Rotten Horror Picture Show
Rotten Horror Picture Show
The Pensky File
28. You’re Next (#168)
1 hour 6 minutes Posted Feb 3, 2021 at 3:01 am.
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Dysfunctional family dynamics can be quite a strain, so who’s to blame a dad for wanting his family to have some bonding time in their new fixer-upper mansion? Well, some brutal killers dressed in matching animal masks apparently! This week on the Rotten Horror Picture Show, we take a trip to the countryside with the 2013 black comedy slasher flick, You’re Next!

The Davisons, an upper-class family, are extremely wealthy — but also estranged. In an attempt to mend their broken family ties, Aubrey (Barbara Crampton) and Paul (Rob Moran) Davison decide to celebrate their wedding anniversary by inviting their four children and their children’s significant others to their weekend estate. The celebration gets off to a rocky start, but when crossbow-wielding assailants in animal masks suddenly attack, the Davisons must pull together or die.

Join Clay and Amanda as they put out a hit on off-brand Aubrey Plaza (Aubrey Piazza?), the longest shard of glass ever to be lodged in a leg, survivalist Home Alone, the most creative use of a blender in a horror movie since Dead Alive, and of course, the ever eternal and recurring questionable parenting!

One of the premiere examples of “mumblegore,” the horror sub-genre of 21st-century indie filmmaking genre known as “mumblecore,” “You’re Next” offers a fresh take on the slasher/home invasion archetype, with comedy as black and dry as a burnt cup of coffee. Featuring some great performances from relative newcomers, as well as an appearance by the patron saint of 80’s scream queens, Barbara Crampton, You’re Next has all the makings of a modern-day cult favorite that’s sure to make the rounds on even more personal best-of lists as the years go by. So pick your favorite animal mask, set up some anti-personnel booby traps, and do your best to survive the horror with us…if you DARE!

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