Thank you Dr Tara Zuckerman for this much needed conversation on Parent Burnout and Child Meltdowns.'s about the expectations we put on ourselves! How to feel all the feelings, know we are all learning, know everyone loses it, and know our children are learning too!
Apr 28, 2023
48 min
When was the "last normal school year"? For 12th Graders, it was 9th Grade. For 6th Graders, it was 3rd Grade. For Kindergartners through 2nd Grade, NEVER! Our preK children were in the 2's. And our Family Time children are all "Covid babies" born during the pandemic!
So, we want to know: How has the isolation, the masking, the social precautions, the talk of catching and/or spreading a virus shaped our children? Is it a short term hiccup based on changes in children's social routines or will there be long term losses and gains that will change social and educational assumptions for a large number of children?
With co-host, Rabbi David Steinhardt and Dr. Marnee Schneider, a Pediatric Clinical Neuropsychologist from
Feb 15, 2022
29 min
Why doesn't G-d make Covid go away! Join us as we explore how to answer really hard questions from children when we are struggling with the same questions. How can parents be brave and positive in the face of on-going stress and uncertainty - should they even try? Listen to Rabbi David Steinhardt, psychotherapist and poet Avi Steinhardt, Louie the Blue Monster's observations of being human, and our friend and colleague Allison Sherman asking the really hard parent questions.
Jan 16, 2022
34 min
Episode #225 Is My Best Friend a Robot? Talking with children about medically complicated situations
This is an inspiring and fearless conversation with Mandi Franklin, pediatric nurse practitioner and children's book author. Her new book is called Is My Best Friend a Robot? The book is truly a gift to young children and families. It gives readers of all ages the words to talk about things we don't understand - whether it's an insulin pump, other childhood illnesses or any misunderstood differences. It is truly a book about curiosity, differences and what it means to be a true friend! Listen to this conversation and you will hear strategies and tools to talk to young children and also to encourage empathy and playfulness! I recommend this book for every home and every classroom. And I recommend Mandi to be a guest reader and speaker. She is a fabulous resource to families!
Oct 1, 2021
31 min
Here is my favorite poem and a few thoughts on The Learning Poem because all learning really is about emotions, a process of skill building, mistake-making and L E A R N I N G!
Sep 17, 2021
16 min
For many of us, these are stressful times! They are especially stressful for parents trying to help children manage anxiety when grownup anxiety is so close to the surface. We welcome Tara Kebre, licensed marriage and family therapist from Boca Raton Counseling Center, to help us navigate these challenging times. Tara shares extraordinary hope that it's the connection our children feel that matters most! We can do that, even when we are at a loss for words or the "right" thing to do. Thank you Tara for this valuable and amazing conversation!
You can contact Tara Kebre through
Sep 10, 2021
41 min
Teaching children empathy and the skill of repairing mistakes is developmental and complicated. Here's a great conversation from Karen's new podcast with Rabbi David Steinhardt, called The Language of Ahava. We embrace our imperfections and our mistakes in order to grow and learn...with more love!!! Special Guest, Rabbi Amy Pessah from and author of Parenting on a Prayer available from
Aug 27, 2021
26 min
A special preview of Karen's new podcast with Rabbi David Steinhardt, called The Language of Ahava. With special guest Avi Steinhardt and Louis, the Blue Monster! Let's talk about BIG emotions - giving expression to the wild within and feeling safe through the emotional storms.
Check out Monster Insight on Instagram and Facebook for more Louie - song, insights, and the feeling that you are not alone!!!
Aug 27, 2021
24 min
What to do when your child's angry? When your child can't "hear" your calming messages? Anger is a big, challenging emotion for the children experiencing it and for the parents trying to help, support and guide a child through the emotional storm. Listen to the real struggle with special insights from Dr. Marnee Schneider, a pediatric clinical neural psychologist (see her website -
At the Table with Marnee and Lauren
Mar 17, 2020
48 min
Our goal is to raise children who have strong emotional intelligence, who are resilient, resourceful, flexible and experience joy. The developmental arc of emotional intelligence is to move from the amygdala brain to executive function with "whole brain" thinking. Early Childhood Educators have always known that "play" is the way to self-regulation, to meaning-making and to raising competent, capable, socially respectful children. Here are a few takeaways from a Keynote Presentation I'm doing next week called Laughing Our Way to Better Teacher. Laughter and humor and play are essential building blocks for emotional intelligence - not just for teachers but for parents too.
Solo with Karen
Feb 11, 2020
28 min
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