Rookie w/ Tavi Gevinson
via Podcasts
Personable and Comforting
This is like your big sister and her friends having conversations together while you get to be in the room and listen adamantly to every word they say because the things that are being said can be applied to your life as well. Tavi has always been someone I have been fascinated with and have looked up to, even though she is younger than me, I have really enjoyed seeing into her world a little bit more by how she interviews more or less people she knows. The only downside it appears as though the podcast is no longer active but the episodes that are available have a wealth of info and wisdom that you can use for years and years to come.
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Come back
When are you guys going to make another podcast. They are helpful and I miss them.
Guava and Cheese
Wonderful conversations
Great for teens but really any age!! These are wonderful thoughtful conversations with such thoughtfully chosen guests. The messaging is also so positive and supportive of the listeners and the community they’ve formed. Please give it a try!
I looked forward to rookie every month/week last year, entering my junior year of high school I would love to continue listening, I feel like now if the perfect rookie time ❤️❤️
When will rookie come back!!!!!?
i LOVE this podcast so much tavi bring it BACK
I really love listening to this podcast. Hearing the Winona Ryder episode was awesome!! Great advice on every episode, highly recommend.
Great for any age
I am a 51 year old women and relate to a lot of this, but I enjoy that it helps me to relate to younger generations and also appreciate that we are not all that different.
I love!!!
The interviews are great, I love everyone that’s been on the show!
i love it!
i just started reading rookie a few days ago and i’m in love! i was looking at their twitter and i found out about the podcast and i’ve fallen in love all over again! it’s such beautiful works of art all combined into 40mins of Tavis lovely voice and the voices of many others. i love it and i can’t wait for new episodes!
New episodes?
Great podcast but when will there be more?
For the awkward phase at any age
Tavi Gevinson first became famous as a child making offbeat fashion selfies. She's since grown to be confident and driven young woman, with a vision of how to stay different and stay yourself. This ideal is shared by so many Rookie fans, including old "growns" like me. It's a podcast about wide ranging curiosity, creating a vision of who you want to be tomorrow, and offbeat young strivers (athletes, musicians, storytellers, everyone!) who found their own path and keep heading askew.
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Just Wonderful
This podcast is nourishing, uplifting, and everything I hoped it would be. I love the diversity of those interviewed as well as diversity in topics. I'm 27 and may be "too old" for rookie's demographic but find the topics meaningful and relevant and I recommend the podcast to many friends. Thank you for making my commute brighter!
funny + intelligent + healing + beautiful
i don't want to listen to all the episodes because i don't want it to be over. but alas, i've listened to almost all of them now over the course of three days. oops. the guests are amazing (shout out to Durga, Lorde, and Janet Mock!!! y'all were amazing!!) and Tavi is such a talented interviewer. her questions are insightful and unique; they show the utmost respect for the person being interviewed; and they always cut right to the interesting stuff. that kind of balance and beauty doesn't happen every day. anyway, @Tavi I am dazzled by u, always. please come out w/ new stuff. so much love.
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love it!
rookie mag has been one of the only publications aimed towards teens i've seen that doesn't pander, isn't condescending, and is actually representative of what people my age enjoy. the rookie podcast 100% lives up to the magazine, and i will continue to listen! 💖
The rookie podcast is amazing !!! such great stars have been featured already, Lorde, Rowan, i CANNOT WAIT to see who comes in the future 😍😍😍 I love the Rookie mag website and their podcasts 💓✨
For the young woman I'll never stop being
Thoughtful and useful
Gevinson gets some of the funniest/smartest/most interesting people on the Rookie podcast. I think she is brilliant in the truest sense of the word. I learn something every episode.
I feel like I have watched Tavi grow up! She is so amazing, and she is dedicated to always being positive, real and most of all just a really cool person! This podcast is great, even if you aren't a rookie/tavi fan like me. Thoughtful interviews with interesting people, on diverse topics. Thank you Tavi!!!
So dope!
I'm a "grown", but it's always important to stay inspired, and listening to other artists' methods and experiences. This show is also kinda perfectly curated to my particular sensibilities in art, music, DIY, feminism, etc. Way to go Tavi & Rookie staff!
