ReLearning Podcast
ReLearning Podcast
Chronicle of Higher Education
via Podcasts
Thought Provoking!
I love this podcast. I work in higher education, and it's encouraging to hear different ideas about what the future of higher ed might look like. This podcast is a great mix of vision, concrete ideas and implementation, and thought-provoking suggestions. I don't always agree with the conclusions or approaches, but it's good to be challenged. Looking forward to more!
great theme
This is a great idea for a podcast — I look forward to seeing who else they come up with for subjects. So much potential here, and great to see the Chronicle digging in to the future of higher ed and who’s creating it in an engaging, interesting, experimental way.
Love it
Jeff is very knowledgeable about the happenings in education and does an excellent job on producing this podcast. The podcasts are under 15 minutes and deliver a lot of info very quickly.
Good Info!
So far good info in short digestable chunks. I appreciate this podcast as a staff member in tech at a university. Thanks!
Great interview with Sal Khan!
I work in edtech and listen to a lot of education-related podcasts so, naturally, I’ve heard a lot of interviews with Sal Khan. However, the first episode of re:learning was one of the best interviews with Khan I’ve come across. Jeff Young did an excellent job and I’m looking forward to the episodes to come. Definitely recommend!