Run: A Doctor Who Fancast
Run: A Doctor Who Fancast
Travis McElroy and Tybee Diskin
via Podcasts
I started a rewatch of DW and wanted a podcast companion, and being a fan of MBMBAM, I picked this one for Travis. I quickly fell in love with both of them and their takes on the show but I only have one complaint.. where did it go??? I need more please!
From the beginning
Alright team, So this is a review to let everyone know that I discovered the brothers through an ‘The Adventure Zone’ recommendation. Then I discovered that they had another podcast that began in 2010. So when I caught up on TAZ I decided to make the 10 year long trek from the beginning of mbmbam. Let me tell you I am on episode 40 (out of the daunting 494) but it is glorious. I thought about skipping to the beginning of 2018 to save listening time but I didn’t want to miss out on the inside joke. Boy, did I make the correct decision, they are hilarious from the beginning. So my message is, if you are new to this, it is worth it to start from the beginning; even if it takes 5 years to get current. As that is the time I have estimated to catch myself up. Cheers and much love, Laughing in Dallas Ps 2010 pop culture references are particularly amazing in 2020
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Named after a mermaid
Travis makes this
Tybee doesn’t add anything to this podcast for me. Random quips about who she does or doesn’t like, who she finds attractive or just playing off Travis’ opinions without giving anything substantial of her own. I will continue listening for Travis only unless I just can’t take Tybee anymore.
Great In-Depth Analysis
Makes you think about the show in a completely different way. They make me love the show even more.
Y’all rock so much
So insightful! I honestly have listened to many episodes a couple times over because Travis and Tybee have such an interesting take and perspective on these episodes: very earnest, honesty, sincere, and with the lovely uplifting joviality of two friends just chilling and truly discussing something they both love. I’ve learned so much from listening to them speak through their own experiences through Doctor Who: things like acting choices, motivation, production value, and the simple idea of choosing joy. That one phrase from Tybee in the GitF episode basically changed my life (not kidding, it recurs a l o t) and I got that phrase and that intentionality from here, a Doctor Who Fancast. It’s a lovely listen. They’re lovely. This show is lovely. Give it a listen.
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Love! Laugh, Cry, Live, Run!
I was so excited when I heard one of my favorite podcast brothers had a Doctor Who podcast and after listening to the episode The Woman who Fell from Earth it solidified my idea that is going to be my favorite. I cried remembering my own 7-year old daughter being excited for a female doctor and FINALLY agreeing to watch them with me (she met Matt Smith and still wasn’t into it until now). Tybee also described how I felt but didn’t realize what the thing was -being able to finally feel welcomed into a universe I have invested so much in (I have a tattoo so I am serious). I can’t wait to go back and listed to all the other episodes to hear their opinions.
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Always makes me smile
Sometimes I feel like in life I don’t really get a lot of reasons to genuinely smile. This is one of the things that gets me through good and bad days. Thank you, Travis and Tybee!!! You’re a light in the dark. Thanks for your wonderful insights on my all time favorite TV show!
so good !
even though i don’t always agree with their opinions, listening to another point of view on such a complex show is so good! plus, i love travis and tybee’s dynamic with my whole heart. i just love friends discussing the stuff they love
Just in Time
I found this podcast right after the start of the 13th Doctor, and I am so excited! I don’t have enough friends nearby who watch the show, so I love having amazing people to debrief with on this podcast.
Smart, funny, insightful Doctor Who commentary. Amazing intro music. I just plowed through all the episodes alongside my binge rewatch of Doctor Who, so I’m pretty sure Tybee & Travis are my best friends now. They do discuss events that happen later on in Doctor Who, so if you’re just watching the show for the first time, beware of spoilers.
All the love
I adore this podcast. I adore Travis and Tybee, and I love being able to absolutely nerd out about Doctor Who. Watching everything through for probably the third time in my life again and hearing different perspectives on characters and rewrites is absolutely brilliant! Love love love love love it.
I came here for some McElroy awesomeness and got so much more!! Y’all rock. Thank you for this lovely show :)
Calling all Whovians
This podcast is just wonderful! Tybee and Travis have the best personalities that mesh super well together. Listening to them talk Doctor Who makes me a very happy camper. They don’t always have the same thoughts as me so it’s like I’m watching the show in a new light now! Highly recommend to every nerd out there.
