Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole
Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole
Alisa Keeton
via Podcasts
Julie B from P19/S2/P31. Loved this episode!! As I’ve aged and especially leading fitness for the older than me population and now a physically challenged population with neuromuscular disease, I’ve adapted a slower pace workout for all with a little speed once on a while. I haven’t been able to walk/hike comfortably in over a year, but looking forward the temps that allow for outdoor biking. ☺️ More episodes about fitness, nutrition and aging are great. Thanks!!
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Julie Bar
Hey! Been loving reconfirm the words and be stills for years. Just a heads up, #890 has a couple of clear misuses of scripture in my opinion. The lukewarm passage is a pretty common one that’s taken way out of context, but in addition to that there’s also the lack of biblical context on the title son of man, which again in my understanding was clearly a messianic title and would have been heard immediately as such by the Jewish people. This last one is what first perked me ears up to questions about this episode: you can’t follow [Jesus, wind, God] if you have a mortgage. Am I wrong in assuming that each of you guys on staff has a mortgage 🤷‍♂️. What I really hope is that the goal with that statement was a metaphor but it certainly wasn’t used in that spirit as far as I could tell. I think it would be important to remind that MOST of the early church did put down roots in one city or another, especially Jerusalem where even after heavy persecution there were members that remained behind. The body needs mobile missionaries AND garrison home bases to equip and send out. Love you guys, and please hear my heart here for clarity and truth, not trying to bring you down 😁
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broken mechanics, XP problems
Favorite podcast
I have been listening to RW for about 3-4 years! I love learning alongside Alisa and the crew. There is something special about a sweaty Bible study- I am able to capture the ideas and memorize scripture so much easier! I love everything this ministry stands for!
Always a great way to start the day
I have come to this podcast for years to find practical truth and to set up my day. Thanks Alisa and team for staying grounded and shining a light!
Love Revving The Word. It’s so cool to learn the word of God while on the treadmill or bike.
Love this podcast!
I love and appreciate Rev Well so much! It has guided me when I was in dark places. I do however miss the "Be still and Be loved" series. It seems more infrequent since last year.
Best podcast for TRUTH and Movement!
This is THE best scripture based movement/exercise podcast and group I’ve ever experienced. The word is ALIVE and active, and the combination of moving your body and listening to truth spoken over you is so powerful. This has been one of the best tools I’ve found for my exercising. Thank you revelation wellness!
Thank you
Thank you for this podcast. It has been such a blessing in my discipling of others and myself. I listen to it every time I take my dog for a walk and it’s the best part of the day. The ‘rev the word’ episodes are my favorite. The gift that Alisa has to teach matches my learning style and I am just so grateful.
Solid Strength
Everyone- LISTEN UP!
These podcasts are for EVERYONE! Don’t worry about your fitness level. It doesn’t matter! You will be encouraged, fed and pumped up with GOODNESS!!! Please try it! It’s going to change your life!
Thank you for the great content
I love this podcast and the quality content and encouragement. Thank you Alisa and team for your good work.
So encouraging
I LOVE this podcast. It’s very encouraging. But it also offers a lot of variety. The interviews are engaging and inspiring. I love listening to Reving the Word while I walk. Definitely one of my favorite podcasts to listen to. It’s a great podcast to share with friends!
AWESOME- Must subscribe
This is probably one of my favorite podcasts! This along with a dear friend encouraged me to sign up to be a fitness teacher gospel preacher and I completed Platoon 29! If you love Jesus, people and fitness this is a must listen/subscribe!! It will change your whole mentality on faith and fitness!! After completing instructor training I decided to become a donor! This is definitely a worthwhile ministry to support! I will be teaching classes at the local gym that I belong to and leading the Wellness Revelation at my church. Looking forward to what the Lord has for me this year!!
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Life Giving and Life Speaking
Reving the word podcasts are my favorite to listen to when I am walking or working out. Love having life spoke into my day! I also love all the variety of topics with the interviews that Rev does as well! This is hands down my favorite podcast to listen to. Every episode points to Jesus!
Moving in your body to strengthen your soul to become more like Jesus
Podcast is a great tool to go moving and disconnect from the noise of the world. The moving and the breathing will help your mind, body and spirit grow closer to God. This is about a personal journey with God, go and move.
Rev on the Road
I went to Rev on the Road in Pittsburg a month ago and loved all of it!! I had only begun listening to the podcast for less than a month before that randomly. So a newbie here, but I’ve loved every breath, every walk, every encouragement. I fell hard for Revelation Wellness!! I immediately imagined I could be an instructor. I am grateful for the span of effort and variety of workouts!!
