Revealing Ourselves Podcast

Revealing Ourselves

Marcel Reis
The purpose of this podcast is to showcase our guest speakers to the world. As time moves forward - so do we. Many of us have decided to embrace a path of constant change and evolution. How many of your friends from 5 years ago could accurately describe the person you are today? How many changes in thinking and behaviors have you embraced during this time? And, most importantly, what would you like the world to know about you?
Samantha Tagle - Optimism in the Face of Adversity
Samantha Tagle is a 25 year old law enforcement compliance specialist at Apple. On our episode 5, she reveals her life journey and experiences handling adversity. Some of the interesting conversations include her upbringings as a child of Asian immigrant parents; starting and dropping off of Law School due to the pressure and stress; joining SF big tech and moving to Mexico to live a new adventure.
Mar 10, 2021
31 min
Revealing Ourselves Ep.4 - Luiza Castro Rey
Come learn more about Luiza Castro Rey, a 28 year old lawyer and entrepreneur who moved with her family to Europe 4 years ago. Luiza's podcast discusses: being a Brazilian immigrant in Portugal; how she started two businesses in the past 4 years; when you should consult with a lawyer, and;  her restless need to be doing a lot of different things at once.
Feb 15, 2021
28 min
Revealing Ourselves Ep.3 - Andrew Pereira
Come learn more about Andrew Pereira, a 27 year old Financial Risk Analyst from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, who lived in 4 different continents. Among many other topics, Andrew talks about how his experiences living abroad affected his personality and the constant need of pushing himself out of his comfort zone. In addition, he shares cultural differences between Switzerland and the Americas, and how he applies the same mindset when he goes surfing to dealing with complex problems.
Feb 1, 2021
44 min
Revealing Ourselves Ep.2 - Clara Dowden
Come learn more about Clara Dowden, a 14 year old liberal Gen Z'er who lives in the conservative suburbs of Argyle, Tx. Clara talks about how has it been to do remote learning in a pandemic, her first BLM protest in SF and her experience being raised by parents from two different nationalities.
Jan 25, 2021
22 min
Revealing Ourselves - Ep. 1 - Josue Zamitiz
Come learn more about Josue Zamitiz, a Mexican born US immigrant that after 10 years of working in the service industry, successfully graduated with Magna Cum Laude honors in the field of Electrical engineering. Josue talks about his difficult upbringings in Mexico, how his family dynamic influenced his self confidence, and shares his advices for befriending strangers and thoughts on joining college at a later stage in life. 
Jan 18, 2021
26 min