast would be a great media to support education opportunities, and provide another source of advise. Keep up the great work Mandy!
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Mandy already deserves 5 stars!
It is such a delight to hear Mandy joining the family of OTs broadcasting in the podcast realm, to progress the lives of many occupational therapy practitioners via audio. Her commitment with the resources she provides through Seniors Flourish are so valuable. There is no question, the value on her podcasts will be anything but exceptional.
Alexis Joelle