Hawaii Shakespeare Festival co-founder Tony Pisculli describes transitioning from computer programmer to writer and director and explains what it feels like to lose tens of millions of dollars virtually overnight. Visit Tony’s blog at lovebloodrhetoric.com, and check out the Hawaii Shakespeare Festival and Kumu Kahua Theatre.Transcript is here.
Jul 29, 2021
39 min
Computer nomad, chess boxer, hash runner, and author Micah Edwards explains the economy of nerd-conventions and how fear of stagnation led to a life of adventure.To learn more visit amazon.com/Micah-Edwards or reddit.com/r/micahwrites.Transcript is here.
Jun 30, 2021
45 min
African American Studies professor and National Public Radio star Dr. Chioke I’Anson discusses motorcycles, breaking into voice work, podcasting while black, and the secret Hegelian lessons acorns and oak trees can tell you about your career.To learn more visit the The Media Center and Everything is Alive Podcast.Transcript is here.
May 28, 2021
43 min
How do you figure out what really matters? Artist, entrepreneur and creative investigator Sterling Hundley discusses collaborating with NASA, baseball, healthcare, and finding meaning by running straight at the thing that scares you. To learn more visit sterlinghundley.com and legendeer.org.Transcript is here.
Apr 29, 2021
56 min
Jonathan Becker - the world’s most prolific theatrical mask-maker (no kidding) - discusses the joys and headaches of building a business to sustain a life in art.For more information about Jonathan visit theater-masks.com.Transcript is here.
Apr 1, 2021
1 hr 9 min
Dr. Nicole Rankins discusses moving to medicine, starting a podcast, building a business, and the radical idea that women should have a say in their own birth experiences.To learn more visit drnicolerankins.com . Transcript is here.
Feb 28, 2021
50 min
Want to make more money doing what you love but don’t want to go to business school to figure out how? Successfully entrepreneur Scott Wayne explains the key skills any new business needs to survive and thrive.To learn more about Scott, visit envoyportfolio.com and canvasstudiosrva.com. Transcripts are HERE.
Jan 29, 2021
1 hr 15 min
Every wonder what it’s really like to be a working actor? Only 2% earn a living — and less than .04% achieve fame — yet few who follow that path would have it any other way. Award-winning actor, director, fight director and teacher Geoffrey Kent takes us backstage into the life of a working artist before, during, and (hopefully) after the pandemic and explains what it’s like to chase the horizon every day.Transcript is HERE.For more about Geoffrey visit: geoffreykent.com.
Dec 27, 2020
1 hr 1 min
Excited about COVID vaccines but worried about zombies?Award winning physician and professor Dr. Alan Dow discusses the science of teamwork, the challenges of interprofessionalism, why he started broadcasting during a pandemic — and why asking about zombies is such a good question.Transcript is HERE.
Nov 30, 2020
57 min
Improviser, educator, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker Elizabeth Byland explains how improv can turn tragedy into healing, and how practicing mistakes can change the world.For more information about Elizabeth visit https://www.elizabethbyland.com/. Click HERE for transcript.
Oct 19, 2020
34 min
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