Rotten Tomatoes Is Wrong (A Podcast from Rotten Tomatoes)
Rotten Tomatoes Is Wrong (A Podcast from Rotten Tomatoes)
Rotten Tomatoes
via Podcasts
This is a bummer, man.
So sorry to hear the show is ending. I always looked forward to the next episode. Thanks for all the good times, and much love.
Richard Carstairs
Great Shiw
This show is SOOO good. I love the chemistry between the hosts and the movie discussions and opinions are spot-on! Please do Thor: Ragnarok, and discuss the Best Animated Features Oscar winners.
Thanks for the memories!
An amazing podcast taking a look at some ratings that could definitely have been adjusted. Always good to look back on movies like that. Thank you for everything, guys and gals!
Jon in Pineville
Wonderful podcast
I’m so glad I discovered this podcast. I’m a huge movie fan and am always upset when critics don’t like the movies I enjoy(which seems to happen sometimes). I am a big fan of Eddie Murphy movies. One of my favorite growing up and still to this day is The Golden Child. Not sure if you have reviewed it yet, but would absolutely love to hear you guys do an episode on this great 80’s movie.
Why not do movies people actually watch or care about?
I just read the title of the last 30 episodes and I couldn’t care less about any of these movies.
More consistent please
I used to love this show but it comes out so inconsistently now that it’s tough to get into.
pretty good
please do prince of thieves
chip the i.t. guy
Stolen Concept
Cinephobe started first, and is a far superior pod. Real bingo energy here.
Total Jim
Great Podcast!
Longtime listener, first time commenter. Mark Ellis is awesome! My favorite episodes by far are the ones with The Whirl Girls! Their episodes are the best and I always look forward to each episode they are on!
Shut up about the clothes please and stick to the show! It’s okay for a while. Then it turns into the same homogenous pop reviews from podcasters who are stuck in a millennial rut. More water cooler jabber than actual thoughtful discussion of film.
History of the the world part 1 & 2
Great show, you guys got to review history of the world part 1 & 2
Really fun podcast
I this this podcast is wonderful. It might help people understand how Rotten Tomatoes works. If you like movies this is a great way to hear fun discussions of movie you love or hate. Give this podcast a listen. I like to play it at work.
Love/hate iPhone
If you want to listen to poorly-researched opinions presented in a Z Morning Zoo radio voice, this one’s for you.
GG Alan Jackson
Millennial garbage
Their voices alone, hard pass. Let alone the perceptions
marked for life
Rotten Tomatoes is Misunderstood
I’m always correcting people on what the Tomatometer is. And thankfully this podcast helps clear a lot of that up. This is a podcast where we are allowed to relax and discuss our favorite movies with no shame no matter what side of the meter your on. And the fact that I’m a huge fan of Mark Ellis has nothing to do with any of this…ok, yes it does!
RT is right
This podcast is great and the hosts are very entertaining. Every episode they bring in an expect who truly loves the topic they’re discussing. This podcast is a great location for hearing differing opinions and seeing different perspectives on films that you never considered
Ethan Wentzlaff
Please do The Book Of Eli
Please do: We’re wrong about…The Book of Eli. At the end of the James Bond episode you guys said you were going to do this movie but it hasn’t happened yet. Please do it it would be awesome.
Mark Ellis!
5 stars for Mark Ellis
Let me remove idle matches
Edgelord Hot Takes
If you want a podcast that is more or less the Twitter discourse about Rotten Tomatoes scores but in conversation form, hosted by people who are somehow both uninteresting and wholly convinced of their own comedy chops, this is the podcast for you.
I recently discovered this podcast, and all I’ve done since is play catch up. I have so many movies that I’ve been able to see in a new light, and others that I’ve now seen for the first time. Cannot recommend this enough! Give it a go!
Awesome show
I really love this podcast. The nostalgia trip with older movies is a blast. The hosts and their guests do a very thorough deep dive into the movie of the week, and they are informative and hilarious at the same time. This has quickly become one of my favorite podcasts to listen to each week. For pop culture fanatics: Highly recommend.
Suicide squad review….
Yeahhh. Got 5 minutes into my first listen and it happened to be 2016 suicide squad review and the guest calls it a great movie and acts like EVERYONE who ever watched this movie was wrong??? She’s entitled to her own opinion but this was the dumbest take I’ve ever heard. I guess she likes horrible movies
Great job
Great podcast, funny and engaging- but I also need a secret life of Walter Mitty explanation. It is amazing and at 51%…please explain.
Walter mitty
Please do We’re wrong about the secret life of Walter Mitty. It is a fantastic movie and it’s only 51%!! Great podcast though, keep up the good work!
Bo j. Angles
Not Very Critical or Entertaining
The title says it all. There are much better podcasts out there. I used to use RT for a reference but their system is flawed. Metacritic is a much more strict and accurate system. This podcast host (not Mark) is very unpleasant to listen to. Seems biased in certain episodes. I sense wokeness but that’s just me.
Waste of time
It feels like listening to a bunch of teenagers sharing their opinions without any kind of cinema knowledge or basic relevant information to make this bearable for more than 10 mins. Not worth it!