Fantastic Analysis
i was looking for a podcast that would go through episode by episode of the reboot version of Doctor Who and wasn't finding much that hit the mark until i came across this one. They cover some Classic Who, but not so much that it detracts for the solid coverage of the reboot. The hosts are very much interested in good storytelling and character development and it makes their discussion of the show very critica, which I absolutely love. It's helped me figure out why some parts of the show don't work for me as much as others, and when you do get to a truly spectacular episode it feels all the more earned. This podcast does come across as more of a conversation about Doctor Who that has been recorded and shared with others, than something that is recorded specifically for an audience. The spoiler policy is pretty wonky, but luckily it happened to be mostly in line with what I had already seen, but that could be frustrating for someone watching for the first time or siginificantly behind. They dive right into conversation without any real overview of the episode they are covering so it often takes awhile for me to figure out which episode they are talking about. Though, I consider these things to nice to haves and enjoy the podcast just fine without them.
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Love it!
This is everything I’ve ever needed.
I love this so much! Travis and Tybee give me a whole new appreciation for Doctor Who. They are so great and I think everyone just needs to listen for themselves.
that good mcelroy sound
I found this because I listen to other McElroy podcasts and I used to like Doctor Who but fell out of it, so this was a fun way to return to the franchise. Most recent few episodes are really good.
This is a really good balanced show that talks about both good and bad aspects of the series. Love it!
This is a must listen for Doctor Who fans!
This podcast is a lot of fun. I’m really glad I stumbled across it because it helped me get back into Doctor Who! For the most fun experience watch the episodes along with the show.
Great show!
Travis and Tybee are excellent! They do a job of addressing all the good things and not so good things about Doctor Who in such a fun way! Can’t wait to listen to more!
The episode on Gridlock is my absolute favorite!
Today’s episode for Gridlock was absolutely amazing. Not only did we get our usual episode review and discussion, we also got some compelling analysis of Doctor Who as a whole. This is the type of conversation I’ve always wanted to have about Doctor Who, but I have no one to have it with. I’m truly grateful to be able to listen to you two instead :)
Favorite People Favorite Show New Favorite Podcast
Love it save for the audio quality of the Pilot. :p
Hilarious and Engaging
This podcast feels like a funny conversation with your best friends while you all geek out over your favorite television show. Travis and Tybee never take themselves or the show too seriously, and I love hearing their takes on my old favorite episodes, the parts that they loved, and what changes they would make to improve them.
Awesome chemistry and great analysis
Listening to this inspired me to begin rewatching doctor who with them. I’ll watch an episode and think “oh I can’t wait for them to talk about this scene!”
Caleb Grider
Fantastic, absolutely fantastic. And you know what?
This is a great podcast for media criticism where the hosts have a true deep love for the thing they critique AND are very friendly and approachable and inclusive about the thing they are a fan of! (Also, the way Tybee says "lovely" is, in fact, the loveliest thing.)
This is what I’ve been looking for!
I am absolutely in love with early seasons of Doctor Who. Yet because they’re older now, it’s hard to find anyone who talks about them. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for. I’m binge listening to them in the car when I’m at work and they keep me so entertained. I love the subjects talked about and it makes me look at the episodes in a new light. Thanks guys!
When I decided to listen to Run, I hadn't watched a single episode of Doctor Who in so many years, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to enjoy it. But through their fantastic chemistry, and interesting analysis, Travis and Tybee successfully jogged my memory, and drew out everything that I loved about the show to begin with through their fun, enthusiastic conversation. In fact, after listening to all the available episodes, they inspired me to do a complete series rewatch; and watching Doctor Who again through their lense of pure enjoyment was probably the best decision I have made in a long, long time. To quote Tybee, "They just really lean into joy," and it definitely, definitely works.
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I could listen to t&T talk about anything, but I really dig this in-depth discussion of one of the greatest scifi shows EVER. Thanks, friends!
this show single handedly got me into dr who
their dynamic is great, their analysis is interesting, and the subject matter is dr. who. Very very good all around 👌
Un admirateur de plus
The Best Doctor Who Podcast
I absolutely love this podcast. Travis’s honesty about the amount of feels Doctor Who gives him makes me feel less alone in my own tearful reactions. Tybee’s opinions and humor are spot on. Love listening to the both, and highly recommend it to anyone looking to reminisce on the older seasons.
Love it
Overall, I really enjoy listening to this. I love the McElroys and also DW, so this is a great mix. They always have good commentary on an episode and, even on episodes that are rewatches, go beyond merely discussing what happened in the episode and talk about underlying issues in the writing or what parts of the episode make it work well. I would highly recommend listening to this podcast if you like DW! Given that this is a newish podcast, I noticed a few issues. Sometimes the sound mixing is bad and I can hear one of them much more than the other, making it difficult to listen to at a good volume. Also, they tend to take long pauses as they think about stuff which is understandable but should maybe be cut out. These issues don’t take enough away from the podcast to make it unenjoyable and I still love it, but it would be great if they were fixed in future episodes.
