Introducing Beau into the group. We talk about a couple games, shitty movies, star wars, and Crush porn Aaron allegedly likes.
May 22, 2014
1 hr 54 min

A little talk on video games. Go into movies and tv shows. Rick discloses his hotslaw recipe and some politicing.
May 11, 2014
2 hr 6 min

Not much on games but we've got pet peeves and North Korea. We're lovin' it.
Apr 17, 2014
1 hr 34 min

Guess what....video games again explained. Talk about Metallica, Occulus, and a couple TV shows. #butthurt
Apr 3, 2014
2 hr 6 min

Talking about video games....again. And expressing our opinions on net neutrality.
Mar 23, 2014
1 hr 54 min

In our first episode we talk about a few video games such as Tomb Raider and the Cod Series. We then go onto debating the difference between mutants and super heroes. Then dabble in the Highlander mythology and Rick then
Jan 16, 2014
2 hr