In the exchange between the Lord and Satan we learn that the created beings, both "good and bad" angels do only what the Lord allows them to do. Thus, although Satan was the instrument of Job's torment, ultimately the Lord was responsible for what happened to Job.
Aug 29, 2023
13 min
In this second part of the interview, Lt Scripture describes how the brain interprets what it sees when there are no reference points to help put an image in context. And, could extra-terrestrials really be the source of the UFOs being sited?
Aug 21, 2023
13 min
A recent congressional hearing on UFOs has stirred interest in subject. Navy pilots report seeing strange phenomena while flying over the ocean. Lt. Luke Scripture, a Navy helicopter pilot, shares his thoughts on these occurrences.
Aug 14, 2023
13 min
We begin reading the narrative, learning details about Job. In verse 6 we get a rare glimpse into the supernatural realm of heaven; what follows is an exchange between Satan and the Almighty that will forever affect Job.
Aug 8, 2023
13 min
A major theme in Job is creation, however, the purpose of what is revealed about creation is to direct our attention to the One responsible for creating it. The Lord's name El Shaddia (God Almighty) is prominently used in Job and reflects His identity as the Creator.
Aug 3, 2023
13 min
We continue to consider some introductory information about the book of Job in order to understand the background and context of the book. When did Job live?
Jul 24, 2023
14 min
The genealogy in Genesis 10 includes the statement in the days of Peleg, "the earth was divided." Is that a reference to the continents of the earth dividing?
Jul 17, 2023
13 min
A thoughtful young lady asks how the differences in the creation accounts of Genesis chapters 1 and 2 can be explained. Understanding Hebrew literature and vocabulary is the key.
Jul 10, 2023
13 min
How could the complexity of life at the molecular level have occurred by chance and challenges to the ages assigned to supposedly extremely old materials are questions Dr. Scripture proposes evolutionists cannot answer.
Jul 5, 2023
12 min
Explaining ALL the phenomena in nature from an evolution or creation perspective is not feasible. As creationists we should admit we don't have all the answers. Case in point: why so many marsupials in Australia?
Jun 26, 2023
12 min
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