Right Now Podcast

Right Now

Asha Calaminus
Welcome to Right Now, a podcast all about relevant and trending subjects.
Episode 6: K-Pop Community
How does a specific interest impact someone’s identity, and the communities they are a part of? How is the music genre k-pop an example of this? Find out in this episode of Right Now featuring co-hosts Avery and Holly.
Apr 20, 2021
7 min
Episode 5: NBA Bubble
Welcome to a podcast all about relevant and trending subjects. This episode focuses on answering the question: what makes an adaptation? To find out I discuss with Kaden (host of everything sports) and Zoe (host of unTraditional) about the NBA Bubble. Also listen to us explain how the NBA Bubble is actually connected to Romeo and Juliet, all in this episode of Right Now.
Jan 19, 2021
9 min
Episode 4: Romeo + Juliet Past Present Future
Welcome to a podcast all about relevant and trending subjects. This episode focuses on answering the question: what makes a classic? To find out I discuss with Kaden (host of everything sports) and Zoe (host of unTraditional). Also listen to us ask questions like: will Romeo and Juliet be remembered the same in the future? Was Shakespeare a real person? And do we consider his play, Romeo and Juliet a Classic? All in this episode of Right Now.
Jan 11, 2021
17 min
Episode 3: New Year
Welcome to a podcast all about relevant and trending subjects. In this episode we look back on the year of 2020. With the new year here, what is there to be remembered about the past? Let’s find out by looking at a timeline and gaining perspectives from other people, all in this episode of Right Now.
Jan 5, 2021
4 min
Welcome to a podcast all about relevant and trending subjects. This episode focuses on the impacts of the Second World War. How does the work of a non-profit organization (OBON SOCIETY) connect to this? Let’s find out by looking deeper into the stories being told in an exclusive interview with co-founder Rex Ziak, all in this episode of Right Now. Works Cited: Kasai, Tomakazu. Tomakazu Kasai Oral History Interview by Bill Alexander. National Museum Of The Pacific War, 16 Sept. 2004, https://digitalarchive.pacificwarmuseum.org/digital/collection/p16769coll1/id/1452 “Lasting Consequences of World War II.” RAND Corporation, 21 Jan. 2014, www.rand.org/news/press/2014/01/21/index1.html. “Obon Society: Our Mission.” Obon Society | Our Mission, obonsociety.org/eng/. “Japan Profile - Timeline.” BBC News, BBC, 26 Apr. 2019, www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-pacific-15219730. “Japanese Good-Luck Flags.” Performance by Jasdeep Singh, YouTube , NationalArmyMuseumUK, 1 Aug. 2020, youtu.be/HrT2t9GB9IQ. Ziak, Rex. Personal interview. 7 December 2020.
Dec 17, 2020
14 min
Episode 1: Bonnie Henry
Welcome to a podcast all about relevant and trending subjects. This episode focuses on a very important Canadian who is effecting the world today. Is the Provincial Health Officer British Columbia, Dr. Bonnie Henry the greatest Canadian? Let’s find out by looking deeper into her past, her role today. Also discover this Canadian’s impact in an exclusive interview with Catherine Kelly, all in this episode of Right Now. Works Cited: “Bonnie Henry.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 30 Oct. 2020, en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonnie_Henry. “First Nations Health Authority Honours Dr. Bonnie Henry for 'Kind, Calm' Leadership.” Vancouver Is Awesome, www.vancouverisawesome.com/bc-news/first-nations-health-authority-honours-dr-bonnie-henry-kind-calm-leadership-2820729. Health, Ministry of. “Biographies.” Province of British Columbia, Province of British Columbia, 9 Oct. 2020, www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/health/about-bc-s-health-care-system/office-of-the-provincial-health-officer/biographies. Kelly, Catherine. Personal interview. 3 November 2020.
Dec 17, 2020
6 min
Trailer: Right Now
Official trailer for the Right Now podcast.
Dec 10, 2020
1 min