What it do baybeees, we're back with another hot take this week and we're talking about the 30 Under 30 and other pay to play lists that we see as some serious bull shit. If you have to pay to be recognized for your accomplishments, doesn't that just mean the most privileged win, not the people who have actually been working their asses off. Also shouldn't we all just be proud of those under 30 who are some-what employed and not living at their parents at this point?
ANYWAY, here's a better, more delish take on the 30 Under 30 lists. Watch all 30 nugs be consumed on our youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf3uJcURenhDPS3kM9ssM1w
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Dec 8, 2020
6 min

Ok but for real, making adult friends is hard enough, now we have to rely on our whit and charm being interpreted by others through the computer? Bruh...
In this episode, we break down how we've made friends and influenced people in our companies, remotely. Even though at least Sara's never read that book. If you want to get some tips into how to create stronger, real ass relationships in the workplace, listen to this shit.
Make sure to leave a review and subscribe so we can keep making dope ass content for you.
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Dec 1, 2020
34 min

Bro I swear to god if we see one more person on social media patting themselves on the back for never failing at anything, or posting arbitrary advice that's so vague you couldn't even pretend to try to act on it.... We're gonna scream.
👏We 👏 care 👏 about 👏 the 👏shit 👏you've 👏 actually 👏 done.
And I HIGHLY doubt you've read all 20 blogs you've listed in the "Top Blogs To Follow In X Industry" post you've just re-posted in a different order to get the likes from the people you've tagged.
Share the shit you've done that's flopped. Share the lessons you've learned from pretty big mistakes. Share the real hard work that goes into progressing your career, maintaining a personal brand, and doing side hustles.
Get the fuck outta here with your highlight reel, we want to see the real shit you've done.
Make sure to leave a review and subscribe so we can keep making dope ass content for you.
Follow us on twitter: @selfcontrol_chz
Check out our website, join our email list, be the first to know when we have shit to say: selfcontrolandcheese.com/join-us
Nov 24, 2020
7 min

We're literally all working for a boss. Even if you're a CEO, you're working for your stakeholders, the bank, SOMEONE.
And for two people who CRAVE praise and appreciation, we're breaking down our tips on how to get your manager to like you in this episode.
Maybe it'll come in handy? Also Sara talks about Jocko Willink for like 5 full minutes. Not sorry.
Make sure to leave a review and subscribe so we can keep making dope ass content for you.
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Nov 17, 2020
33 min

Mmmmmmkay cheeseheads. Hi. It's ya girls. Did we record this episode on the THIRD day of the US election? Yes we did. We were a little loopy, but boy did we still have some SHIT 👏TO 👏SAY 👏
We both went to college, had a great time, and think we overpaid out the booty for 4 years of glorified networking that didn't even really help us in our careers.
So we got some words to say about it.
Make sure to leave a review and subscribe so we can keep making dope ass content for you.
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Nov 10, 2020
9 min

Mmmmkay so shit is *gestures wildly* happening today. And like it BEEN happening but it's like 👏ha 👏ppen 👏ing right now.
And we're not in the best mindset of our lives so we're talking about that. And what we've been struggling with and how we've been dealing.
We're not perfect and we're DEFINITELY not here to tell you how to live your lives. That's why you tune in every week, to listen to us talk about how we live our lives.
So anyway. Think of us like your fun middle sister. Not as wise as your older sister, not as naive as your younger sister, the unproblematic one in the middle who can be wise sometimes and a fucking idiot at other times. It's cute on us.
Stay safe out there friends, we're always here if you need to talk.
Make sure to leave a review and subscribe so we can keep making dope ass content for you.
Follow us on twitter: @selfcontrol_chz
Check out our website, join our email list, be the first to know when we have shit to say: selfcontrolandcheese.com/join-us
Nov 3, 2020
26 min

Here's the thing. Just because a name looks bright and shiny on your resume doesn't make you valuable. Anywhere. To anyone.
Chances are if you join a giant company like Google or IBM or Facebook or Amazon right out of college you're pat on the back, told you did a good job, and then get to work crazy hours on busy work that doesn't have a direct impact on the company.
But seriously, the clout of working for those big name brands isn't always as valuable as having direct business impact to smaller, more agile companies who are having more fun anyway. Even if no ones heard of them.
So. We don't give a fuck if you work for Google. Woop de frikin doo.
Make sure to leave a review and subscribe so we can keep making dope ass content for you.
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Oct 27, 2020
7 min

I mean the title really speaks for itself doesn't it? We brought our managers to podcast with us and they WILLINGLY ACCEPTED.
What a win for us.
MK and Jason are the kinds of people we all want to be when we grow up and we're just out here trying to have a fraction of their management skills.
Whether you're currently a manager or an aspiring manager, this episode is chock full of tips on how to make sure you don't suck by accident.
Make sure to leave a review and subscribe so we can keep making dope ass content for you.
Follow us on twitter: @selfcontrol_chz
Check out our website, join our email list, be the first to know when we have shit to say: selfcontrolandcheese.com/join-us
Oct 20, 2020
37 min

Hey team. This is the second Hot Take (spicy af mini-sodes in-between the longer, whole ass episodes of self control & cheese.)
So here's 9 minutes on how you actually can be really good friends with your coworkers and why it's not that big of a deal. Truly, we're adults now... where else are we supposed to meet people we like?!
Make sure to leave a review and subscribe so we can keep making dope content for you. Follow us on twitter: @selfcontrol_chz, @sara_pion, @bridgetpoetkurr.
Check out our website, we put a lotta work into it: selfcontrolandcheese.com
Or shoot ya girls an email: [email protected]
Oct 13, 2020
9 min

Well shoot, it's another episode of Self Control & Cheese. OUR FIRST GUEST. Today, we're talking all about side hustles and how to make a little extra money with the king himself, Connor Gross.
Obviously, this podcast is our side hustle (of a few, whoops) but Connor is smarter than us. He knows his shit about direct to consumer products and brands, and drops some serious knowledge about how to start one of your own (and what he’s learning along the way.)
Connor is currently a Product Marketer at Privy, did more than a few co-ops while in school, and he’s already sold a business, Cardly, was featured in Forbes, and did this all before he graduated college. NBD.
So essentially, we brought him on the pod to hopefully learn something so we can have a fraction of his success in our own side hustles.
Make sure to leave a review and subscribe so we can keep making dope ass content for you.
Follow us on twitter: @selfcontrol_chz, @sara_pion, @bridgetpoetkurr.
Check out our website, we put a lotta work into it: selfcontrolandcheese.com
Or shoot ya girls an email: [email protected]
Oct 6, 2020
27 min
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