via Podcasts
Great and compelling story
Ignore the weirdo with multiple burners that's complaining about Inez. I didn't get a sense the story was political at all, to me it's a call back to Lord of the Flies.
Coinbase fails again
Political opinions and Racism
The show starts off stating that all white boys are the same and stays true to pounding that message the whole way through. Inez is so insufferable. There’s nothing wrong with having a strong lesbian co-lead character but come on. She may as well just run around yelling “death to straight white males” it’s ridiculous. Bringing actual politics into an audio drama is stupid. Let’s have a sci-fi story and not the news please!! That’s what we came here for.
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Season 3 ?!?!?!?
I love this show!! I’ve listened to it twice already. When will season 3 come?! You can’t leave us hanging like this ….. 😅😢
Inez is the worst
Inez is a feminist lesbian social justice warrior and is simply insufferable
Love this show
Excellent all the way around. I was hooked from the first episode. Please tell me there will be a season 3. All the twists and turns keep you wanting more. And the story telling and character development is just absolutely superb. If you like sci-fi stories, you will love this.
Not an Audio drama
I was disappointed after reading reviews about the “terrific voice acting” to find that its just a narrated story. It’s an audiobook masquerading as a podcast. I can’t take an hour of just one dude talking.
Stroke kid
Am I the only person who feels like the female voice actor is meh?
I really want to like this podcast but every time the episodes switch to the female narrator, it takes every ounce of self restraint I have to not skip through. I’m sorry. It’s hard for me to move past the over enunciation and labored way the narrator is narrating the story. I even thought that my audio speed was on 2x because she talks so fast I didn’t think it was at normal speed. Every “t”, every pause, and sentence ending is exaggerated and breathy which is really distracting and basically just ruins the story. Maybe just read the script smoothly and make it more conversational. It’ll be much more enjoyable.
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Inez dies or I am done
season two episode one: I don’t understand how they can create a storyline where anyone listens to someone as heinous as Inez. Unless she dies, I am done.
Remade woke
Interesting storyline and terrific job on behalf of the narrators. Like so many other reviewers I have the same feedback. Lots of times in the story you scream out to yourself are you stupid? Also bothered a bit with the demonization of the three stupid white characters.
The Worst
insufferable crap. Inez a horrific character
N. O. P. E. N O P E
You had to get political
Woke political garbage
I wish I could escape to another world with their stories, but they have to remind you how horrible liberals have made this one.
Enjoyable that continues to have ups and downs
This was an intriguing story line. Yea it plays more like an audiobook. It bounces from character to character and gives present tense mixed with backstory. I like that. I want to know about the character past and how they all die .the one character, Inez, is insufferable. She is portrayed as a raging lesbian bully who really is not a character I care about. I kept hoping for her to be killed off after time and time again disrupting the flow of the story. Until she joined, the story was really exciting. I am curious to see more details that explain the situation come to light.
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Great sci-fi entertainment
Just straight up, classic sci-fi story with excellent writing and voice acting. Superb character development and great world-building. This one will pull you in and hold your attention, especially if you enjoy diverse characters with deep back stories. Although the story has great breadth, it is so well written that it is a breeze to follow all the lines. Listen and you’ll be very entertained.
Patrol G60
Unique storyline! Great characters!
I really enjoyed the concept and all the characters involved in the story. I love that there are so many episodes and I can’t wait until more are released. Check it out, you won’t regret it.
Great story. Horrible podcast. Great audio book
Think tile speak for itself
Unique story line
It’s an original science fiction story which is hard to find these days. Please stop stealing your audiences time with your politics, it’s inappropriate
Hard to stop
Such an interesting story I can’t stop listening!
Pretty great show, sometimes gets political.
The story is very gripping, but some of the characters can get annoying, and leave you screaming “DON’T BE SUCH AN IDIOT!” Each episode is told from a different character’s point of view so events can have many different interpretations from different shades of light. There are some political stuff mentioned, and maybe slightly racist saying things like “every white boy is the same” but overall its pretty great. The downside is theres no ‘’main” protagonist so if theres a character you don’t like you’re stuck listening to their POV for at least the next hour and a half. The world they are building is fascinating and I can’t wait to hear more!
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Great series but….
This series seems to be told a lot from the females POV and given a lot of back story of just about all of the females. We were never told the rest of Hiram’s backstory, we don’t know anything about Alex or his backstory, and the same can be said about Sebastian. This is a really good series but has a great deal of room for improvement. I also agree with another reviewer, your episodes shouldn’t be a place for political views and opinions. I come here to listen to the series, not the political views and opinions. If I wanted to hear that I would listen to a political podcast.
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Love this show! Realm consistently makes the best podcasts!
This is my absolute favorite of all your shows. Ninth Step is right up there as well. The story is fantastic! I love the depth of each episode and the details about each person and their back story. The sound and overall production value make it easy to listen to and get lost in the story. I also love that the episodes are so long. Thank you! Keep up the good work! ❤️❤️❤️
I feel really immersed in this story. I like the narrative jumps even if they were a little harder to recognize in the beginning. I have enjoyed the mystery of each character as well as the overarching story. Still binging my way through!
