Riffin With Griffin
Riffin With Griffin
All Things Comedy
via Podcasts
You the Man
Great podcast, once again šŸ‘
OG BeerBoy
Well thought out and comedic
Not your standard comedian podcast. Erik actually thinks about (no shade to other great comic podcasts) the hot topics of the week and give a nuanced summary. Which always makes for a unique point of view. Canā€™t wait to hear how his life changes with the baby, all the things that will change, and what he will cherish. Newish listener but will listen for years to come.
Enhancing my levels of happiness.
Work outside alll day with headphones. Love listening to your current episodes and going back to listen to older classics. I appreciate your wit and I think youā€™re cool. Love love love you on King and the Sting. Fell in love with you years ago on Tigerbelly. I hope your life is filled with nothing but joy. Terry Byrd Harrisburg, Pa. 33yr old black make. (Just for context I guess lol.)
Terry Pierce Byrd
Eric griffin
Prolly the hackiest comedian today. Griffin reminds me of that kid that thinks heā€™s way cooler and more interesting than he actually is . Never heard him be funny and his Takes are usually wrong
Decent content
Itā€™s fairly entertaining if you can get past his racism.
ASMR made me leave
Love the show man but I had to stop listening when you were slurping your water. I canā€™t listen to that and a ton of other people probably feel the same.
Finally he mentioned the Apple comments
We are here šŸ¤˜šŸ½šŸ¤˜šŸ½
Rap recap boiiiii
Good all around podcast. Rap recap is my favorite part at da end! Hilarious
Woo wooo wooo
I enjoy your show. refreshing, authentic. I have nothing in common w you and your life, but i enjoy your passion and sense of humor. i feel entertained.keep up the good work and take good care. Timster
One of my faves
I could listen to Erik and his takes for hours and not get tired of him. Love the pod. I skip through the sports stuff though because Iā€™m not into that but love everything else.
Stop spoiling movies and shows
Good podcast but I canā€™t listen to it as much because he spoils too many movies and shows Iā€™m interested in. Wish he would just stick to American idol and reality stuff no one else watches. Probably was the rumor kid in school šŸ˜‚.
This guy is a tool..
Never left a bad review, but this guy suuux.. Glad others like him. But I guess a lot of people like our president too so it is what it is. His wife must be a dumpster. Count me out. Here is my honest review. Never again bro. Never again. Wonā€™t ever even watch Workaholics again now Iā€™ve heard this trash. Bye
Highlight of my week!
Love this podcast! Erik is hilarious. I love hearing his takes on everything from pop-culture to sports to the inner workings of his marriage. Every episode is a joy to listen to. Also love hearing him on Golden hour! Keep up the great work!
Fantastic pod
Love Erikā€™s pod, literally anything he discusses is interesting. And he can cover any topic there is. Always hilarious and cerebral
Nuance is his favorite word
Update your website. It looks like it was built in 1998 and never updated. Fairly entertaining show to listen to other than overuse of nuance.
sierra to great basin
Insightful and Fun
I really enjoy listening to Riffin with Griffin. Its fun, insightful, and always a great time!
Great podcast
I like to hear what Griff has to say about about current topics and his opinion on movies and tv shows.
sucker punch
Griff is the best!
5150 Land
Woo Woo Woo!
yeah yeah yeaaahhhā€¦
Hugh Jassdik
Not funny
So bad
Wooo wooo wooo
Great podcast! We riffin with Griffin!!
Dear Erik,
Every single time Rambis Glassman touches the rock ā€œpack your bags,ā€ weā€™re going on a TRIP. Steps. Steps. Steps. Who does the pr:ck think he is? Manu Ginobili. šŸ•Æ I love when he goes down the lane and holds the pill like a running backā€¦itā€™s so cute! Iā€™d like to give him the old ā€œwhat forā€ when he takes it to the tin with that stupid look on his faceā€¦ Lastly, share the sugar when you play. Rambis Blackhole Glassman. Goodness! šŸ•Æ -Les Couchon- šŸ’„šŸ·šŸ’šŸ‘ 
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More Steebee Weebee
Please please please šŸ™
KhaLiarLah Kuhnt
I stand with Brenda Schaub and Brine Callum. Iā€™m a homeless cat, so if you know whud Iā€™m talmbout, you can buh-lowe me, after you walg me to my trugg. Tigerbelly is awful. The Fighter and The Kid rules! Back to the fryers, b.
Smooth d tickle
Lover eric
First saw you as Montez, then Bobby Leeā€™s pod and found you hilarious. Saw you make the rounds of east coast comedian pods and always enjoyed you. I stopped watching king and the sting for awhile until I saw you on and watched it and been watching with you ever since. Youā€™re what that show needed. Finally I started watching/listening your pod which I enjoy. Great heart, honest and funny. Love you
Great pod!!
