Run That Back Podcast
Run That Back Podcast
Run That Back Podcast
via Podcasts
What is the point of this podcast? You guys are absolute garbage. And you can tell the 5-star reviews are fake. So are all the followers you bought on Instagram. Losers. You’re so desperate for attention you have to resort to such things? God I feel so sorry for how insecure you all must be. So sad.
Christofr Charles
Bop it 😂😂😂 love this podcast!!
Funny but unoriginal
These guys crack me up with their stories but they constantly steal their current events and even jokes from successful podcasts like TFATK and KFC radio.... for anyone who listens to many podcasts like myself it’s super apparent and off putting. You guys are funny on your own stop using other people’s content
That guy1123
In Hysterics
These dudes make me laugh harder each new episode! I’m always highly entertained by their discussions and enjoy being a “fly on their wall.”
Hilarious AF
These guys crack me TF up! Definetly at the top of my Listen To list every week
Killer show
Funny, entertaining, and engaging everything i look for in a good podcast. Look forward to hearing more!
Best podcast ever!
All of their voices are annoying, but they’re hawtttt
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