The Sadhguru Podcast - Of Mystics and Mistakes
The Sadhguru Podcast - Of Mystics and Mistakes
Sadhguru Official
via Podcasts
Wonderful podcast
It’s worth listening every minute of it. Sadly even a 2min episode is filled with ads now: 1min add before and 1min after. Ruins the listening experience completely. Sometimes the ads come from companies that are the completely opposite of what the podcast is.
The users manual
The users manual explained in bits and pieces for better understanding and reflection. Thank you Sadhguru. 🙏
Amazing podcast
This is such a great show!
Don’t have words to thank this podcast. I’m a daily listener. Thank you!
Deep, joyful, ecstatic, blissful simplicity.
Virgo Stellium
This man brings peace to this world
I love him!!
Simplicity at its best
This is the one of very few human beings that have ever influenced me. Listen to this man. He has been gifted with the ability to make difficulties in life look like child’s play. Dont just listen. Use your mind and think about what he is saying you will be better for it when your done. Thank you sadhguru.
Just shut up and follow Sadhguru
Just follow what Sadhguru says… he will liberate you !
Ashish US
You are truly a blessing
I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You literally saved my life. I happened to search on YouTube “How to stop suicidal thoughts” and you were the first video to pop up about 72 hours ago. I can’t turn away. I’m here today 72 hours later because of you and your words. I can not thank u enough. Where have you been all of my life? Lol Thank you so much for enlightening me and making me see the bigger picture. Although I wish I would have stumbled upon you long before I was 44 yrs old I am ever so grateful I found you now❤️Please continue doing what you do. There are a lot of people in the world who need to hear you speak. I have told numerous people about you in 72 hours lol. Again thank u so much!! You’re truly amazing❤️
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Razzle Dazzle Queen
Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
Thank you for all you do and all you will do in the future. I am grateful to be able to listen to these podcasts and grow a better understanding of myself and the world around me. Thank you! 😎
Thank you!
This is a great tool!
Simply thank you !
Isha Kriya
Thank you for this! I do the Isha Kriya every day.
The best Guru of All Time
Very simple, I follow much of his recommendations and works for me. Very honest, very spiritual, humble but the best part. A great leader.
This was amazing. I really was moved and this podcast reasonated with my spirit.
Positivity is Power!
Thank you Guru!
Helping us all step closer to enlightenment
I absolutely love your podcast !!
Twilight zone
Oh how happy I have had a bit of a chance to help others in a time of need
A practical Mystic
As the title says..he is a practical mystic who is engaged in life, bringing insight and wisdom in a wrapper of common sense and humaneness.
Favorite podcast IN The world
Nothing but the truth!
Sadhguru guided me to see within myself and understand what really matters in my life. He has helped me so much to see life from another perspective. Not necessarily understand “life” but to enjoy “life” in the present moment I am living it. Sometimes might be joyful others might be painful but at the end, it will be fine. We have to learn from our bad choices. He helped me be present and learn how to live “today” joyfully... we only have one. Thanks Sadhguru for your sharing your wisdom!
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I poop on my self happily 123
Purely inspirational mystic
Provides guidance for those of us who feel lost or without purpose. Great to mix into your personal development videos/podcasts that pertain to other aspects of life like personal & financial growth. Helps keep you grounded and humble. Thank you Sadhguru!!!
This man is a true dispeller of darkness. 🦁
Raziel G.
Common sense and unique perspectives
Sadhguru truly makes me look at many things differently. I find what he says to be honest and accurate. A no BS, no whining approach to life he shares in ways that deliver the message and make me ponder the subject with a new perspective. Keep prophesying, I can’t get enough.
Danny Boy ND
Great but episodes are too short
Sadhguru is also wonderful to listen to. The episodes are too short. Around 30 min would be ideal.
Lucky to find you Sadhguru...listen you make me calmed always
You are saving and enhancing so many life Sadhguru. I would want to meet you one day. I will! I have never find myself so much align in my entire life lucky to find you a year ago. I kept myself distance from religious gurus, may be because I was not clear how spirituality is different from religion. Thanks a tone once again!
Ajay narang
Wonderful man with great insight.
Small & Short clips please
Please do short clips please
Vishwas Mahale
Sadhguru you are awesome.
Vijay Anil
Great Content but...
Great content but Please don't skip while sadhguru is pausing. It makes it artificial. Lot of podcast apps can automatically skip silence if needed. I would urge whoever is uploading not to skip while sadhguru is pausing or while audience is answering. Thank you, Pranam!
His words found me!!!
He has filled a space that sought sensible common sense technology that lets you see and feel joy.
Life Changed having found you
This touch the core of my being, feel very fortunate your teachings came to our life. Thank you tremendously!!
Flowering Jasmine
I hear him
In my search for understanding, no one I have ever listened to comes through with the clarity I feel from him.
Dream homes photography
Spoken like a true master
This being has divinely grounded wisdom for everyone to enjoy and understand. I never get tired of listening. Om namo gurudev namo
Eastern Wisdom
Sadhguru is the best way to understand the ancient Indian wisdom. The Mahabharata, culture, yoga and of course the Vedas.
Great wisdom
Sadhguru is the real deal!
He is realistic!
His views and explanations are so logical and ear that you won't end up in confusion! He is a great modern age guru for the youngsters of this generation. I got open minded on many aspects of life and good clarity.
Ambika's Phone
Spiritually intellectual
Really nice to listen to... Need more episodes!!
Love it
Very peaceful.....
Nice explanations
Hard to understand life issues Nicely explained. Thank you Sadhguru.
Try it, you just might like it.
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