Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experience
Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experience
Roman Prokopchuk
via Podcasts
Real and Authentic Host
Had the chance to tell my story in full of overcoming my addictions with Roman. Got to be real and authentic to give the best possible story for everyone to take in and resonate with. Allowed me to be who I was as we talked.
Nick Drivas
Great host. Engaging conversations.
I enjoy listening to Roman’s podcast. He has great guests on. The conversations are engaging. The stories are motivating. And I always learn something new or useful.
Honestly produced
Roman is having conversations with integrity to help us move forward and uncover truth
Thoughtful Host with interesting guests
This is a great show for anybody looking for inspiring stories and a thoughtful host.
Damian The Poet
Great host, great conversation
I had a great time on Roman’s show. The hour flew by as we talked raw and honestly about life, loss, overcoming fear, and more. Everyone should check out his podcast!
Clint Hatton
A True Professional
It was such a pleasure to be featured on Roman Prokopchuk’s Digital Savage Experience podcast. Roman is the definition of the consummate professional when it comes to podcast hosting.
Diversity of guests
You never know what you're going to get with each show with Roman--and that's a good thing. The diversity of guests' stories gives you insight into the human condition and the different paths that we all take to become successful.
Eddie Rice-Author
Motivating and powerful pod!
Love this show!
From Employee to Consultant
Great interview!! And I love the variety of interviews that Roman conducts!! Great job!!
Robin Douglass
Definitely add this to the podcast list
Roman is awesome hose and has tons of interesting people on the show. He’s also just a great human being who’s making this world better.
Amazing Host! Interviews and Insights That Inspire Action! 💎
Roman Prokopchuk’s episodes are filled with guests who drop gems throughout their conversation. Each interview is relevant today when more and more people are struggling to find their way in the world. Definitely recommend Digital Savage Experience to anyone looking for motivation in their day! Will continue to listen for more unique and fascinating interviews/guests!!!
— Building A Heroic Brand
Speaking with Roman Prokopchuk was such a fun experience. We’ve tackled several topics which can be helpful to the show’s audience. Keep the great words of inspiration coming! Thank you Roman for the pleasure of being a guest in the Digital Savage Experience.
Inspiring entrepreunerial journeys
Inspiring stories of entrepreneurial journeys. Listen to how entrepreneurs are born, made and shaped by their experiences. Roman is a thoughtful, intelligent host with the skill to draw out the story behind the person.
Amy Rasdal
Great show!
The host is not only knowledgable, but very passionate, as well! Keep it up! ROMAN RULES!
The Bear of Texas Podcast
Great content
Love what you’re doing here!!
Love this
Amazing content real detailed looking forward to hearing more
James Champagne
Really interesting interviews and the host clearly knows how to engage his guests.
Great guy - outstanding show
Roman is an incredible human being, and an American immigrant success story. His humanity shines through every episode, while his soft-spoken intelligence and probing questions bring out the best in all his guests.
AWESome EarthKind Energy
This podcast made me digitally savage!!!
Though provoking
Great show and host. You know it’s a great episode when you find yourself talking about it the rest of the day. Keep them coming
Interview Valet
Roman is an incredible host!! He is so knowledgeable and he brings on phenomenal guests.
tommye w-c
Level Up!
A great host with real advice that actually works!
Great content!
Self taught
I agree with you about being self taught. I think hustle matters more then book smarts. Great podcast I think your outlook on digital marketing is great.
Treece Da Kid
I’m excited to keep listening!
I ran across this podcast today, listened to the first couple episodes (very doable because of the timeframe), and can’t wait to keep moving through them! Well done.
Very Knowledgeable
One of the most knowledgeable people on topics, I’ve ever heard. -Nate
So glad I stumbled across this amazing podcast. I'm new to having my own business and it's so helpful to have the business world and small businesses broken down and discussed in a way I can understand and start to implement in my own life. The host is super knowledgeable and inspirational!! Well done, I'm a fan! Laura McD
Very insightful!
The host is revert knowledgeable. I loved the episode on Spotify acquiring the podcast platforms. I had no idea that happened! Keep up the great work 👌🏾
Great Show
I love getting this behind the scenes look at the paths of others, truly learned a lot listening to this podcast.
Amazing like no other!
This show is an incredible conglomeration of success from all walks of life and all facets of the earth. So refined and so perfect. Everything about this podcast is done with excellence. Well done!!!
Tina Marie Trimpert
Short and sweet
I was initially drawn in by the unique and eye-catching artwork. I love the idea of a succinct podcast that delivers relevant information to its listeners in such an efficient and direct manner!
Love IT!
Super amazing podcast with the best host! Highly recommended!
I listened to the episode on anchor. Very informative. Breaks down exactly why more podcasters are trying to follow that direction. Breaks down features and time direction. Informative and engaging from beginning to end. This podcast is always a must listen!
Episode 56 Intriguing
I really liked the comparison and contrast exhibited with this episode’s premise. Was not sure what to expect but was delightfully pleased with the content and really enjoyed the host.
Great Show!
The hosts are very entertaining and informative! A must listen!
Concise and Unique
These podcasts are nice, short, and informative. Highly recommend!!
Love this!
Aside from loving the intro, I love this podcast! It's motivating and inspiring and I can't wait to make my way through all the episodes. Give it a listen!
Great information
Love this podcast, can’t wait for more! Host is AWESOME!
Color guard girl!
Amazing Podcast
This is one of the best podcasts I’ve heard to date. I will be recommending it to all of my friends
Right to the nitty gritty
Was listening to that intro and felt like i was playing GTA5 again lol but seriously really good stuff. Episode 97 was probably my favorite so far, the back and forth reminded like Nixon vs Frost for some reason. Subscribed!
Great podcast!
Such a great show! I love the guests on the podcast and the motivational stories behind them all! A must-listen!
Great show!
This is a great podcast! Super motivational and inspiring! So glad I stumbled across it!
Honest and Really Interesting
Informative and good content - using your personal experiences definitely pulled me into the episode. Keep up the great work! Melanie
He’s got the knowledge!
Love getting to soak up all the first hand experience of people who are crushing it. This is just what I was looking for in a motivational podcast!
Great Information
Thanks for sharing the information about Spotify purchasing Gimlet and Anchor. I didn’t know they were adapting stuff for Amazon Prime. Great Information.
Earl Sewell
Amazing podcast! I love the thought provoking conversations the host have with his guests! Definitely recommend you add this podcast to your weekly listens
Love this!
Motivating and inspirational! Thank you so much for brining is this amazing podcast!
Great conversation mixed with great info
Really interesting and informative show. Great material that can be applied to any walk of life.
Wendell's World and Sports
A must listen👍
Very motivational and inspiring. Provides great knowledge and educates you in business in multiple professions. Provides different ways to be successful.
Love it
Love tuning in to and from my way to work, Roman keeps me coming back every day
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