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Great show, awesome intro
You guys rock, awesome host chemistry and view on the show, that intro tho lol, I admit to starting the episode over again. Travis & Tybee, if ya keep making it I'll keep listening.
This is what I've been waiting for
An amazing doctor who podcast!! These folks have all the right opinions ;) and are so thoughtful in their discussion, I LOVE THIS
Surprised by negativity
Run became my first dive into Fancasts by bringing together one of my favorite shows with one of my favorite McElroys. Too bad the podcast primarily involves the hosts ripping apart the show they love. Travis and Tybee expect Doctor Who to be innovative, thoughtful and redeeming, I only wish they would apply the same metrics for their own show.
Simply brilliant
The middlest McElroy and Doctor Who are a match made in heaven (and I don't mean that place Missy was running at the end of season 8). A must-listen for all Whovians, especially those who already appreciate MBMBAM and the greater McEl-verse.
So good!!!
I haven’t watched DW in ages but I might start up again just to keep up with this podcast. It’s so fun! 10/10 would recommend
Love love love it
Have been meaning to rewatch Doctor Who anyways, so this will be the perfect... companion. Get it? Sorry, I’ll leave the jokes to them.
Honestly I’ve only ever seen a couple episodes of “Doctor Who”, but I’ll listen to anything with Travis on it, and I immediately liked Tybee. I just love listening to people talk about things they love. Keep it up.
Walt Lajara
Getting to know Who.
Travis is the folksy non-expert I love to listen to get excited about the best show. Tybee is the perfect friend to geek out with. Love them both.
It got me enthused again!
I had fallen off of Doctor Who but the conversations and joy of the hosts really got me back into the show. I watched the seasons I had stopped at and have now gone back and rewatched episodes I hadn’t seen in years. So thanks Travis and Tybee for reigning me back in!
Gh0$t h0r$3
Two best buds in a TARDIS
I love Doctor Who, I love Travis McElroy, and turns out I totally adore Tybee Diskin too! This is an excellent show because of the camaraderie of the cohosts (and the fantastic theme song), and it’s inspired my own rewatch.
Some great pod
I loved interobang, mainly for the hosts chemistry. And now that they are talking about my favorite sci-fi show and it’s even better. If you are a fan of Doctor Who, funny talks, and conversations on how handsome David Tenant is, this pod is for you
So well done!!
I haven’t been watching as much doctor who lately and this is making me want to watch it so badly.
Such a great podcast with incredible chemistry between friends! Getting me back into the show for sure!
I have used this app 2 times
Lets talk snacks
Besides these 2 people having great chemistry, besides being talented, besides being quite inteligent and having very eloquent points to make about everything they say, besides talking about something near and dear to my very nerdy heart, besides agreeing with A LOT of what they both say and think. besides ALL of that. they also both have voices and personalities you could fall in love with (swoon). i can't wait till they start talking about the doctors favorite snacks throughout the years.(bananas are awesome) Keep up the great work Tybee and Travis, you got yourself a permenant listener/subscriber!
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Wasn't sure it would be for me BUT...
I figured I would have a hard time with this podcast because Doctor Who one of very few shows where I have a planet-library amount of knowledge and analyses rumbling around in my head from the vast amount of hours I have joyfully wasted engaging with this universe. I thought I'd never be able to get over my own opinions and ideas long enough to enjoy someone else's opinions. What I found with this show was that I am able to stay engaged and listening to Travis and Tybee's back and forth vacillating between frustration with their lack of understanding to excitement that they are vocalizing thoughts that I share. By incorporating trivia and their own lense, they allow me to get that same feeling that I might have while discussing DW with close friends without actually having to socialize with those friends. It's made me want to get another re-watch of the series in and see if I can view this show through another lense. I will definitely be continuing to listen and recommending to my friends! Kudos Tybee and Trav!
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I was surprised to learn recently that this podcast existed! Doctor Who is a show i really love and i'm glad to have a fan podcast for something i love that also has lovely hosts!
Pure fun
This show is pure joy to listen to, I love Doctor Who and listening to Travis and Tybee geek out over it just makes me happy. It's nice to have a podcast that isn't about current events and makes me happy on my way to work instead of inducing anxiety.
Just binged both episodes and I love it. Both hosts bring a different perspective and I love hearing what they think about the show as a whole. Besides, any excuse to rewatch is enough for me :)
Love it already
A couple of my most favorite podcasters chatting about my most favorite show? Yes, please.
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