Roe v wade
You have the right take on Roe v. Wade. Knowing that you are on the right side of history makes me an even bigger fan. Anyone who says overturning Roe v. Wade “just sent things back to the states“ is being willfully ignorant because 13 states have already outlawed abortion and another 16 will do so imminently.
I like it but!
This isn’t the place and we don’t support you so you can talk politics or the Supreme Court. Nor should you want to spread false information about Roe v Wade. The new ruling doesn’t stop anything. It only says it is a state issue. Which is a lot easier for the people to hold those to task that are closes to your elective representatives!
Love the story. Something different and new
I love the story line and how it’s something I never could have imagined. It’s hard to predict what’s going to happen next so I’m always eager to listen to each episode with excitement. The only downside is the few amount of actors and sound effects. But as a small group, this is great! Keep it coming!
Every episode says temporary unavailable
Loving it!
Great story mind bending and keeps you wanting more. Only negative to me if the woman that reads speaks way too fast. With the right budget it would be a benefit to have other actors for the different characters and sound effects are needed. Still a great job! Love realm!!
Can I keep listening?
Inès could hardly be less annoying the past couple of episodes, the latest I listened to being Season 2, Episode 1. And the others would be willing to just go along? And finally, they’ve had 3x now in the story where they can’t possibly get their heads around the possibility that some AIs are out for bad and some are on their side. If this is supposed to mirror current society it’s lacking a little nuance. All that said, it’s a fun idea, has some interesting characters, and keeps you wondering. Well read and, for the most part, well written.
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Shalini Coffee
Unique and fantastic
One of the best podcasts I’ve listened to! Great characters, sound quality and story.
Worth The Binge!
I read what this one was about and thought it was going to be too dark, but this is actually really good! This gives me Manifest vibes!
So good!
I love this podcast. Great character development kept me so engaged
Can’t get enough
Absolutely love this show — all the characters are so well developed and I literally can’t stop listening
So good!
This is my favorite Realm podcast ever. Please make more. The characters are so well developed and the simple sound design is refreshing. The story is captivating. Keeps me coming back for more!
Not a podcast
This is an audiobook, not a podcast - one voice reading a written story
Why does it
Sound like the woman’s voice is sped up even though it’s regular speed?
Great show, but I wish the story would give answers about what happened before episode 12 instead of stringing it along.
Tons of episodes
I really like that this show has tons of episodes and they drop twice a week. It’s a fun YA show that reminds me of The 100!!
really cool cast of characters and i’m enjoying finding out their backstories, can’t wait for more episodes!!!
Super mysterious and I have no idea where it’s going, I’m hooked 👀
Bring it on!
You guys pretty much had me at “killer robots.” I’m in!
Engaging and wild
Realm’s fiction podcasts are consistently well produced, well written, and pleasantly beyond description. ReMade doesn’t fail to please! An eerie premise and great story that gets under your skin
Fred the Goatherder
So good
There are lots of dystopian podcasts out there but this one has some fresh ideas and I really like it so far!
I can’t find the show
Interesting world-building and smart characters
Love hearing about all of these different POVs! And exciting and gripping story all the way though— definitely check it out.
An engaging but incomplete story
The show is definitely great. Good writing and excellent production. Both narrators do really well in conveying the emotions of different characters. My only complaint is that the story isn’t finished with season two and with 4 years since the last episode, I fear it’s been abandoned. Still worth a listen, even with the monthly subscription to the podcast network.
It’s an Ad, Pacing is Weird
Pretty decent story and some gorgeous writing, BUT ... This is a long-form advertisement for the rest of the content, which is for sale elsewhere. This is a narrated fiction podcast (like an audiobook) with some sound effects and a couple different narrators doing some voice acting — I think the company is trying to pitch this as an Audio Drama, or full production, but it’s not — and that’s okay if you know that’s what you’re getting. The pacing of the story doesn’t quite work for me. The story is split between the “contemporary” survival action adventure and flashbacks for character development. The flashbacks are important but they really slow the pace of the story and each episode is pretty long, which feels exhausting so I disengage and loss the thread and have to relisten, which only exacerbates the sense of tedium. In later episodes some of the writing sings along pretty nicely, but the pacing issues remain. I quite like narrated fiction podcasts (like audio books) a lot, and could be really into the survival adventure SciFi story, but the format (pricing & platform) and pacing factors are enough to drag this down into low star category for a podcast (would score higher as an audiobook). I knew going in that I wouldn’t be able to afford S2, so that’s on me, but wanted to hear the quality of the work on offer from this company, so listened anyway. Add it to the giant shelf of fiction podcasts that leave listeners hanging because they never finish the story.
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~ Violet ~
Good story if you don’t mind them pushing “woke” agenda.
Production value is pretty good and the writing is engaging. I had been considering purchasing the second season, but they priced it outside of what I would be willing to pay.
Good story, but...
$19.99 for season 2?? That’s outrageous!!
Good listen
I enjoyed this story. However; because season 2 is not accessible to me without downloading yet another app and paying money I just don’t have, I can’t rate it a 5.
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