Worth a listen. Funny, extremely entertaining.
uissy cup
Happy bday Erik! Love the podcast!
Love the podcast great topics
Love love love
I love listening to Erik and all of his nuanced takes on a variety of different topics! Even when I donā€™t know what heā€™s talking about like the shows or movies he goves his opinions about I love to hear what he has to say. I wonā€™t say Iā€™ve known about him for a long time but ever since he started coming on KATS regularly I started to love his view on things! His view is so different and itā€™s greatly appreciated. Hearing his personal stories and experiences with his mom get me every time and I canā€™t wait for him to come to Iowa (I know, I know) so I can see him. Def a bucket list show for me. I may not be his target demo (Iā€™m a 30 yo Mexican, Married mom of 3) but I never miss a show and sometimes catch it live on YouTube! Def a must listen for me every week! Hope you vaccum your studio soon! Lol Keep up the good work!
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You the goat always look forward to the show to hear your takes. Always the highlight of my dayšŸ’Æ
Riffin with Griffin!
Great show šŸ˜ƒ Dude one more with steebee and bobby !!
Derrick Griffin
Robert Patterson?
passenger 0
Woo woo woo woooo
Love the show and got a funky guitar lead for that honey toned voice homie āœŒšŸ»
Great show!!
Always a good listen
ikid ikid
great podcast!!!
underrated podcast! love the show
milky option
Riffin with Griff
This podcast is great! Erik is always funny and gives great advice. Thanks Griff!
Intrepid Outdoors
Big fan!
Love the podcast Erik! Went to see you in Addison couple months ago. Best show Iā€™ve ever been too! Love your Bitchin and movie review segments! Can you do a review of your buddy Adams show Righteous Gemstones, love that show! Thanks n keep up good podcasting! PS-More shows with Steebee on it with you guys talking about movies! #StevenFromDallas
Dallas Steven
Erick Is Great, But You Can Hear the Fat/Folds!
Update-he needs to clear his throat/drink off mike, cause you can hear his fat/gross sounds as he slogs down drinks, coughs, heavy breathing, etc. Erick is funny, fair and has a great personality. I tend to agree with his surmise of both political and personal judgements as well as problem solving (also see Jordan Harbinger). He hangs with funny people and stands his ground/gives back insults to other comedians. Good actor too! Jeremy
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Chitown Jamie
Best podcast ever!
I love this podcast so much! One of the best ones I Iā€™ve listened too!
One of the most underrated comedy podcasts
Almost always hilarious in humor and well-balanced on social issues! (Very refreshing to hear someone in media and is also a ā€œminorityā€ not be crazy ā€˜wokeā€™ or cling to that for a boost!) Makes any podcast, his own or where heā€™s featured, pure gold!
Wooo woooo
Iā€™ve always lived griff, but for the longest time I enjoyed him more when he had someone to bounce off of and make fun of, but I actually really appreciate his takes on societal issues, movies, shows, and everything else! Great listen
Erik is real
Came here to defend Erik against the trolls who post negativity about him. The podcast provides a balanced and honest perspective on many relevant issues. Erik appreciates and understands nuance, and has the life experience to provide real insight when explaining his stance. I first found out about him through KATS, and he quickly became one of my favorite hosts of all the podcasts I listen to. Donā€™t let the trolls fool you, Erik - youā€™re hilarious on KATS. When you speak, I listen āœŠšŸ¼
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Best pod ever
Hands down one of the best podcast ever! Always a great listen 10 out of ten recommend
abel filero mero mero
Spoiler warnings please - updated Griff is Good
Griff I got to give you props for reading review and making chances to enhance the show. You now give spoiler warnings and Iā€™m able to tune in a lot more. Big big bonus marks for putting the time stamps of spoilers in the description too. Original 1star review: Loved tuning in before the regular reviews. You have to be up to date with every single movie thatā€™s coming out, or else griff will spoil it in the most boring way.
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chris armand
Ratinā€™ with Griffin!
Best singing mic in the business!
Misguided Truth
That theme song is catchy
Finally another single taking podcast
Everyone has two voices or multiple characters, itā€™s nice to have just one person take the lead .. LOVE IT
Little but strong
If I hear him say nuanced one more time I am going to lose my mind!! I donā€™t think he realizes how often he says this word. Average ā€œnuancedā€ count per episode is 5. Itā€™s almost like a tick at this point.
Woo woo woo
Itā€™s my favorite podcast
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