So, due to the holidays, I'm going to switch Episodes 267 and 266, and we'll get the latter in a couple of weeks. You'll survive, I'm pretty sure. Rish presents half of his Dead & Breakfast story "There'll Be Scary Ghost Stories" for the holidays. Apologies in advance. If you want to download it, just Right-Click HERE. If you want to support Rish on Patreon, as a sort of early present, click HERE. Logo by Gino "There'll Be Mariah Carey Ghost Stories" Moretto.
Dec 19, 2023
Rish performs M.R. James's 1904 story "Oh Whistle, and I'll Come To You, My Lad." No whistling, please.Note: I just discovered that there was a famous 17th Century poem/song called OWAICTYML, and this is named after that. Makes the story cooler somehow. > To download the episode, just Right-Click HERE.To support me on Patreon, click HERE. Logo by Gino "T**ty Whistle" Moretto.
Dec 8, 2023
Big Anklevich joins Rish for his Gerald & Bjorn sketch "Sleeping Near The Enemy." Then they talk about spousal abuse . . . like you do. Download the episode directly by Right-Clicking THIS LINK. Support my arse on Patreon by clicking THIS ONE. Logo by Gino "Slurping Near the Enemy" Moretto.
Nov 28, 2023
In one of those oversharing episodes, Rish ponders why he cares what people think of him. Warning: BTTF and TMI. To download this episode, Right-Click HERE.To support Rish on Patreon, click HERE. Logo by Gino "I Do Care, Kids" Moretto.
Nov 19, 2023
Rish finishes the presentation of his story "Underdecorated" . . . just in time to take down your decorations! Note: I meant to post this before Halloween, but a town ordinance said I couldn't. To download the episode, Right-Click HERE. To support me on Patreon, click HERE. Logo by Gino "Chunderdecorated" Moretto.
Nov 4, 2023
Rish presents the first half of his Halloween story "Underdecorated" about a town without holiday spirit. Or is it "Undecorated?" To download the episode, just Right-Click HERE. To support me on Patreon, click HERE. As always, Gino "Down Underdecorated" Moretto created the logo.
Oct 24, 2023
Rish tells more toy-selling war stories, including some with his Cousin Ryan. Note: Sorry about the bad audio--the microphone was sitting next to the fan. To download the episode, just Right-Click HERE.To support me on Patreon, click HERE. Logo by Gino "Have Boys, Will Unravel" Moretto.
Oct 20, 2023
Rish presents two new sketches, "Favorite Son (Or Grandson)" and "Doctor's Orders," both performed with Big Anklevich. Oh, and Fake Sean sings the title track. Poor you. To download the episode, just Right-Click HERE.To support me on Patreon, click HERE. Logo by Gino "Triple Feature" Moretto.
Oct 14, 2023
Rish expresses his irrational fear of yellowjackets and relates a recent encounter with one. Also, he relates a Tale of eBay Horror from last year, pretty much unrelated. But what things are you afraid of, and why? Note: I went through several title iterations for this one, before using the direct POLTERGEIST quote. Only after I'd edited and published did I find a website where you could download a .WAV of the movie line. Sigh. To download the episode, Right-Click HERE. To drive away the insects, support me on Patreon HERE. Logo by Gino "It Knows What Chers You" Moretto.
Sep 30, 2023
Rish talks about things that he finds funny that others might not, and vice-versa. Then he and Big present the related sketch "Seasonal Disorder." Warning: You might not find it funny at all. To download the episode, just Right-Click HERE. To support me over at Patreon, just click HERE. Logo by Gino "I Don't Think That's Runny At All" Moretto.
Sep 7, 2023
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