Have you ever wondered why most millennials and Gen Z are leaving the church behind?
In this week's episode, Azandria and Vanessa talk about their experiences in the church and why they decided to leave. From judgemental members to money-grabbing Pastors, they leave no stones unturned in this candid episode.
Sep 9, 2021
1 hr 6 min

In this week's episode, Azandria and Vanessa discuss the opportunities that come with a break-up, the worst ways to break up, and why it's important to never stay in a relationship that sucks the life out of you.
Sep 1, 2021
55 min

How do you view failure? How many times have you been rejected? Have you gotten used to any of it yet? No? Well, listen to this episode!Azandria flies solo this week and shares her perspective on how failure and rejections are necessary options that are needed to redirect you in life.
Jul 28, 2021
33 min

In this week's episode, Azandria is joined by storyteller and fellow podcaster, Aaron Social of So Unapologetic Podcast, to get a male's opinion on dating and relationship grey areas such as the 50/50 rule, finances, gender expectations, and more. Follow So Unapologetic Podcast on IG @sounapologeticpodcastStream Episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and all other podcast platforms.
Jul 14, 2021
1 hr 13 min

In this light-hearted episode, Azandria is joined by her friend Pablo to talk about his experiences and journey in coming out as a gay guy to his friends and family.
Jun 30, 2021
1 hr

In this episode, Azandria has an unfiltered conversation with her guest co-hosts, Samantha & Assa, about the struggles that come with the "strong black woman" stereotype and how black women continue to perpetuate the trope by categorising them as "angry" and "ghetto". Dr Tina Marie Glover drops in for a brief interview as well as tells Azandria what the concept means to her and how she redefined it to make it her own.
Jun 2, 2021
1 hr 32 min

It's been more than a year since the Covid-19 virus has upended our lives and as the world slowly returns to some level of normality, many of us are feeling high levels of anxiety and uncertainty. What will the new normal look like? Will we ever be free of Covid-19 or will we just have to learn to live with it? What if we don't ever get to go back to what our lives used to be?In this season's first episode, Azandria opens up about her personal experience with the pandemic, what she has been doing to cope, her feelings about the vaccines, and how she'll transition into the "new world". She offers a few tips and suggestions on how to navigate the post-pandemic world and how to co-exist with Covid-19.
May 19, 2021
35 min

In the final episode of Season 1, Azandria gives her opinion on why so many millennials are struggling with debt and managing their finances and provides tips and suggestions as to how to save for the future and reduce your debt. From stagnant wages to increasing student loans, the obstacles are endless but with a little self-discipline and financial strategies, it's doable to become debt-free and start saving.
Apr 22, 2021
42 min

How many times have you compared yourself to your friends, colleagues, or even strangers using a trait that you consider desirable, for example, money or success?This comparison, known as social comparison, is a normal behaviour process where we seek to better understand our status relating to our ability, opinion, emotional reaction, and more, by comparing ourselves to other people. It can be beneficial if done in a healthy manner as it can provide us with a way to determine if we are ‘on track,’ to achieve our goals. It can also be detrimental to our mental health and self-esteem if done in a negative way.In this episode, Azandria and Madonna discusses the benefits and downfalls of social comparison, how social media can influence our self-assessment, and how sometimes the grass is not greener on the other side.
Apr 14, 2021
47 min

“When are you going to have kids?” "Why aren't you pregnant already?" "Are you selfish?"Most young women are not prepared for that moment where family members, friends, colleagues, and even strangers begin to bombard them with these questions or the shaming that follows.For us millennials, there are a number of factors that contribute to us delaying the buns in the ovens and whether other people like it or not, the decision is ours to make. From financial reasons to simply not wanting children, our reasons are valid.In this episode, Azandria & Madonna discuss their reasons for delaying having children, ectopic pregnancies, abortions, and the major problem that comes with having children when unprepared.
Apr 7, 2021
55 min
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