Unexpected Joy
I have been on the Rookie mag site a number of times, but as a busy student, never enough to explore it fully. I honestly thought that I might enjoy the podcast but had some doubts about it being something I would love. And now I am addicted to it. Nearly every week, I have looked for that new podcast update. I love the rich discussions that I get to listen to and all the interesting people and perspectives I feel I am meeting. Thank you Rookie!
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Terrific podcast
Great content, engaging host, very well done.👍🏼👌🏼✌🏼
Can I rate this a miilion stars?
Hi Rookie! My name is Eliot and I am eleven years old. I live in albuquerque, New Mexico and, despite my age, I love Rookie. My mom got me the rookie yearbook and I completely devoured it. Ever since, I've been in love with Rookie. When I heard about the podcast I went immediately to l ITunes so I could listen to it and now I listen every week. You guys are awesome! Keep it up!
Almost 30 and loving this podcast
I love this series because the approach is coming from a place of wanting to learn in an ongoing way, discuss deeply, and hear fresh perspectives <3
Just what I needed
Rookie's been on my radar for a bit, but I finally took the plunge and started reading and listening - I wish I had done it sooner. The interviews are so intimate and authentic, raw and hilarious and full of incredible advice and wisdom from artists of all ages and levels of experience. It's just the creative support I've been needing to inspire me to read more, write more, create more. Thank you!!
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Love this podcast!
I've been inspired by Tavi's creativity for years now and was so excited when I learned about this podcast! I'm 28 so I am well over the target age for this podcast but I look forward to it every week. I love all the segments and I learn something new each episode. I just wish I had something like this when I was a teen. Thanks Rookie team for providing such a great resource for young girls!
One of the best podcasts I've heard—
and I'm in my 30s.
An audible guide to Pop culture
I've always loved rookie. Even if I don't always keep up with the content I know that Rookie always has something for me. The podcast specifically focuses on professionals and how to navigate specific topics. I love the podcasts because they're so unique and interesting. It's relatable and helpful and I couldn't ask for a better podcast as a teenage girl.
Rookie is so good! I'm 15 years old and I've been listening to it for like 2 months whenever I was bored or at school (don't worry, teachers didn't care). It's brought me so much joy and really helped me with some issues that I've got! Thanks❤️💛💚💙💜🖤
Yay for podcasts!
I've grown up consuming and living by rookie content and this new format to experience rookie is amazing! I love podcasts and I'm so glad I can enjoy Tavi and friends like this. I'm obsessed! Love, Haley R. c:
Rookie makes me look forward to Tuesdays :)
this podcast saved my art
The rookie podcast is always a highlight of my week. Listening to the interviews and the guests perspectives on art has inspired me to create and comforted me with the idea that there is not one right way to make something. I needed this podcast and it came into my life at just the right time, this is overly gooey now and I apologize, but I love it!!!
For curious listeners
Time is one of your most valuable assets. I try and consume content that attempts to be meaningful, and the Rookie podcast does that. You may not place value in celebrities as a construct, but I feel like it can be used as an avenue to become aware of someone and delve into human experience. I think this podcast has a beautiful balance of fun and emotional insight that I really enjoy. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in examining life and furthering their understanding of existence.
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Yay, I wish I had this when I was a teen
Thank you Rookie for making an awesome and beautiful podcasts for teens and for everyone. I'm a 30 year old and I get a lot from this show and look forward to sharing it with my daughter. Keep up the diverse voices, that's the best part!
Thank you Tavi! ❤️
I just listened to today's podcast and it was surreal. Hearing my voice and your words responding back what I had said was amazing! Thank you Tavi and I return the hug you sent out to me! ✨😭💕
this show gets me thru the week
Tavi is Incredible
Tavi Gevinson is an inspiration for all, no matter the age. The guests she invites on leave me feeling galvanized and renewed. I can't help share her enthusiasm for everything she talks about! I can't wait for more.
Ty oh so much
Tavi is an angel on this earth and this podcast is the highlight of my week. She asks great questions that tackle the more personal and vulnerable sides of being an artist and creator. No matter your age, there is a little something for everyone hidden in each and every insightful and inspirational episode. Tavi, thank you so much for showcasing the people who are shaping our world into the liberating community we all yearn for.
