Revive Our Hearts Podcast
Revive Our Hearts
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
via Podcasts
Holy Sexuality
Thank you for hosting Christopher Yuan! His ministry and most recent book has been so informative for me as a pastors wife and a person who desires to discipline and teach women of all ages well. God bless Revive our hearts and the other ministries from this ministry🙏🏻
Thank God for this precious ministry
I am praying for you, Nancy, and that God would bless you and your ministry. Thank you for speaking the Word of God with conviction
Ella A 2024
Life Changing Ministry
God has used 'Revive Our Hearts' to point me to Jesus in every area. It has directed me to filter EVERY THOUGHT and EVERY INTERACTION in my everyday life THROUGH THE WORD OF GOD.
Revived & Renewed in Him
Biblical truth without compromise....actionable application
Nancy always teaches the full counsel of God, hard passages, familiar passages.... the Word of God is unapologetically unpacked for us to understand more fully and apply to our lives. I have been a regular listener for about six years. This is the ONLY podcast that I faithfully love to incorporate into my morning. I love that the message is also transcribed and there are so many additional resources available at the website. This podcast is a feast for the hungry soul desiring to grow in your walk with the Lord. You will be encouraged, challenged, surprised and inspired. I highly recommended Revive Our Hearts!
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This podcast has one of the most richly, biblically based teachings I’ve experienced thus far. I’ve never left the podcast with fluff information rather with biblically based truth and encouragement in how to live in a closer walk with Him. Inspires me and moves me to be more like him. I don’t have time for nonsense information.
Ann Manthey
Encouraging and biblically grounded
Biblical truth
So grateful for Nancy and the team at ROH. God is working powerfully through this ministry!
Anna Vanderwal
So thankful for this life-changing app!
I am so thankful to the Lord for the Revive our Hearts app!! I was listening daily on moody, but then learned about the app, and just can’t even begin to express how thankful I am for the solid Biblical teaching, and just so much sound Biblical truth & support for women!!
Pointing me to Christ
This is a challenging and heart changing podcast. I love Nancy’s teaching because it draws me closer to Christ and many times humbles me. I highly recommend ROH.
Challenging and biblical
I love Nancy and have followed her for years! So happy she is on this platform. She always delivers such godly wisdom, while encouraging women to live their best lives through Christ. It’s a must for my day!
So thankful!
Y’all are apart of my everyday! This is a practical and inspiring podcast for the Christian faith! I am so thankful for there work in leading women around the world to “experience freedom fullness and fruitfulness in Christ”! Y’all should definitely listen to this podcast!!
Encouragement to Godly living
I have been so challenged and blessed by every podcast I have heard that I became a monthly partner. The Lord working in my heart through Nancy’s biblical teaching on so many things basic to the Christian life has been transformative to my heart and life. Wish I had known of her sooner, but God’s timing is always perfect.
Important ministry
I first learned about Nancy in her tremendous book ‘A Place of Quiet Rest.’ Her podcast ministry teaches me so much. Her preaching is powerful. Thank you!
Amazing biblically sound ministry
I found ROH 3 years ago when my friend who led me to Christ shared this incredible ministry with me. I have grown so much in my faith and my walk with God by listening daily. I love that I am being taught sound doctrine and growing to be a strong woman of faith. Thank you Nancy and the entire ROH team for standing firm in the truth and using this ministry to teach women how to represent Christ and give all glory to God. I highly recommend this podcast to every Christian woman.
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A timely podcast episode
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this first episode on a different Gospel. The Lord timed it perfectly for me. Yesterday a friend and former church member was at our house and I heard the word deconstruction in regard to faith for the first time. I listened to our friend, and grieved, as he shared his de-salvation story and path to, as he put it, his apostasy of the faith. This episode helped me understand the cultural background of what he may be experiencing, and I look forward to learning more so that perhaps my husband and I can come alongside him with greater understanding and better questions. Hearing your conclusion (about Christ’s atoning sacrifice on our behalf, and the charge to ask God to reveal to us if we are sinners) made me very thankful that when this friend asked me where I was at in my spiritual journey I could say that I have been in a season of coming face-to-face with sin in my life and the pain it causes others, and learning to receive God’s grace and forgiveness through Christ Jesus as sufficient. Each time I have opened the Word in the midst of this season of brokenness, I have been overwhelmed anew with a God who, being just and holy, embraces me, so deserving of his wrath, with kindness, mercy, and grace. Beloved sisters, cling to Jesus. Press into Him. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
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Learning to pray
Hi I love your podcasts, even my husband has been listening, they are so inspiring and you teach so that I understand what is happening, I was wondering what translation you use ? I love to follow along. Thanks so much.
