Same Old Devils Podcast

Same Old Devils

Same Old Devils
Same Old Devils Podcast has 3 goals- drink, laugh and show off our talented friends. P.S: We're already drinking.
#44: Tan the Terrible
Tan the Terrible joins us on the show to talk about his new album release, what inspires his musical process, as well as topics ranging from aliens to coronavirus, trips to New Zealand and his favorite superhero.
May 16, 2020
2 hr 15 min
#43: Howard Neal
Howard graces us with tales of his recent trip to Japan cut short by corona and how he predicts the virus will effect small business and tattoo artists.
Apr 8, 2020
2 hr 39 min
#42: Araya and Rebecca (Rock Town Roller Derby)
Araya and Rebecca of Rock Town Roller Derby join us on the show to talk all things roller derby from the rules, competitions, just how they got into it, the injuries, as well as just how corona virus has affected their season.
Apr 1, 2020
2 hr 34 min
41: Rob and Timmy
Drop in to the conversation this week with Rob and Timmy as we all discuss weird band names, economics during COVID-19, and who is "they".
Mar 30, 2020
3 hr 45 min
#40: Hayne Begley (Delta Biscuit Company)
We sat down with Hayne Begley from Delta Biscuit Company to talk about the importance of local community and economy, teaming up with World Central Kitchen to make sure folks, especially children, are getting fed during this hard time and teach us about...
Mar 26, 2020
3 hr 6 min
#39: Sean Cook
Sean Cook comes on the show to talk Clusters of Fornication, haunted houses, and the importance of community in the small scene.
Mar 25, 2020
2 hr 8 min
#38: Two Dudes, One Cup
We have one half of the duo Two Dudes, One Cup on the podcast this week to talk the parody of their name, starting up a podcast, and how they would do living off the grid.
Mar 18, 2020
3 hr
37: klondikeflame
This week we have Christian, Brandon, and Hayden on the show to talk to us about Punks for Paws, klondikeflame, and how to win a back hair design contest.
Mar 11, 2020
1 hr 45 min
#36: Kinch Music
A lot of talk about music, gear, and how all the magic happens when the guys of Kinch Music come on the show!
Mar 4, 2020
2 hr 51 min
#35: Ashley Swain
This week's guest is Ashley Swain who talks with us about jewelry making and her love for the tiny and tactile.
Feb 26, 2020
1 hr 17 min
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