Revelation Revealed Podcast

Revelation Revealed

Voice of the Shepherd Outreach Ministries
Christ Centered. End Times Watchmen. Deep Biblical Content.
Wars and Rumors of Wars
Tensions in the Middle East are rising to their highest since the Holocaust.  Hamas/ Palestine attacks Israel.  Israel declares war on Palestine.  The whole world is trying to take sides.  Is this the first definitive sign of the end ever since the regathering of Israel in 1948? Maybe so...
Oct 23, 2023
49 min
The Return of Christ- Part Two
Where does Jesus go when He returns to the earth? What does He do? You don't want to miss Season One's finale. What better way than to speak of our blessed hope in Christ Jesus!
Aug 27, 2023
36 min
The Return of Christ- Part One
The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord. The day we all await. The righteous will meet Him in the clouds with a great shout and the sound of the trumpet. The wicked will try to flee His wrath, but will not succeed. The Day of the Lord is everything the Bible leads up to, from beginning to end. There are so many verses that we couldn't pack it all into a single episode.
May 27, 2023
35 min
The Third Woe
The third woe, when God avenges the blood of the saints that was spilled for the testimony of Jesus.
May 10, 2023
29 min
The Fifth Seal
A couple of episodes back, Robert and Bill spoke of the wrath of satan to come upon the earth, especially to those who are in Christ.  Upon the opening of the fifth seal, martyrs cry out to our Lord, Jesus, for vengeance.  But when will the killing stop? When will they be avenged?
May 1, 2023
29 min
Who Is Mystery Babylon?
Who is Mystery Babylon spoken of in the Book of Revelation?  Some say it's New York City.  Others say it's the Vatican in Rome.  Tune in as Robert and Bill use many verses to decipher who this Mystery Babylon is...
Apr 30, 2023
32 min
The Wrath of satan
Are we, as followers of Christ, appointed unto the wrath of God? By no means! When satan is cast out of Heaven, he brings his wrath and devastation upon the entire earth, particularly to Christians and Jews.
Apr 18, 2023
31 min
The Rapture- Part Two
Robert and Bill, in continuing their study on the Rapture, debunk several false teachings regarding our being gathered together to Christ Jesus.
Apr 12, 2023
47 min
The Rapture- Part One
The Rapture. The event that every Christian is awaiting.  The moment where we finally get to see Jesus our Lord face to face. One of the most controversial topics in church theology, one that sadly has caused division between believers, when it should cause us to unify with joy and gladness. Whatever you believe about the position of the Rapture on the end times timeline, we can all agree on one thing, Christ crucified! Jesus is coming back soon, and we all await that glorious day.
Apr 4, 2023
41 min
Who Is The Antichrist?- Part Two
Continuing the exploration of who the antichrist is according to the word of God, Robert and Bill reveal an event that took place in July of 2020 that very few are speaking about.  This is an event that could give us insight on who the antichrist might be.
Mar 27, 2023
49 min
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