Blessed by this program even as a man🙌🏼
I listen to a lot of podcasts and first heard Nancy on the radio. Know she has a heart for training and teaching women in God’s Word but even as a man I find so much insight from her and am extremely blessed by her wisdom. I love her Christ-centeredness in all she talks about and always takes it back to the Gospel 🙏🏼
Great podcast
I so enjoy this podcast! I found it in April and has really caused me to think deeply about my faith and want to know more about Jesus and the Bible and living out my faith. Very eye and heart opening!
Life changing!
Revive Our Hearts has helped me along my walk with God more than I could ever explain. I am so thankful the Lord brought this podcast into my life early on.
Blessings in the hearing!
Nancy’s delivery of the Truth has a way of penetrating my heart that encourages me to receive the message as it applies to me. My favorite, and detrimental way, to take most truths taught to me in the past, would have been how it applies to others. God is waking me up to receive instruction and I have benefited greatly from Nancy’s teaching as well as the other ladies she has on the show. Thank you!!
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Scrooges gal
Rich, full of Scripture and so God exalting!
This is by far my favorite podcast of all the podcasts I’ve listened to. I’ve listened to Nancy for years now, and her podcasts are full of Scripture, looking to Jesus, and taking our eyes off of ourselves and our own weakness.
These lessons on forgiveness are so convicting but amazing!!
These Women have been Raised for Such A Time as this
Thank You Lord for this Team of Women and men from top to bottom of all who participate and contribute in any kind of way to get out the Truth of the Word of God to all the Nations and the People on this Earth. In Jesus Name Amen.
A lot of great things but a big negative
Nancy speaks so much biblical truth and shares about Gods sovereignty. That is a blessing. What I cannot get past is every single show there is a request to donate. This has influenced me to not want to listen. I’m in a faith ministry and we very rarely ask for help. I would love to see Revive our Hearts re-look at the faith aspect of their ministry. God bless you.
Theologically sound and encouraging!
No woke crazy theology here! Just the Truth of God’s Holy Word. No creating a God to suit the flesh! Just the worship of the One true God as revealed in HIS Word. I love this podcast.
Solid Bible Teaching
This podcast has helped to disciple me in the Lord as a wife and mother of six children. Thank you for being bold enough to teach sound doctrine in an age of wavering in truth.
The Best
The best, most game-changing, biblically grounded podcast for your walk with Christ. Hands down always my #1 favorite podcast.
Encouraging in so many ways!
I am so thankful for the Revive Our Hearts ministry! Nancy and the team are doing an incredible job in bringing the Word to so many women who need to hear the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. Their hearts for the Lord are so inspiring and it is truly wonderful to hear from women who have a deep and abiding love for the Way, the Truth and the Life. Praising God that these women are staying faithful to the calling that He has given them in helping women experience freedom, fullness and fruitfulness in Christ.
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Awed servant of the Lord
Eye opening research!
I loved the “For Women Only” series on the minds of men! Such helpful insights and a godly perspective on marriage.
Nancy Talks Practical
I was overjoyed to hear this broadcast - practical is what I need more than not. Sometimes the nuggets are high come through a Q and A or punctuation marks of truth can carry us through the “cracks” in life. I am blessed by this ministry and use the wisdom I hear daily into my own ministry with the young women I mentor in my densely populated city which I call home!
The Cooking Tutor
God fearing, Truth speaking
So glad to have found a podcast that speaks of relevant day to day issues with a christ centered view.
Excellent source
This ministry have spoken to my heart changing my perspective on many aspects of my life as a woman, as a mother and hopefully as a future wife, highly recommended!