Spirit-filled & anointed for Whole Body Fitness
There is no way I would still be moving and completing movement sessions if it wasn’t for Revelation Wellness! Every podcast, audio, etc. I listen to is right on point for where I am in life!
Love spending my mornings with Revelation Wellness!
I’ve been on a hiatus from the gym. Honestly, I found it a bit boring…and I wasn’t prioritizing my health. But I’m back and I absolutely LOVE spending time with God WHILE I workout. Revelation Wellness is such a blessing!
Thank you!!
Thank you for episode #838 about programs and tools. I needed to hear this so much today! I am in a constant struggle with my weight and body image. Tried different things but nothing is consistent for me. The food noise is so real! I will listen to the episode every day if needed to stay grounded.
Inspiring, Beneficial Podcast
Recently came across this podcast and am really enjoying it! Especially enjoyed the episode with Dr. Carol Peters Tanksley about exercise and moving our bodies through different seasons in life plus our hormones and beliefs! Such an interesting guest and such amazing, beneficial takeaways. Thank you!
BP Writer
RevWell! Such a gift in my life!
Thank you so much for what you do to encourage everyone!! You are shining the light and the word! You are making a difference! I’m so glad God ordered my steps to you, your podcast and your book! 🙌🏻💜
Oh my word. So much goodness in the podcast with Ashley and Alisa. I met both of them a few weeks ago at Rev on the Road in Atlanta. I so needed to hear this. Please keep bringing these real conversations to the podcast.
Thank you!!!
WOW WHAT A BLESSING YOU ARE ALISA!! I recently found this podcast and I feel like God sent me right here in this season of my life🙏🙏🙏
Training for your body AND soul
I cannot say enough about the Reving the Word podcast! The Lord has used these greatly in my life— moving my body while being trained, listening to the Word of God preached to my bones. I look forward to each and every movement and unashamedly do them multiple times throughout the week. It’s like having a personal trainer and a Gospel teacher in your ear on your runs or during whatever movement you enjoy. LOVE Rev. And SO deeply grateful.
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Love the ministry of Revelation Wellness
I went back to the very beginning of the podcasts almost a year ago, and I listen while walking in the morning. I love the encouragement/teaching! The Lord has greatly used Alisa Keeton in my life. So very thankful! My book arrived yesterday!! 😊😊
Great podcast
This is a great podcast! I love listening while I workout because I find I am continually challenged to keep going! Revwell has helped me retrain my thinking and habits regarding eating and working out. Highly recommend. Now, I especially appreciate the be still and be loved. I used it to help me calm down when my BP is up. I search through just for those!
Do the Work - Episodes 524, 526 & 528
This is my third time through this episode series. The first time was right before I started my training for Platoon 26. It was a little surreal listening to the invite to sign up for training for the Platoon I became a part of. I come back to this series when I need the reminder that in order to shine as a beacon for others to see our Savior, I have to do the work to keep Christ first and foremost. It is through Him that I become His light to others. Thank you Alisa for recording timeless messages that bring God’s word alive and remind me each time I listen that I am His and He is mine! His Word is for us today, tomorrow and for all time to come.
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WORTH your time here!
This is one of my favorite podcasts right here!!! Every single episode is life giving and so powerful. I soak it in and even re-listen sometimes and then ask God to help me put in the action for my own life! Platoon 28 graduate here and living my best life with God as my CEO now. This podcast calls us higher together and is built on truth and love 💗
These podcasts are life changing! I listen when I’m walking, driving or cleaning the house. I always want to listen again because I’m a note taker and there is ALWAYS SO MUCH WISDOM and truth!!!! Also, THANK YOU for doing more 30 minute podcasts!!! I like to take the dog and it’s HOT in Indiana!
Exercise—World vs Word
My Pastor’s wife had suggested I try RevWellness multiple times, but I kept putting it off. Culture kept shouting that I join the crowd and fit into the mold. “Push yourself. Do whatever it takes to get results. Starve your body to be beautiful. Strive for recognition.” So instead of trying the free RevWell podcast, I subscribed to the world view on exercise. I continued paying for the peloton app, squeezing in 20 min workouts, and praying for a change in my body and in my mood. But time and time again, I found myself convicted by the playlist lyrics, discouraged by my lack of progress, and feeling out of place and like I didn’t belong there. Then one day, when my Pastor’s wife encouraged me to try RevWell again, I did. Although I doubted I could move the entire episode and fully expected to stop part way through, I was so ministered to by Alisa that I spun the entire 45 min. I was so hungry for God’s Word and so engaged in how Alisa was presenting it, that I didn’t want to stop. My soul felt filled and encouraged and I knew I found my place. Now, I’m weeks into doing the Reving the Word podcasts 6 days a week. I have had Holy Spirit encounters as I have meditated on the Lord’s Word. I have seen visions and I have heard Him speak. I have dripped sweat, wept with gratitude, and lifted my arms in praise. I am no longer hyper-focused on the scale, but am content with how I am honoring God with my body. I no longer feel like I have to exercise, but I get to exercise. This ministry is not only strengthening my physical well-being, but it’s strengthening my walk with the Lord in ways I never imagined and I’m so very grateful.
