ReimaginePR Podcasts Podcast
ReimaginePR Podcasts
Susan McLennan PR and Content Marketing Strategy
Podcast 007: Reilly Yeo - episode of ReimaginePR Podcasts podcast

Podcast 007: Reilly Yeo

1 seconds Posted Apr 20, 2024 at 8:22 pm.
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reimagine pr openmedia

Reilly Yeo is one of the movers and shakers behind, one of the most successful grassroots organizations in Canadian history. In just a few short years, it has attracted 600,000 active supporters, changed laws and held big corporations accountable. campaigns to keep the internet accessible and affordable. It is an organization about possibilities. About community. About consensus. It gets some of its best ideas from its members.

And the person who helps sort and articulate the ideas that come streaming in from its supporters is Reilly Yeo.

In this podcast, you’ll get insight into how grew its membership so fast and what any organization can do to stay more connected to its audiences.





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