Fair Game
Fair Game
Leah Remini & Mike Rinder
via Podcasts
Point of View
For some people we’re just homo sapiens, who live one live and there’s nothing after death. For others who have being clinically dead and got back to live, this live is an agony. They have seen what most cannot even imagine. I’ve seen, feeling and living experience that only Scientology can explain Chrystal clear. For a curious mind who looks further than what i’m gonna dress tomorrow? The spirit is the most importan issue in our lives. A chef opinion always will be a chef opinion, someone without knowledge about the intricate human mind and much less about the spirit. Cooking does not requiere you to be smart, but decoding the human mind is far beyond most scientists. Albert Einstein believed in god because the science didn’t answered his last curiosity. Is there life after death?
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The Chosen-one
Giving 5 stars…
Because they are doing sacred work of exposing abuse of institutions. However, the interruptions of guests are brutal. It’s beyond me how there can’t be more awareness and correction of this. I’ll keep listening because it’s such a good show. I absolutely love Leah and don’t question her courage, compassion, or intelligence in how she’s taking this head on. But the interruptions are simply getting in the way of the work. Still worth listening to imo. I’m assuming the show has stopped due to Leah’s lawsuit against the church.
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Please keep going
I watched the Netflix series on this and loved it. I had no idea of this cruel cult and I support everything Mike and Leah do. Please make more episodes and continue to spread the word about these evil, evil people.
Love this !!
I’m a born and raised Catholic but I find this so incredibly interesting I can’t stop Listening. I have a better understanding of this group and I do remember as a child my mother steering us away from all it promised when you would see the commercials they put out on tV, they made you feel Like it was so normal. I can totally see as a lost person in my teens and young adult years how I could have been drawn in by the promise of “we have all the answers” join us and you’ll never be alone . But, my God I will now pray for the lost souls who were born into it or who were lost and were looking for answers and joined unknowing what would Happen to them. I also want to say both of you walk among the strongest we have here on earth !! Thank you for trying to save souls here on earth !!! Simply amazing xo Lean and Mike
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Birdie lady 1234
Wow! So much insight.
What a great podcast! I have grown to love and admire Mike and Leah for their strength and unwavering commitment to helping victims of the abuses of Scientology.
Fascinating yet sad and scary
I absolutely love this podcast, I love the rapport between Leah and Mike, I love their passion to help people. I hope they produce more episodes, I am binging this like crazy. Keep fighting the good fight!
Your helping keep me sane
I have a substack:”Earthbound Misfit,I” and if anyone reads my substack they know I am a targeted individual. I had no idea that years after learning about fair gaming I would become a victim from members of both Scientology and Mormons and other groups which seem to have banned together. They’ve infiltrated everything and I have lost everyone. Your fight and your willingness to stand up and expose them is helping to save my own life. Thank you, thank you, thank you. My mobbing and psychological attacks as well as periodic drugging and raping are 24/7 . I don’t think I could breath without people like you and “a little bit curly”. Thank you to everyone unafraid to stand up and expose. Nothing but love for you all.
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Scientology is DANGEROUS
Love the podcast and that Ms. Remini interrupts people including Mr. Rinder. The topics they are covering are so disturbing it's a nice break and both she and Mr. Rinder always circle back. It's a cult, I have seen 90% of the interviews and documentaries on the subject and the fact that there is always more is CRAZY! Love the added aspect of our governmental structures allowing this kind of illegal activities to continue and allowing themselves to be intimidated.
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Hudy benudy
Fellow Delphian Oregon Student
Hi! I love this show and I loved hearing Julian talk about Delphi. I went there from 05-07 and if he’s the Julian I remember, he was a year or two older than me and we were in Jazz choir together with Mr. Bader (I think??- with the old beagle dog). Julian was the cool senior rocker when I was starting out there. Would love to do more awareness about Delphi. If you guys ever do more interviews I would love to be involved. My step uncle was one of the founders of Delphi from what I remember- found it in the 1st years Delphian yearbook tucked away in the library one day- and him and my aunt are still very heavily involved.