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Inside out transformation
Every time! I means every time I Rev the Word I am changed from the inside out. I look forward to my Saturday runs because I know God is going to use this podcast to speak to me. I loved the parable series and the I AM series.
Special, Profound & Needed
Every time I listen to a Be Still & Be Loved, Revving the word, be a part of one of the challenges, or listen to one of the podcasts, I am changed. I’m so grateful I was invited into the Sugar Detox challenge in 2019(?) that was the beginning of learning so much for my body, but even more for my soul & mind. I’m so grateful to the Lord for the team who is involved & is truly offering life & revelation in every facet of this ministry. Blessings to you all! Also I just signed up for the Stress Relief challenge. Believing for big things during this time! THANK YOU!
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Life Changing and Life Saving
I was introduced to Alisa from the Your Good Body podcast with Jennifer Taylor Wagner. I was really stirred by all the things she had to say during that podcast regarding God and body image. I immediately found her Revelation Wellness website and podcast. As a Christ follower for many years, I’ve never actually thought of God when it comes to my body. I’ve just always seen it as something that I created through weight loss or gain and something I needed to figure out and fix. I’m really floored at the Information Alisa provides regarding our bodies and God’s will for them. I’ve also never used a workout program that places it’s emphasis on Jesus WITH a pursuit of pure movement for our bodies. My motivation for exercising has always been stuck in shame. I guess it can be placed in Jesus now :)
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Just for me
I just listened to #701 Be Still and Be Loved. I’m going through a tough time and a friend recommended I listen to a Be Still because they are very helpful when your heart is hurting, and she was right. I promise it feels like the Lord was speaking directly to me through Alisa!! Alisa, Thank you for following the Lord’s leading!!! God is sooooo good!
Elizabeth J Martin
True lasting Transformation
I discovered this podcast at the very beginning of the pandemic through another podcast I listen to. The thing that sets this podcast apart is that it is Gospel truth and nothing else. It’s fitness centered and gospel focused. It is not self help, fake therapy, fluff that is easy to listen to. It moves you into transformation and a lasting heart change that only the Holy Spirit can do in our hearts. The message that God cares about our bodies and that our bodies are Good is one that is not dialed into enough in the evangelical circles. Thanks be to God for Alyssa Keaton and her team! What an incredible collaboration of fitness and the gospel! 🙌🏾
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Bell Ringing
Love the podcast. Love the message! The bell ringing bothers me. I cringe every time. I don’t know if this is something new, as I just starting listening, but it’s something I can do without. I will still be a listener, I just hope it can be toned down.🙂
Mind, Body, Holy Spirit
I found this podcast back in 2019 and it has truly been life changing since. I have a hard time slowing down my mind and quieting it. The Be still and Be loved have helped so much and has become such a sacred place for me to meet and hear the Holy Spirit. I love getting out in nature or going for long walks and listening to Revving The Word too, there’s just something about moving your body while getting fed scripture that it is so impactful, I’m a busy mom, so having that time to really connect with God it’s so special to me. Thank you Alisa and Revelation Wellness!
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Casey Lynn L
I love this podcast
I have struggled with my body image and weight loss for years. And when I count calories or do an exercise plan I get obsessed. And not in a healthy way. I discovered Revelation Wellness through Alissa’s book years ago. I only started this podcast consistently for the past 6 months. I LOVE how she is God and scripture focused and centered. Not how much I can lose. Not how many calories out vs in. My daily walks/runs with this podcast set me in the right mindset when it comes to my body and weight-loss. I may not lose the weight I think I need to lose, but I am gaining a deeper love for where I am physically and a deeper walk with my God. The focus is on my spiritual health first and that is what is most important.
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Inspired Inspirational Life Giving Info
I can not even begin to say how much this podcast and Alisa’s book and Revelation TV have become a everyday sometimes more then that life changing process for me. I started listening to the podcast last year and I feel like I found a place that understands, listens, gives good biblical advice, uses scripture to help me focus. I am signed up for the 21 days of Prayer walk, and I can’t wait to see , & feel how this will change me in so many ways. Often when I’m listening to Alisa I feel like I’m connecting with a life long friend and wish I could just fly off to AZ to meet her. I have struggled with my weight my whole adult life, have actually had WLS and still have been in a prison in my mind in regards to my eating. I have a true addiction and have been battling it. I am feeling more hopeful that I will and can win the battle with Gods help and the resources I have found here on Revelation Wellness. Thank you so much to you all for all your hard work to help so many people find victory Sincerely Lori B from Holland MI
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Always encouraging!