At 1:08:08 of the Phantom Menace episode, Lucy was sharing a profound thought when the guest Skrimshow cuts her off to share his profound, polysyllabic knowledge of Star Wars. What a rude show-off who might as well have started his comment with “well actually...!” Why would a man cut off a thoughtful woman sharing valuable insight?
Fun and knowledgeable pop culture pod, I’m in!
Listened to the Game of Thrones episode and they know their stuff. But aren’t stuffy about it and can make fun of each other like friends should. Love it! Perfect light pod
GoT final season...
It was like having the best sex of your life and then at the final moment your partner develops a loud case of Tourettes..
Yo! This podcast is the same thing as the ripe potatoes podcast. If everyone wants the original triple OG please do yourself a favor and go listen, subscribe, rate, and review them.
They make a great team debate movies
My new favorite podcast
I love talking about movies. All day. Everyday. I’ve been a fan of Mark’s from hearing him weekly on the Heidi & Frank show. Listening to him with Jacqueline is an added bonus! These two weave great commentary with humor and I’ve learned a lot about the movies reviewed so far. It’s a real treat!
Dynamic Duo
Mark and Jacqueline never fail to effortlessly blend their witty personalities with their non bias takes on some of pop cultures/ movie nerds biggest (and smaller, more appreciated) film debates. Sometimes accurately articulating films while still appreciating the art form can get messy and a little pretentious, but this podcast has tremendous respect for the film making culture and everything else it encompasses....while still giving you a piece of their minds in the proccess. Side note: I’d love to know what Mark and Jacqueline think about the Brendan Fraser-led mummy series (specifically 1&2)
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Blah, Blah, Blah
I frequently use as a reference, so I chose to listen to several episodes of this podcast. Running between approximately 50 and 60 minutes each, the hosts’ and guests’ opinions about a film could easily be shared within a 30 minute time block. However, the hosts choose to ramble, rinse, and repeat...again and again. Save your time, potential listeners, and stick with the website instead.
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Kip Jenkins
For the fanboys
A lot of it seems kind of vapid. The main comedian guy is super mansplainy and doesn’t seem interested in like, movie criticism and just looks at everything from a fanboy perspective
Love the podcast
Love this podcast. I am obsessed with movies and I can never get enough of talking about them with my friends but they don’t get why I react so hard with certain movies so this is giving me life. I think you should review: Shawshank redemption Chicago Moonlight Call me by your name Kings of summer
Great show
Loving the show so far. You know what would make it better? If y'all covered REIGN OF FIRE!
Great listen for movie lovers
Interesting insight on movies that are loved by many but hated by critics. The two hosts have a great rapport together.
Can’t wait!
Excited to start listening to this!!
Mark and Jacqueline are great!
Every episode is fun! Movies are worth checking out! Never thought I would check out Sister Act 2 and I throughly enjoyed it! Mark and Jacqueline have great chemistry! Overall, fun show!
This Podcast is Wrong
The title of the podcast sounds great, but I'm looking at the first three episodes and I see three mediocre movies that got mediocre reviews. So what's wrong with the ratings on Rotten Tomatoes? Where's the controversy? Who is even talking about these movies today? This is the first time I'm rejecting a podcast out of hand.
It’s okay I guess
Now I am a Rotten Tomatoes fanatic and every week I check Rotten Tomatoes for films Tomato scores and some I agree with and some I disagree with along with audience scores. I do enjoy Rotten Tomato scores but to me I just kinda thought it was just okay. I found it to be pretty corny. Like in Mortal Kombat she says she got chills from something that I don’t think was that chilling like sure the earth getting destroyed would be kinda scary and all but just a description for a movie that they call good. I respect their opinions don’t get me wrong. I thought Spider-Man 3 was kind of terrible and Mortal Kombat is fine. But I just thought it was okay after listening to both podcasts. It was corny and I recommend it for people who like corny stuff. But I just didn’t enjoy it.
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It’s a good idea. But the podcast is supposed to be about movies that Rotten Tomatoes is WRONG about. And they started with 2 movies that Rotten Tomatoes was absolutely RIGHT about. So...not sure what they’re trying to do. They should rename the show, “Rotten Tomatoes is RIGHT.” Or they need to start doing movies that are absolutely FIRE, that Rotten Tomatoes rated as rotten, which there are MANY.
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Finally Rotten Tomatoes
Great great great show, go on, hope you discuss other trilogies : unbreakable, split & glass 🙏🏻
Vicarious pleasure
How much do I love Jacqueline?!? So much! This is fun, I feel like I’m there listening to pals argue good-naturedly about movies.
This podcast is a “dumpster fire of trash”
I’ve never listened to anything with a host so quickly antagonistic and unpleasant.
taylor royman
They covered all the main pros and cons of the movie, and they had great discussion points. Having Roxy on this podcast was a great tie in from the Schmoedown, and she brought up some amazing reasons why Spiderman 3 is a must see. Hopefully Roxy will become a Rotten Tomatoes is Wrong regular! Jacqueline and Mark make a good team on this podcast. Can’t wait for the next episode!
Fresh and funny discussion? Yes, please!
Love Mark Ellis for his wit and insight - oh yeah, he's funny, too. I look forward to getting to know Jacqueline better week by week. I've been looking for a new podcast to listen to while walking and this one fills that gap nicely. Recommended!
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