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Only 1 Complaint…
Love Leah but she needs to let the guests talk! 😂 She is constantly interrupting them, finishing their sentences, asking them guiding questions unnecessarily (like when they were just about to answer it if they’d just been able to continue speaking). Sometimes it’s natural to talk over each other or necessary to interrupt, but she does it to the point that it hacks up the flow and cadence of the conversation. I get that you have to keep the guest on track, not let them ramble, and guide the conversation, but sometimes Leah gets so carried away with her own interjections and fervently directing the conversation that she doesn’t let the guest shine. Still overall a really great podcast!
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Erin Curtis
Just learned they are on YouTube!
A great podcast. Was super bummed when they didn't release any more episodes. I just saw on TikTok that they are on YouTube now. Glad they are still fighting the good fight
Please come back
Please come back! I miss these podcasts. I live in the Clearwater area and I am horrified yet intrigued by what is going on right here. I’m hoping they will be successful in bringing them down.
So interesting
Can’t wait for this to come back. Leah has always been one of my favorite people and once she left Scientology I loved her more. Each week is fascinating to hear all the stories & what’s going on. I’m all in on supporting whatever she does & I'm never disappointed. Mike & Leah work so we’ll together.
Love Bravo Always
You have changed my life!
Scientology has got to be the held accountable. Also I realized being married to a man who grew up in the Pentecostal Church and the church he took me to was also a cult. I now understand because I lost my home, my family,and was taken to live in a remote place, in New Mexico. No electricity, no water, I cooked on a fire place. No Drs. I was homeless for three years . I ran away twelve times but went back because my family wouldn’t speak to me. Thankyou,Sallie
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Shameless 27
Missing you guys!
I came late to the party, but I’m just about finished with every episode. This is my favorite Podcast- both Leah and Mike are funny, engaging, smart, and I don’t cringe at their voices !( which happens a lot when I’m listening to other podcasts). I wish you both well- I hope you come back, but I also appreciate your both living your lives.
Fair Game was fair gamed?
Bummed that it has been over a year since we’ve heard an episode.
please please come back!!!
There is absolutely nothing out there like this podcast. Leah and Mike are incredibly brave to fight against the power of Scientology, MLM schemes, all of the cult groups out there and bring them to the surface in this podcast. I say just grab a YouTube channel and start speaking your truth again. Go rogue Leah and Mike. We would follow you anywhere. Fingers crossed you guys can come back in 2023.
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So informative and fascinating
This isn’t just a story. It’s a well researched and well documented exposé on the so-called religion of Scientology, as well as other cults in the US. The host show remarkable courage in not only describing their experiences and admitting any wrong doing, they also continue to speak out for others in the hopes of preventing more victims. The fact that a nefarious group is STILL Trying to shut you down only proves again and again they have much to hide and little to stand on!
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Miss you guys
Miss you guys! You never returned and prob won’t. I hope you do. It was nice hearing the truth. I’m a Brooklyn girl and always loved Leah. Mike has now become a friend as well. Miss hearing from you guys. Kinda makes me nervous.
NY Girl 11204
I guess we have to conclude you aren’t coming back. Almost a year since your last new show. You recorded a brief message in mid August saying you’d be back with two shows a week at the end of the month. Since then, nothing. I know you’re not obligated to give us an update, but it would be nice to know what the deal is. I suspect there has to be an issue you may not be able to talk about. In any event, good luck.
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*Sad face*
I think I have run out of hope that y’all are coming back…. Know you will be missed and I don’t know what I am going to do with out y’all …. 😉 good luck to you both
Thank you for a great run!
I guess you guys aren’t coming back! Good luck to both!!!
Snooping Mrs. F
LOVE Fair Game!
This podcast is so interesting and I have learned a lot from listening to it! Super interesting are the guests who have been from other Cults!! I enjoy Leah and Mike, their comraderie and love for each other! The make me laugh often and I have cried too! I have told everyone that I can that they should listen to this show since I enjoy it so much!! When will they be back to do more?? ❤️
More Episodes
We need more episodes of Fair Game. This is the best more informative podcast about the corruption of Scientology. #bringiton
I miss you!!
This show is my absolute favorite! You’ve been gone a while so I’m a little worried about you both. I’m starting to think they are fair-gaming y’all pretty hard… I hope you and your families are okay!!! Can’t wait to hear from you again!
Excellent podcast. Super interesting!!
Loved all the episodes. I’ve learned so much about Scientology and other cults and how terribly nefarious they are. Please return to making new episodes Leah and Mike!!!
I love(d) it!
