Rooted Cosmic Wisdom Podcast

Rooted Cosmic Wisdom

Amiee Elizabeth
Rooted Cosmic Wisdom is creating podcasts addressing Astrology, Mythology and Spirituality; inviting all our listeners into fresh ways of seeing and being in the day to day world.
43. Leo Season 2022
Leo Season asks that we tune into our personal passions and really pay attention to if we are acting from a place of open hearted love or the constriction of fear. This is the time to tap into the creative expression that is uniquely your own! Here is a run down of the aspects we touch into this episode: 7/22 The Sun enters Leo! Happy Birthday to all the Sun in Leo folks!! 7/25 Venus in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries 7/28 12:55pm CT/1:55pm ET New Moon in Leo at 5° trine Jupiter and Jupiter will be stationing retrograde 7/30 Uranus conjuncts the North Node at 18°, while Mars conjuncts Kali at 17° all in Taurus 8/1 Mars joins the Uranus North Node conjunction 8/4 Mercury move home into Virgo 8/7 Mars in Taurus square retrograde Saturn in Aquarius 8/8 Lion’s Gate 8/11 Full Moon in Aquarius at 19° 8:35pm CT/9:35pm ET 8/14 Mars in Taurus trine retrograde Pluto in Capricorn 8/20 Mars enters Gemini 8/22 The Sun enters Virgo! Happy Virgo Season! Connect either Alexis or Amiee: Video available on Rooted Cosmic Wisdom’s YouTube channel! Be sure to subscribe!
Jul 19, 2022
57 min
42. Cancer Season 2022
With this episode we bring to attention the yin energies that arrive with Cancer season. Shifting and inviting us out of the heady, speedy Gemini energy into deeper intuitive flow. Here is a run down of the aspects we touch into this episode: 6/21 Sun into Cancer, Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn 6/22 Venus enters Gemini 6/28 New moon in Cancer 7°, Neptune stations retrograde at 25°, Sun in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries 7°, Moon conjunct Black Moon Lilith in Cancer 7/1 Mars in Aries square retrograde Pluto in Capricorn 7/2 Mercury in Gemini trine retrograde Saturn in Aquarius, Mercury trine square retrograde Neptune in Pisces 7/5 Mars enters Taurus and Mercury moves into Cancer 7/13 Full moon in Capricorn at 1:37pm CT/2:37pm ET at 21° creating aspects with the Nodes, Persephone, Juno and Chiron 7/16 Mercury has his superior conjunction with the Sun offering a +\-4 hours of either side of the 2:37pm CT/3:37pm ET peak Cazimi 7/17 Venus enters Cancer, Mercury and the Sun trine Neptune 7/19 Mercury enters Leo, the Sun in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn at 28°, Chiron stations retrograde at 16° of Aries and has a conjunction with the Moon 7/22 The Sun enters Leo! Happy Leo Season!! Connect either Alexis or Amiee: Video available on Rooted Cosmic Wisdom’s YouTube channel! Be sure to subscribe!
Jun 17, 2022
1 hr 7 min
41. The Gifts of Transits with Faye
Astrologer Faye Northgrave joins us this episode. Faye specializes in Astrological Counseling, calling it a “Cosmic Hug”. Accessing astrology as a sacred tool she works with clients to support the surrender the outer planets often ask when they make transits in a natal chart. She calls this the “gift of transits”. We also touch in about working with progressed moons as a way of working with the heart’s natural desires and chart synastry. To Connect with Faye: [email protected] Connect either Alexis or Amiee: Video available on Rooted Cosmic Wisdom’s YouTube channel! Be sure to subscribe! For those that want even more of Rooted Cosmic Wisdom we also have a Patreon channel and you can join us using this link for exclusive content!
Jun 7, 2022
1 hr 7 min
40. Gemini Season 2022
Happy Gemini Season! The Sun moved in for its stay in this mutable air sign on May 20th. Gemini is a mover and shaker, like a hummingbird moving from flower to flower it brings the ability to see from many perspectives. This is a season of shifting, stay on your toes and know your thoughts can come to life. 5/20 Sun enters Gemini 5/24 Mars enters Aries (home sign) 5/28 Venus enters Taurus (home sign) 5/29 Mars conjuncts Jupiter in Aries 5/30 Gemini New Moon at 9° 6/3 Mercury stations direct and will be in his shadow until June 18 6/4 Saturn stations retrograde 6/11 Venus conjuncts Uranus 6/13 Mercury re-enters Gemini (home sign) 6/14 Sagittarius Full Moon at 23° square Neptune in Pisces 6/16 Sun in Gemini squares retrograde Saturn in Aquarius at 25°, Sun squares Neptune in Pisces and Venus conjuncts the North Node in Taurus at 22° Here is the potential. Do you believe it? Can you embody it? 6/21 Sun enters Cancer To connect with either of us: Alexis or her Inner Temple Mystery School Amiee or the June 18th workshop Video available on Rooted Cosmic Wisdom’s YouTube channel! Be sure to subscribe! For those that want even more of Rooted Cosmic Wisdom we have launched a Patreon channel and you can join us using this link for exclusive content!
