Remy's Roundtable The Florida Theme Park Podcast
Remy's Roundtable The Florida Theme Park Podcast
Remys Roundtable
via Podcasts
Informative podcast about the happenings in the Orlando area!
Remy is such a funny guy and really knows his stuff.. just a real fun listen
Super Fun Podcast
This Podcast is so much fun to listen to. A lot of fun banter with some theme park topics sprinkled in to the mix. I love when they correct each other when someone gets a news story wrong!
No New Friends Podcast
Fun and educational listen!
This podcast is such a fun listen. The hosts have great chemistry and Remy does an incredible job in the main host role. This is a weekly listen for me, and should be for anyone who enjoys good fun mixed in with some Florida and theme park news!
Chris Yobb
Remy’s Roundtable?
Don’t expect much from this theme park podcast. The hosts are not much educated on the matter. The hostess has not even been to Hollywood Studios since being rename from MGM. It can be a fun thing to listen to but definitely not a go to for helpful hints and tips on parking.
There’s a great range of topics discussed on the podcast and I enjoy the roundtable aspect!
Zita Porter