Love digging deeper and being encouraged
So Thankful to our Heavenly Father for placing these podcasts and your ministry in my life. They have been such and added bonus to my daily devotional. The past two years have been some very hard valleys, but the words y’all share are so Biblical and have helped my heart in so many ways. I feel now, that I have new sisters in Christ that are like family as I have branched out to listen to your other podcasts offered through Revive Our Hearts. Thank You for being faithful to God and His word and standing firm on the truth even when this world around us is shaking.
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So powerful!
Thank you for this series! So moving, so powerful! My heart and mind needed this reminder —Bless you for sharing His Word so faithfully. Heaven Rules!
Great topic, too much interruption of each other, then we can’t decipher anyone. Thanks
Joyful in Jesus
Thank you!
Thank you for helping remind me to look up and calm my heart. Really needed this message and reminder today.
Thank you!
Thank you for your encouraging words of Truth.
Spiritually edifying and uplifting
My soul has been refreshed, comforted, encouraged, challenged, and renewed with the teachings and learning I’ve gained! I start my day off with listening here and see how the Lord is timely in what He has to say through Nancy and the Revive Our Hearts ladies. Thank you for your ministry!
Good info, poor delivery
Back this poor woman off the microphone so we don’t have to hear her swallow! Yuck. Gross enough that I couldn’t keep listening. Hopefully she writes a blog.
Godly and timely wisdom for women
I've been listening to this podcast for years while washing the dishes at night. What a blessing to hear timely, Biblical truth for women like myself! This podcast, including its Bible teaching, testimonies and interviews with various authors/intros to their books has served countless times to inspire me further in my walk with Christ and to keep my mind thinking on things are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent and worthy of praise (Philippians 4:8).
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Ignores Politics and Culture
Nancy doesn’t talk about politics and culture. VERY important and pet of why the church is sleeping is due to these topics not being addressed.
So Much Goodness & Truth!!!
I absolutely LOVE this podcast! I stumbled upon it because a friend shared posts from Revive Our Hearts frequently on Facebook, and I am so glad I did. This podcast has brought so much wisdom into my studies and has been a great companion to my personal Bible study. Additionally, I am loving the “Trusting God for the Promised Land” Series right now as I walk through a difficult season of miscarriage and trying to conceive and carry again. This podcast will help your saturate your life with TRUTH. ❤️
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My Favorite for Photobooks
Awesome Podcast
I look forward to listening to each new episode. Nancy and Dannah keep me grounded in God’s Word and growing ever closer to the Lord. I’ve recommended the Revive Our Hearts podcast to friends.
petey jr.
Long time listener
I’ve been listening for years and continue to love the content of this podcast. May you continue to remain steadfast in the Lord and continue to teach His Word.
So encouraging
I started listening faithfully at the beginning of January and the lessons have been life changing. They are so biblically grounded yet practical. Thank you for providing this podcast, God has used it in so many different ways already. I find myself sharing episodes with friends and family members and bringing up what I’m learning in every conversation!
Trusted. Timely.
Always grounded in God’s Word. Always relevant.
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G ✨
A daily dose of spiritually truth, hope, and encouragement!! Rock solid MEAT for every woman who wants to grow in the Lord. ✨✨✨✨
Grounded in the Word
I have been listening to Nancy for somewhere around 12 years. In 2020, my podcast lineup got filled with other things and ROH took a back burner place. I have felt my heart yearning for God’s Truth and found my way back to Revive Our Hearts. The series beginning today on Psalm 136 is *exactly* what my heart needed to hear. His steadfast love endures forever! ❤️
Grateful for this podcast
I am so grateful for this podcast. I listened to Elizabeth Elliot for years and have listened to Revive Our Hearts since then. I really like the podcast because it allows me to listen when it fits my schedule and I can go back and listen again to any particular one that especially speaks to me. One thing I really appreciate about Nancy and also Dannah is your openness about your personal struggles. It let’s me know that I am not alone in the things I struggle with. God bless your ministry!!!
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For Many Years
Right befor I turned my heart back to God I began listening to Elizabeth Elliott’s show - Gateway to Joy and have been listening to Revive our hearts w/ Nancy since the beginning. She had been the voice of wisdom, perseverance and gratitude. Thanks Nancy I am so grateful to the Lord for having had the opportunity to gleen from your teachings through my journey of growing closer to Christ.
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