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Thankyou rookie
The topics discussed on rookie are so applicable to my life and so refreshing. On Rookie the vibes are so great. It's like positive, smart, real talk. I'm in 8th grade and I think that the Rookie podcast has prepared me in a way that I am more confident and ready for high school next year.
I love Rookie, and I love podcasts. So this is a dream come true. Rookie delivers.
Just the best
Tavi is so amazing as a boss, a producer, and especially as an interviewer. To be so young and yet so well-read and understanding of the world is a real gift. This is a near=perfect blend of information and entertainment.
figuring out your life is easier with Rookie
I love Rookie, and this podcast always leaves me feeling smarter, lighter, and more inspired. I'm 20 years old and going to start my senior year of college in August, so this podcast is perfect for me to try to learn new things and understand myself by listening to other people's stories. Keep on keepin on, Tavi and co.!
Likable if you can get past the word "like"
I have listened to 3 episodes now (ep. 1, 2, & 4), and Tavi as well as her guests say the word "like" every fourth word. I love what Rookie aims to do for young people, but I'll never understand why people feel the need to preface every phrase with "like." I'm sure this is just a petty pet-peeve of this 31-year old, but come on, it's a podcast. I want to hear quality content, not to feel like I'm listening to some teenagers figuring out how to express themselves and then giggling.
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yellow shoes
Thanks for being
Listening to the Rookie podcast feels like hanging out with my coolest, laid back intellectual dream friends. Tavi brings out a very genuine and human side of the people she interviews. Basically the only podcast I have to listen to as soon as it comes out. 🌸
Been wishing for a Tavi podcast for ages! Hope everyone working on this project realizes how much what they're doing means to all us listeners... Taking notes & writting quotes. PS: The interview with Dirga was especially awesome! I'll be loking for her book!
My fave podcast
I looooove this podcast so much!!! It makes me smile more and feel things deeply. So that's cool and exciting. It also makes me feel like I'm chatting with friends when I'm alone because all of my real friends are busy. That's also really cool. I love listening to people discuss things that matter to them unironically and sincerely. And being able to relate to people so different than me is always a good experience. Thanks for making this fantastic podcast! Everyone should listen to it so they can grow as humans!! 💖💖💖
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I'm not cool anymore but it's ok
Hi! I'm a 30 year old man - married, 2 kids - who likes to think that he's still "with it". It might seem weird to you that some old geezer like me is listening to the plights of post-pubescent tween girls but it's not, and here's why: I listen because I actually enjoy the content and find it highly entertaining. Segments such as the more recent, "What to do when people mispronounce your name", are helpful to people of all genders and ages (my full first name is Eliyahu; try to get that right on the first try). Additionally, I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and, I don't know what it is but, Tavi has the most soothing, calming voice that really helps me out when I have to do things that trigger attacks, like driving alone. Lastly, my daughter is turning 7 very soon. Though this may still seem young to you, I remember when she was in diapers. She's rapidly approaching adolescence and, as her father, I've been trying to preemptively seek out positive influences, and sources of support and comfort for her as she begins to go through this challenging time. I'd like to thank you, Tavi, for entertaining me and being a source of information and empowerment, and for everything you are going to do for my daughter in the future. Bravo to you and you're entire crew, keep up the great work, and don't be a stranger!
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For all ages
I'm far beyond the teens and 20s, but I still enjoy listening to the mature and reflective conversations between the host and guests.
Big fan!
I've loved Rookie since the website was started in 2011. The podcast is such a great continuation of what their website preaches, with great guests and interesting conversation! I love their segments and I'm excited to hear the rest of the season.
Love It!
I have loved podcasts and Rookie, so the two of them put together is a dream come true! I was listening to Ted Xteen and when Tavi Gevinson started talking about her blog cite and i just had to check it out! I did and loved it. I just love how Rookie talks about how being a teen really is. This Podcast is my go to when needing something to help get through the spare time with.
Tim Sss
AMAZING and for all ages.
LOVE this. I'm 40+ and find Tavi and the podcast very engaging and really inspiring! This is like Sassy magzine in podcast form. Wish this was around when I was younger. So greatful for the future generation! Can't wait to listen to the Winona episode. Thanks TAVI!
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