Revealing Christ Podcast

Revealing Christ

Chad Dietz
1 Corinthians 2 For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified...that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.
Jesus view of His Bride
8/10/20 Does Jesus make you feel like a worthless nothing? Is that who God is to you? A bundle of bad feelings that lasts all day and all night? We are unworthy, but are we worthless?  No! I personally don’t get any pleasure from my wife or kids always confessing what a worthless nothing bag of depravity they are. They aren’t!  I love them dearly! They are made in the image of God.
Dec 27, 2020
31 min
SOS 1:12-15 Spikenard, Myrrh, and En Gedi
8/7/20 What an amazing text!  These few verses are a perfect example of how scripture points to Jesus Christ and His attributes.  One of my favorite studies I've ever done!
Dec 27, 2020
30 min
The Humility of Christ
8/3/19 Doves have a tenderness, a grace, and a devotion to one another so beautiful, that God uses them to describe His relationship with you.  “Your eyes ARE doves.” What have we done to qualify for such a term of endearment from God Himself?
Dec 27, 2020
24 min
The Poor You Have With You Always
1/29/20 Duet. 15:11 says "For the poor will always be with you"  Jesus even quoted this.  Are there any poor among us? YES, they are all around us... and most don't even know it. How many lessons do we need to hear in God's word before we understand.  Has He given enough? Yes. Who has He given it to? Us.  Are we good stewards?
Dec 27, 2020
23 min
Anointing at Bethany
3/15/2020 Greatest worship service the earth had ever seen! NO words.  No long-winded prayers.  No music even! No flag-wavers, no drums, no fog machines, One woman who knew who He really was in a room full of men who offered nothing but scorn.
Dec 27, 2020
28 min
Rapture Ready? 2 Peter 3
Seems pretty popular to say there is no rapture of the church lately, but Paul warned of it, John warned, Peter warned, JESUS warned.  What's the purpose of warning us without giving us exact understanding?  When, where, who and how?  Let's talk about that.
Mar 6, 2020
26 min
Transfiguration Figurations on the Kingdom of God
Matthew 17 at the Transfiguration of Christ, God said "This is My beloved Son... Hear Him!” Some say His words aren't for today, but His words fit now more than ever!  Have you heard what Jesus says?  Hard things.  What and where is His kingdom?  Does it function in you according to His Words?  Are you being transformed into His likeness?  Let's talk about that!
Feb 21, 2020
36 min
1 John 3:17 Does the love of God abide in you?
John 12:8, Deuteronomy 15:11, The Poor you have with you always. The Poor you have with you always.  26,500 children every day by poverty related deaths.  Doesn’t Jesus care?  Stewardship.  1 John 3:17 "whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?"
Feb 21, 2020
23 min
Luke 17 Thanks A Lot!
The Thankfulness of One Leper. Many people have had prayers met by God, but never returned to say 'Thanks'.  They knew Gods mercy but didn't honor him as God.  Millions of people say grace, but far too many prove they never were thankful for it.
Feb 14, 2020
28 min
Increase Our Faith!  Why?
Text is Luke 17:1-6  "Lord, Increase our faith!".  What's the context?  Forgiveness.  What were the last 5 parables about?  Repentance and Forgiveness. No wonder they asked for help.  If the Apostles themselves felt need to pray about this, how much more should we!
Feb 11, 2020
27 min
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