Rider’s Edge Podcast

Rider’s Edge

Farley Schweighart
The Rider's Edge Podcast is brought to you by Farley Schweighart, Physical Therapist looking to pursue educating riders about their health and fitness, and the health and fitness of their horses. I am interviewing prominent guests within the realms of the horse industry, healthcare, veterinary medicine, rodeo and other athletes. Our goal is to bring you information that you can use to help you and your horse be physically fit, mentally fit, healthy, and return to winning in the arena.
Start Again & Again
Don't be afraid to start again. After a hiatus, Rider's Edge podcast is back with the reminder to start again as many times as it takes. 
Dec 20, 2023
10 min
Brain Body Connection with Jennifer Casey
Competing and moving your body are essential subjects when talking with Jennifer Casey. This conversation we explore the brain body connection and how that is important to breakaway roping. 
Jul 19, 2023
38 min
10 Things to Know about the Horse's Respiratory System
If you have a performance horse, join this conversation on your drive. Jim and Hanna of Achieve Equine and Flair Strips talk about 10 things to know about the horse's respiratory system. We talk about anatomy to mechanics to preparation to EIPH. This conversation is a must have for every performance horse owner. 
Jun 28, 2023
1 hr 8 min
What to know about the Women's Rodeo World Championship
It is an exciting time for women in rodeo! Everything you need to know about how to get involved with the Women's Rodeo World Championship is talked through by Linsay Rosser-Sumpter. Join the conversation so that you can plan your summer run to include this opportunity. 
Jun 21, 2023
41 min
3 Truths Every Rider should know about their Horse's Health
3 Truths Every Rider Should Know about their Horse's Health is a conversation centered around the performance horse's musculoskeletal health. Brianna Barnes brings her knowledge and expertise in educating riders to help their horses get to the next level. 
Jun 7, 2023
35 min
3 Truths about Nutrition with Rural Health Education
Nurtrition is key to health, recovery, and competition. Join Bailee Cooper from Rural Health Education on today's competiton for 3 truths about nurtrition. We keep it simple from a rural, agricultural background. 
Jun 1, 2023
43 min
Individualizing Your Horse's Fitness with LARC Testing
Have you ever wanted more data and feedback from your horse? How do you know if your fitness plan is working? Dr. Tula with LARC testing will explain how LARC testing can give you insight to your horse's fitness through measuring the cardiovascular, respiratory, and muscluar systems. 
May 24, 2023
45 min
Riding after Injury with Aleisha Shirley
Join today's conversation with Aleisha Shirley, physical therapist. She talks about her favorite subject: becoming a better rider. Her own story shows how riders can return to competition after injury. Her program Solid in the Saddle helps riders improve after injury or after losing confidence.  Aleisha uses slow motion analysis among other ways to assess her clients. Aleisha is hosting a clinic at The Art of the Cowgirl: Montana Gathering in June 2023. 
May 17, 2023
40 min
The Mental Game of Riding and Barrel Racing with KK Rule
Today's episode is about all things mental! KK Rule provides her insights and takes on the mental game of barrel racing. We have a conversation about riding multiple horses, the mental game of running down the alley, and how to focus when traveling to an event. 
May 10, 2023
36 min
A Conversation with Becky Pearson
Today's episode is the first of two conversations with Becky Pearson of Pivot Point Equine & Rider Rehab. Becky is located in Broken Bow, Nebraska. She is a phenomal therapist focusing on the horse and rider. 
May 3, 2023
46 min
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