On this week’s show, we will play a special edition of “Right or Wrong.” We’re calling it “Trick or Treat” on this Halloween-themed week. Plus, market turmoil and recent bank failures have many people searching for safety when it comes to where to put their hard-earned money. Bank CDs are one of the most popular types of accounts for that purpose, but there are alternatives that could be better for you.
The annual enrollment period for Medicare is here! Greg can help explain all your options so you can choose the right coverage for your situation.
For More Information: SafeMoneyMasters.com
Call Greg Castle today at (813) 722-0020
Check Us Out on our YouTube Channel
Oct 27, 2023
55 min

Would you rather sacrifice a little bit now or be left with a lot of regret in the future? On this week’s show, we talk about what it takes to avoid financial regrets in retirement. Plus, the Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment has been announced for next year, but is it keeping pace with the real rate of inflation?
For More Information: SafeMoneyMasters.com
Call Greg Castle today at (813) 722-0020
Check Us Out on our YouTube Channel
Oct 20, 2023
55 min

If you are wishing and hoping for a successful retirement, you need to redirect that effort into actually PLANNING. On this week’s show, we talk about getting a plan in place to move past the fear and start living the retirement life you have always dreamed of.
For More Information: SafeMoneyMasters.com
Call Greg Castle today at (813) 722-0020
Check Us Out on our YouTube Channel
Oct 13, 2023
55 min

Wall Street has been on a rocky ride in recent weeks. Why not get to the guarantees in your finances? Greg will tell you how to do that on this week’s show. We also have a new edition of Right or Wrong. Play along to test your financial knowledge!
For More Information: SafeMoneyMasters.com
Call Greg Castle today at (813) 722-0020
Check Us Out on our YouTube Channel
Oct 6, 2023
55 min

It’s no secret that just about everything is more expensive these days. On this week’s show, we take a deep dive into inflation. We’ll tell you what is causing it, who it’s affecting more than others, and give you tips and tricks on how to protect your hard-earned money from rising costs in the future.
For More Information: SafeMoneyMasters.com
Call Greg Castle today at (813) 722-0020
Check Us Out on our YouTube Channel
Sep 22, 2023
55 min

How well do you know the ins and outs of Social Security? We will test your knowledge with a special edition of “Right or Wrong?” Plus, you should never let your emotions get the better of you when it comes to investing and planning for your retirement. Greg explains why – and shares some strategies to avoid that problem.
For More Information: SafeMoneyMasters.com
Call Greg Castle today at (813) 722-0020
Check Us Out on our YouTube Channel
Sep 15, 2023
55 min

This week, we pose a potentially costly question – Are you overpaying for your retirement plan? Chances are the answer is yes. On this episode, we share tips on slashing fees and positioning yourself for a fee-efficient retirement.
Plus, Greg explains how compound interest can work for you or against you. Finally, we discuss strategies for receiving better returns than your brick-and-mortar bank in our Beating the Bank CDs segment.
For More Information: SafeMoneyMasters.com
Call Greg Castle today at (813) 722-0020
Check Us Out on our YouTube Channel
Sep 1, 2023
55 min

On this week’s episode, it’s all about estate planning! Greg welcomes special guest Chris Hall to talk about what an estate plan is, how much you should pay for one, and why you need one even if you don’t think you are wealthy.
For More Information: SafeMoneyMasters.com
Call Greg Castle today at (813) 722-0020
Check Us Out on our YouTube Channel
Aug 25, 2023
55 min

On this week’s show, we discuss two components of your retirement plan: Social Security and your 401(k). First up, the 401(k) has failed a lot of people over the years. Greg explains how you can avoid some pitfalls inherent in the system. Then, we switch to Social Security. The program is in trouble unless things change before 2033. We shine the light on the so-called financial “gurus” and why blindly following their advice may not be such a good idea.
For More Information: SafeMoneyMasters.com
Call Greg Castle today at (813) 722-0020
Check Us Out on our YouTube Channel
Aug 18, 2023
55 min

Explore energy-saving tips for every budget, and learn solutions that go beyond the basics. Tune-in for ways to reduce your electric bill beyond switching off lights and taking shorter showers.
For More Information: SafeMoneyMasters.com
Call Greg Castle today at (813) 722-0020
Check Us Out on our YouTube Channel
Aug 17, 2023
1 min
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