Sci-fi & Squeam Podcast

Sci-fi & Squeam

Sci-fi & Squeam
Science Fiction Horror & more from a LGBTIQ point of view ! Based in Australia, we review T.V, Films and Books and Convention events in Oz and overseas ! We broadcast once a week from Joy 94.9.
Episode # 176 : Level Up: PAX- Alicious!
In the studio we have New Game Plus debriefing on the amazing, 1st ever, event for gamers in Oz : PAX !It was held in Melbourne 2013 and was a 1st for Australia ! So Kirsty and Jason from NGP joined in with the chat and so did our very new contributor/member of the Squeam Team: Dyl Adler from Generation Next! The segment is called DylSTICK and it’s all about the “Joy of Video Games ” with his news, views and reviews. Dyl’s BIO: Dylan Adler is the host and producer of the news and youth affairs program Generation Next, he’s also put his hand up on a number of occasions to host some of Joy’s popular music programs like Little Fish and The ShaPow Show. If there is one thing Dyl loves as much as music it’s getting lost in a video game especially when the mercury starts to drop, that kid has demonstrated time and time again how he can survive a winter in his man cave with cold take out and flat energy drinks. And finally an interview with Jason Trost, the American writer, director and actor of a sweet challenge to the usual Superhero movie mythos: All Superheroes Must Die ! This film is due out very soon here in Batmania showing exclusively at Nova from August 16. So listen up to this special Vid Games Poddie !
Aug 23, 2013
44 min
Episode # 175: A Divine Awakening!
It’s a show where Divine inspiration comes in the form of a book reader of Fantasy Fiction and is launched with the 1st of a brand new segment: The Reader, with Kevin Reader !! He tells us why he reads: BOOKS !! And they are big ones these books, and his first review is for a book called Horns by author Joe Hill. We interviewed Mark Hartley the director of Patrick. Brendan is in the studio too to help the Squeamer review new Aussie film Patrick and finally a chat about I am Divine, the doco about the larger than life personality and actor Divine! Both films playing at this years MIFF. So join us in this, our first Cult of the Reader episode !
Aug 22, 2013
49 min
Episode #174: Blood and Bone !
In the studio we have the Cairnes Brothers: Colin and Cam chatting to us about their film 100 Bloody Acres, and how well it is doing overseas and it’s release here for a limited play at Nova cinema in Melbourne. They spoke about the gore, the fun and the music to their film and it’s journey around festivals worldwide! Bailey is back with the A to Z of Horror !! The letter is I for International Horror films….hmmmm what will be recommended? French Extreme films, foreign Slashers? Listen to find out! We also had a quickie Women in Sci-fi : The 1950′s with Sonja ! And we opened up the cellar door to take a peek and chat about newly released spooky film number by Aussie James Wan : The Conjuring ! So how scary is it? Keep your ears attuned to find out ! And Sonja chatted to the Melbourne International Film Festival’s Artistic Director : Michelle Carey about Giallo movies that will be playing in a special segment of films at this years MIFF !! So just how SPECIAL are these films? Stick around and keep your ears at the ready to find out the answer to this podcast !
Aug 1, 2013
51 min
The Maestro and The Two Towers!
On this podcast, we speak to a Maestro a fabulous conductor out in Melbourne, Maestro Ludwig Wicki! who is here for the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra’s new performances( a first ) of The Two Towers sound track created by composer Howard Shore. Dates of performances July 12-14th 2013. We also chat to Andrew Pogson from the MSO and talk all about the LOTR franchise and the music and the POWER of sound tracks and film scores in genre movies !
Jul 24, 2013
41 min
Pacific Rim Review
Welcome to this Pacific Rim Review, a JOY 94.9 first. Your Sci Fi & Squeam host Sonja reviews del Toro’s popcorn pop-culture monster movie with giant robots! This podcast is a must hear!
Jul 24, 2013
23 min
Episode # 173 Hello, Goodbye Oz Comic Con 2013
It was the Pop Culture Weekend Geek Con to end all Geek cons : Melbourne’s 2nd Oz Comic Con at the Royal Exhibition Building in Carlton. We gave it a shot , our 2nd time in attendance at Oz Comic Con and we SURVIVED a marvelous, fun and rewarding gathering of the Geek tribes ! Includes interviews with The Rocky Horror Picture Show’s own Queens of camp, the fantastic Columbia and Magenta AKA Nell Campbell and Patricia Quinn ! Disney Legend Bill Farmer, the voice of Goofy! LOTR Craig Parker AKA Haldir ! And we had the 1st Behind The Mask comics news with Andy Hawken ! Plus a brief review of Del Toro’s Mecha VS Monster movie : Pacific Rim out July 11 2013!! Big thanks to Blue PR Sophie and Alana and to Oz Comic Con 2013.
Jul 24, 2013
47 min
Episode # 172: Profundo Thrillo!
Dean Rankine of The Simpson’s cartoon fame , Justin Dix from The Wicked of Oz and creator of the new Sci-fi thriller: Crawlspace, and Mia Kate Russell creator of Swallow the 1st gay priest zombie movie! are in the studio to chat about their Art, inspirations, movies and comics and Oz Comic Con coming up in Melbourne the weekend of July 6 and 7. Plus ..Plus…we have the interview bite from Maurizio Guarini lead keyboardist and musician from Goblin due to tour Oz Soon! Tune in and hear Goblin trax, chat and more on this eclectic mix !
Jul 24, 2013
48 min
Maurizio Guarini from Goblin speaks!
Maurizio Guarini from Goblin speaks! The Full Interview with the Maestro of the Goblin keyboards. We spoke on the phone with the keyboardist from Goblin, the Dario Argento sound, and score musician artists of the Gialloverse of Italian Horror classic movies. He spoke about his work with Goblin, Argento and Lucio Fulci too as well as his own solo work and his foray into the world of Video Games. Goblin and Maurizio are playing here July 14 :
Jul 24, 2013
23 min
Man of Steel Review! Special Extended Podcast
Here it is unabridged and entirely devoid of politeness: A review of nman of steel OUT today in Oz ! Apologies to DC fans !
Jul 23, 2013
23 min
Episode # 171 : Oh Superman ! The Man of Steel revisited and undressed?
In the studio the Squeamer is joined with a cohort Andy Hawkin an obsessive of all things DC Comics and…and all things Superman. Who is this Super Myth Man ? …who is this caped hero of exceptional strength, powers and grace and pro -American ideals? Is he an Alien? … Where does he originate from ?..who are Siegel and Shuster? Is Superman Jewish? Is he a Gay metaphor for Today? and is he still RELEVANT ? Find out in this NEW episode from the team of Sci-fi and Squeam…with 2 ‘S’ for HOPE ! And finally we REVIEW the 1st in Oz on Air the Man of Steel by Zack this the Superman movie we needed ? Join Us or Melt by Zod’s X Ray Vision!
Jul 22, 2013
44 min
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