This was a great podcast until they told us they were coming back (and not only coming back, but twice a week). That was over two months ago. I haven’t seen a thing yet!!!!!
Very informative
My favorite podcast. Hopeful that more episodes are coming.
Please Come Back
I hope everything is okay! Please come back and keep fighting!
Hannah greenblat
Love this podcast series!!!
Hello????? Where’d you go???? #80 is the last one……..
Where are you?????
When will you be back?!? What is happening?
When are you coming back!!?? What happened? We all miss you!
Great Info!
I am so happy for the information being revealed and resources provided. My only advice would be that Leah not talk more than her guest.
When are y’all coming back? What’s the radio silence for? I pray that everyone is ok. Love this podcast !!!!!
Love it
When are you coming back?!?! You said you were coming back at the end of August, it's now almost the end of December!
Outstanding podcast
This is a great and informative podcast!! Love to hear those who have left the cult of Scientology and who are comfortable to tell their stories. Please keep on with this podcast to keep spreading information about the dangers of this cult and other cults!!
Love listening to you both!
I love this podcast! All those people who break free are lucky to have you ready with open arms!
Love the Q and A
Really enjoying the Question and Answer episodes. Great job explaining and enjoy your chemistry.
Love them both
Can’t wait for new episodes your podcast is basically the only one that I ever listen to and of course both of your books were so interesting and amazing. As a very analytical thinker I always ask how people get caught up in these cults and you both explain the journey that lead to your involvement love you both!
Great Podcast! Love Leah
I watched their A
Wonderfully educational
I have been binge listening to this recently and will be sad when I am all caught up. Leah and Mike do a wonderful job educating people and sharing the stories of people who have been deeply hurt. I thank them for their continued efforts to inform the world.
A Great Bonding Experience With My Mother
I love both Leah and Mike; not only is their message important, but their chemistry and charisma are unmatched. I listen to this podcast all the time while I’m driving. A couple days ago, I picked up my mom to go thrift shopping. I’m 25 and live around 35 minutes away from my mom; life often gets in the way of us seeing each other, but thrift shopping is one of our main bonding activities. When I get in my car, whatever I was just listening to automatically turns on, and I, out of habit, immediately turn it off to not be rude. When we got in my car, this podcast starting playing, and I turned it off, but told her the podcast I was listening to. She then told me she has watched every season of The Aftermath, has read Leah’s book, and recently preordered Mike’s book! We ended up talking about Scientology pretty much the whole time we were driving from thrift store to thrift store, and listened to this podcast. It’s crazy to think that, while my mom and I had a bonding experience over not liking Scientology, there are families all over the world being deprived of these types of experiences due to Scientology. I love my family so much, and find it horrible that people are being deprived of that kind of unconditional love that only family can give.* The work you two are doing is EXTREMELY important, and I hope you both know that. *I know that not all family is by blood, and that there are situations that make it unsafe for people to have that sort of relationship with their family.
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Really learning a lot from this podcast
I thought I knew all about Scientology after buying Aftermath and watching it many times. I was so wrong. There’s even more! I like hearing some follow up on people who were on the show and hearing new stories. Leah and Mike have such great chemistry which makes such a tough topic personable and informative.
Any new episodes coming??
I love the show and heard a little blip on Aaron Smith-Levin’s YouTube show that Scientology is getting in the way of the show. Is there any truth to it?
Come back
Sooooooo.. are you coming back?
What Will It Take?
It’s so absurd to me the power Scientology is given to continue its reign of terror over their own flock! Tax the “church”!
I know we’re not owed anything but…
I’ve really enjoyed this podcast but, what’s the deal? Is it coming back or not? I know we are not owed anything but some information would be helpful. I don’t even see you guys talking about it on your social media either? It would be helpful to have a little communication about what’s going on? Especially since you announced you’d be back in August but then crickets. Is there some silent lawsuit from Scientology that we haven’t heard of preventing the podcast?
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fog ff this
Super Important
I love this podcast and I believe it is super important for everyone to understand high control groups such as Scientology. I especially loved the episode with John Delin, as I am an ex-mormon and see so many similarities between Scientology and Mormonism:
Missed you guys!
I’m hoping all is okay and you guys will be back soon! I keep re-listening to old podcasts but would love new ones!
Leah & Mike! Where are you guys? We want to hear more….. The world needs hear about Scientology and its lies. Please start your show up again.
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