May 24, 2022
1 hr 5 min
39. Astrology 101: The Planets
Astrology 101 is back and this episode we visit in with The Planets, bringing each major celestial body into a personification. The Sun - Radiance The Moon - Nourishment Mercury - Translator Venus - Receptive Magnetism Mars - Ignitor Jupiter - Expansion Saturn - Mastery Uranus - Revolution Neptune - Truth Pluto - Transformation Connect either Alexis or Amiee: Video available on Rooted Cosmic Wisdom’s YouTube channel! Be sure to subscribe! For those that want even more of Rooted Cosmic Wisdom we have launched a Patreon channel and you can join us using this link for exclusive content!
May 3, 2022
1 hr 32 min
38. Taurus Season 2022
We are back after an Aries Season Break and Taurus Season has begun taking one step at a time and inviting us into more grounding as the Pisces energy remains high in the wake of the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction and the first 2022 eclipse season. Here is a run down of the aspects we touch into this episode: 4/19 at 4:28pm ET/3:28pm CT Sun moves into Taurus 4/23 Mercury and the North Node conjunct in Taurus bringing a pre-eclipse message 4/24 Mercury squares Saturn in Aquarius inviting us to think differently 4/27 Venus conjoins Neptune in Pisces reminding us we are never stuck 4/28 Mercury in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn 4/29 Pluto stations retrograde at 28° of Capricorn before Mercury jams into Gemini 4/30 New Moon Solar Eclipse at 10° Taurus peaking at 4:28pm ET/3:28pm CT Venus conjoins Jupiter in Pisces 5/2 Venus enters Aries sparking the new 5/5 Sun conjuncts Uranus in Taurus be open to unexpected change 5/10 Jupiter enters Aries Mercury stations after being in his shadow since 4/25 5/13 Sun conjunct North Node in Taurus 5/15 11:14pm CT 5/16 12:14am ET Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, get outside to see it if the skies are clear! 5/18 Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces 5/20 Sun enters Gemini Connect either Alexis or Amiee: Video available on Rooted Cosmic Wisdom’s YouTube channel! Be sure to subscribe! For those that want even more of Rooted Cosmic Wisdom we have launched a Patreon channel and you can join us using this link for exclusive content!
Apr 24, 2022
1 hr 10 min
37. Aries Season 2022
Happy Astrological New Year!! Aries Season kicks off the new year and it may feel like things are jumping. It is time to ask “How do I get in my own way?” Or “Where am I blocking my own dreams?” Here is a run down of the aspects we touch into this episode: 3/20 Sun enters Aries 3/21 Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Pisces 3/22 Mars squares Uranus 3/23 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces Mercury aspects the North Node 3/27 Mercury enters Aries 3/30 Venus squares North Node 3/31 Aries New Moon conjunct Mercury and Chiron 4/2 Mercury conjunct Sun Cazimi 6:10pm Central/7:10pm Eastern 4/4 Mars conjunct Saturn 4/5 Venus into Pisces Mars squares North Node 4/10 Mercury squares Pluto Mercury enters Taurus 4/11 Saturn squares North Node 4/12 Jupiter conjuncts Neptune 4/14 Mars enters Pisces 4/16 Libra Full Moon aspecting Pluto, Pallas and Juno 4/18 Mercury conjunct Uranus Venus aspecting Uranus Sun squares Pluto Connect either Alexis or Amiee: Video available on Rooted Cosmic Wisdom’s YouTube channel! Be sure to subscribe! For those that want even more of Rooted Cosmic Wisdom we have launched a Patreon channel and you can join us using this link for exclusive content!
Mar 18, 2022
1 hr 22 min
36. Exploring Eros with Alyssa Morin
Somatic Sex Educator Alyssa Morin joins us today to share the importance of Belonging, some practices and guidance, including how to start having foundational conversations with our kids as they grow and stretch into their own sexuality. Don’t forget to Like and Subscribe on your favorite podcast platform! Connect with Alyssa Morin: [email protected] Connect either Alexis or Amiee: Video available on Rooted Cosmic Wisdom’s YouTube channel! Be sure to subscribe! For those that want even more of Rooted Cosmic Wisdom we have launched a Patreon channel and you can join us using this link for exclusive content!
Mar 10, 2022
1 hr 16 min
35. Sacred Medicine
Rooted Cosmic Wisdom is creating podcasts addressing Astrology, Mythology and Spirituality; inviting all our listeners in to fresh ways of seeing and being in the day to day world. Today we chat with Bufo facilitator Patrick about the power Sacred Medicines have to shift our lives, heal and open us to higher vibratory ways of living. To contact either Alexis or Amiee: For those that want even more of Rooted Cosmic Wisdom we have launched a Patreon channel and you can join us using this link for exclusive content!
Feb 23, 2022
1 hr 13 min
34. Pisces Season 2022
Rooted Cosmic Wisdom is creating podcasts addressing Astrology, Mythology and Spirituality; inviting all our listeners in to fresh ways of seeing and being in the day to day world. Piscean energy is a major theme for 2022 and as we enter Pisces season we are getting a preview and invitation to lean in, receive, release and Dream Big. Access your doubts and resistance to build Soul Stamina as Pluto asks “Do you want ALL of you?”. We can surf this energy and be moved into the next piece or we can resist, the change will happen regardless. How do you want your life to FEEL? To contact either Alexis or Amiee: Video available on Rooted Cosmic Wisdom’s YouTube channel! Be sure to subscribe! For those that want even more of Rooted Cosmic Wisdom we have launched a Patreon channel and you can join us using this link for exclusive content!
Feb 17, 2022
1 hr 18 min
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