S.E.A Podcast Podcast

S.E.A Podcast

Every week discussions on 9 Stories by J.D Salinger
S.E.A Podcast Episode 3-Teddy
In what ways do tragedy, trauma, and adversity build resilience?
Dec 15, 2020
8 min
S.E.A Podcast Ep. 4- Resilience
Define and Classify the experiences of the characters in the novel
Dec 8, 2020
11 min
S.E.A Podcats- Ep.3 Character Development and Central Themes
Identify and Analyze the central themes and complex character development within the novel.
Dec 1, 2020
16 min
S.E.A Podcast Episode 2- Trauma, Tragedy, and Adversity
Discuss the three words trauma, tragedy, and adversity and how they relate to the first three stories in our book: “A Perfect Day for Bananafish,” “Uncle Wiggly in Connecticut,” and “Just Before the War with the Eskimos.”
Nov 17, 2020
15 min
S.E.A Podcast- The Essential Question
To what extent do trauma, tragedy, and adversity build resilience?
Nov 13, 2020
6 min