Love this podcast. Great truth! I listen as I clean, cook, walk, jog…anything I do on the daily. It will keep you focused on God and living His way! Thank you Alisa!!!
DORK (Daughter of the Risen King)
Being set free
I do not usually write reviews but for this podcast I cannot stay quiet anymore. The clarity and truth spoken on this podcast has revealed brokenness about my body image and brought so much hope. The way I see my body since I’ve listened has breathed life into my weary soul. Words cannot express my gratitude to Alisa for sharing God’s words of freedom. You too will be free if you listen.
Always so encouraging. I love running to this podcast. Thank you Alisa
karen demam
More than body movement, it’s spirit and soul movement!
I can’t say enough about these Spirit-led podcast episodes. Alisa has the hand of God on her and I always walk away refreshed body, mind, emotion.
Not just for adults!
The Be Still and Be Loved episodes have been a huge tool for my child that struggles with anxiety, overwhelm, and emotional dysregulation. Therapists have taught the belly breathing techniques but these episodes incorporate breathing with prayer, scripture, and worship music that bring truth and peace that comforts in a way that just breathing can’t. It has even become a part of the nightly bedtime routine. It brings me so much peace of mind as a parent that the Word is being hidden in their heart while learning great tools that point to Jesus and His great love!
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What the Church needs!!
What an exciting discovery this podcast is!! Such a powerful way to increase spiritual health AND physical health simultaneously. Receiving biblical truth and encouragement while working out is clearly a Holy Spirit led idea. Then to have some many different topics covered to support us in our healthy journeys - ah, it’s so good. I’m so grateful podcasts like this exist!!
Robin Rhine McDonald
Theology meets Health!!!!
Wow, finally a podcast that bridges theology and health. Alisa is an amazing teacher that is easy to listen to along with inspiration to better your health. Enjoyed listening to Episode 664. -Yuri Doroshuk
Yuri Doroshuk
Straight up worship while working out!
I absolutely love this podcast! Physical fitness can be such a distraction from the Lord, but daily reminders to get in the word while working out and focusing on TRUTH is exactly what this mama needs. Love love love this! I can’t stop sharing it!
One of a kind
As a fitness instructor myself, I so appreciate having edifying and encouraging Bible studies to listen to while pushing myself during cardio. It’s like a quiet time and workout all rolled into one. I am so grateful for this podcast and depend on it weekly.
These podcasts have blessed me beyond explaination
I have listened to so many of these podcasts. There are so many different topics and discussions Alisa and all the other featured speakers talk about. I absolutely love the “Be Still and Be Loved” meditations. This really helps me sleep better at night when I take time to slow my brain down before bed. I’m beyond thankful for all of Revelation Wellness but these podcasts really have added to the blessing Alisa is.
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Danielle Gray.
Life changer
Edit 3 years later: Dont you guys dare to turn it down!! I just listened to todays episode while running and the Holy Spirit was everywhere! I felt SO much joy! I gave my life to Christ long ago, but did it again today. This podcast is life, lifegiving, heartchanging, love it so much. My life has forever been changed the past three years. And as a bonus that I dont even care about anymore, I am healthier and skinnier than ever.. Its funny how thats all I wanted a while back a smaller waist. Now I have a healthy soul and mind, and God only knows, the body came as a bonus. Please Rev never stop preaching. Everyone needs this freedom. Original review: Revelation Wellness completely changed not only the way I work out but the way I live. Every single word spoken on this podcast is so Holy and true. Though satan brought some doubts in my mind when I first listened, pushing through skepticism and his lies lead to a whole new amazing world. It was so clearly a sign from God to sign up for instructor training and it was the best decision of my life. When I was at retreat God was so present the whole time and showed me a vision that fulfilled all my dreams and changed my life. In five months time after that vision at retreat, he moved mountains to get me and my husband our dream jobs and got us to move to Hawaii. And now I think of that every time I get to go work out in beautiful nature listening to Reving the word. Rev brought the faith to ask himfor miracles and be bold to imagine the impossible. And brought so much healing accepting my body and working towards wholeness! 🎉🙏🏼🏝💖
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Be still or Move in Love
Whether taking a detox bath, going for a walk or cleaning…this podcast brings life! I love the be still & be loved to focus on breathing & releasing my worries back to God! You can hear real testimonies and practical life skills to stay on the path. The Revving the word remind me the transforming power of His commandments, His word leads us straight to Jesus! Thank you for your consistent faithfulness to point us to Him!
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