Southern Roots Outdoors Podcast

Southern Roots Outdoors

Southern Roots Outdoors
Just everyday outdoorsmen doing what we love and sharing it with others. We take disabled vets, kids, police officers, firefighters, ect. on guided hunting and fishing trips. Giving back is our goal. Where Roots Run Deep is where we're from and our focus is God, Family and the that order.
Truth in Nature | Reaching The Fatherless
In this weeks episode we have in the studio with us Mr. Ronnie Alpha who is the program director for a non-profit organization called truth in nature. Truth in Nature is an outdoor ministry that exists to Reach, Inspire, Support, and Engage young men from fatherless, single-parent homes. Their goal is to help boys understand their purpose as Christian men and to help break the fatherless cycle in local communities across our nation. Please take the time to listen and learn about this awesome organization and how you can help them with their ministry. Learn more about them at
Aug 25, 2021
26 min
WiseEye Tech | Amongst The Monks
This week we're amongst the Monks at the WiseEye Tech HQ in Greenwell Springs, Louisiana. We have the owner Harold Monk tell us the story of WiseEye and how a country family started a technology company. We also speak with Megan Monk and the role she plays in the family business. Finally, we have our editor and producer Colton Monk on the mic to talk about what he does for WiseEye and also all he does for Southern Roots Outdoors. It's a bit longer than our normal podcast but it's an easy listen as the family has some great stories to tell.
Jul 22, 2021
50 min
Back To Our Roots
Welcome to the newly renamed Southern Roots Outdoors Podcast! You might have noticed the name change and got concerned. It's still us! We decided to go back to our Roots and rename the podcast the same title everyone knows us by. The name Roots & Reasons will be used on a future but separate project that we're working on and excited about. Thank you guys for sticking with us and please subscribe to the Southern Roots Outdoors Podcast!
Jul 14, 2021
7 min
Joe Scott | B3 Archery
Mr. Joe Scott of B3 archery is on the line with us this week on the Roots & Reasons Podcast. B3 Archery has taken the archery world by storm and they are growing at a rapid pace. Stores are having trouble keeping their products on the shelf! In this podcast we talk about all of the B3 Archery products including their releases, broad heads, sights, and more. You don't want to miss this one! Also, please leave us review if you're enjoying our podcast. It would help us out a ton! Thank you guys for listening!
Jul 5, 2021
21 min
Ronnie Alpha | American Hunter
We have Mr. Ronnie Alpha owner of the great store American Hunter in Covington, Louisiana. We discuss all things outdoors in this episode from archery, ammo, guns, kayaks, saddle hunting, and more! If you're an outdoorsman you'll want to stop in at American Hunter and visit with Ronnie. It's a great experience with the greatest people you'll meet. 
Jul 5, 2021
34 min
Marsh & Bayou | The Louisiana Fishing Magazine & Store
We have the owner of Marsh & Bayou magazine and store on the line in this episode of Roots & Reasons. He gives us a run down on how their popular Southern Louisiana fishing magazine got its start and where it is today. He also talks about how they opened up a store and how they have managed themselves during these tough COVID times. If you need any fishing gear or want to be featured in one the top Louisiana fishing magazines, then look no further than Marsh & Bayou! Thank you guys for listening and the continued support!
May 10, 2021
22 min
Hooked On Tails | Louisiana Bowfishing
In this episode of Roots and Reasons we have special guest Captain John with Hooked On Tails Bowfishing & Inshore Charters with us. We discuss how Captain John got started in the fishing industry and how he became a guide. Captain John tells us all about fishing in Louisiana and what to expect when going out on the water. If you're new to bow fishing or are a veteran at it, you'll want to give this episode a listen. We share some fun stories and experiences from going out with Captain John through the years and talk about future trips we have planned. Thank y'all for the support and please leave us a review (5 star!) on our podcast. That will help us out tremendously! 
May 10, 2021
27 min
Josh Carney | Son of the South
In this episode we get the privilege to have our good friend Josh Carney (Son of the South) as a guest on our podcast. Josh is a hunting icon who's been through a lot in his life but has made the most of every situation he's been in. There's no telling what will come out of his mouth as he is one of the funniest dudes you'll ever meet. Please give this one a listen because I promise you'll be motivated and have a smile on your face by the end of the episode. 
May 3, 2021
36 min
2B Outdoors | Destination Hunts & Land Management
Paige Irwin of 2B Outdoors is our guest this week on Roots & Reasons Podcast. Paige talks us through what 2B Outdoors is and how they got started. 2B Outdoors can set you up on hunts ranging from Argentina Dove hunts, African Safari hunts, Canadian Moose hunts and MORE. She also talks with us about land management concerning controlled burns and how to make the right choice for your land development. There's a lot of useful information in this weeks episode that you don't want to miss out on! Thanks for listening.
Apr 30, 2021
27 min
Southern Roots | The Seed Planted
Welcome to the Roots and Reasons podcast, brought to you by Southern Roots Outdoors, where we talk about all things outdoors and the reasons we love what we do. In this episode we introduce ourselves and give y'all a run down on how Southern Roots Outdoors got started and what we do for the outdoor industry. We have some great guests lined up so please subscribe to our channel and don't miss out! Also, don't forget to share our brand new podcast to your buddy's too! Thanks for listening!
Apr 23, 2021
24 min