Paul Revere News Podcast

Paul Revere News

Paul Revere News
Paul Revere News challenges the angles.
Episode 21: Tucker Carlson releases January 6 DC Capital building footage
Tucker Carlson releases January 6 DC Capital building footage. As a news crew ourselves that we’re there on Jan6 we here at Paul Revere News saw everything for ourselves. Tucker is right and the videos don’t lie; the Washington DC police escorted and even opened locked doors for everyone that came in.
Mar 8, 2023
10 min
Episode 20: Primaries across USA 🇺🇸 are foretelling The Red Wave 🌊
In this episode we discuss Willie Montague and his stand for the constitution and call out his opponents for calling themselves Trump supporters and Constitutionalists but yet want to enact universal background checks before you can buy a gun. We also discuss America standing behind Trump and voting a total Red Wave across the USA 🇺🇸
Aug 27, 2022
48 min
Episode 19: The Fall Of The Cabal; Georgia Guide Stones Have Been Destroyed By The Patriots
A stone pillar which promotes a genocide the reduce the population to a controlled handful. This is the Utopia of the Global Elite’s New World Order. Located in the state of Georgia, way off in the middle of no where until today was a monument called The Georgia Guidestones. After an explosive was detonated toppling one of the stones; construction crews began the demolition of the New World Order monument this afternoon. This will send a powerful message to The Deepstate.
Jul 7, 2022
1 hr
Episode 18: Washington DC is preparing for riots rolling the overturn of Roe Vs Wade
The Deep State wants Americans to cause a blood bath so they can lock America down; just in time for voting. The Democrats are panicking and have nothing to hold on to. The trial for January 6 hiring was called off because of inefficient evidence. Blackwood is holding fuel and DEF from truckers and The Union Pacific Railroad is claiming a staffing shortage is behind the lack of supply.
Jun 14, 2022
59 min
Episode 17: Texas Shooter Was A Left Radicalist
Texas Shooter Was A Left Radicalist. For a kid that grew up supposedly poor and with no money; thus he was being bullied for his lack of fashion— how could he afford a brand new F-250 and a minimum $5,000.00 gun arsenal? Sounds like one of them Soros boy was behind this. The cross dressing photos of the shooter were the hint that this was an inside job.
May 27, 2022
44 min
Episode 16: No Baby Formula But Washington DC Can Send Billions To Ukraine?
No Baby Formula But Washington DC Can Send Billions To Ukraine? Why is the government happy to help every country but our own?
May 25, 2022
1 hr
Episode 15: #PatriotPollWatch2022
If we refuse to leave and we give the government no room to cheat; we will win. We have to watch the polls. #PatriotPollWatch2022
May 20, 2022
59 min
Episode 14: It is vital that we guard the voting poles
On this episode we talk about the value voting. It goes deeper than that. After voting, we can not allow our voting locations to shutdown for the night and kick people out of the buildings. This year we stand over them and we watch them like Eagles.
May 17, 2022
59 min
Episode 13: Twitter Is Scattered And The Deep State’s Agenda Is Crumbling
What is going on with Twitter? What was the agenda behind Roe Vs Wade overturn? U2 is having a concert is Ukraine 🇺🇦 a war zone? Doesn’t sound like any of this makes any sense. Well, welcome to the circus act which is the deep state. Provided is a link to watch a ground breaking movie that is being hidden from America. Please watch
May 16, 2022
1 hr
Episode 12: Antifa Caught By Paul Revere News False Flagging At Disney
Paul Revere News was at Disney today thanks to Ricky G scouting out Antifa trying to fade flag our movement by making it look like this is a “White Supremacy” movemnt. What they did wrong was; trump supporters don’t wear masks 😂😂😂🤦‍♂️ Swing and a miss Antifa.
Apr 28, 2022
59 min
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