Well Beyond 40
Well Beyond 40
JJ Virgin
via Podcasts
My favorite podcast
As a 53 year young woman, this podcast is my go to for how to keep healthy and feeling young. JJ has shown me that age is just a #. This podcast is full of hope I feel empowered!
Great content, with a caveat
JJ is brilliant and her guests are fantastic. Just a warning, though, that the solo episodes are better (despite the fantastic guests) because she interrupts so often. What makes for lively conversation between 2 people in person doesn’t work for the listeners or the recording. It’s incredibly distracting and often lessens the amount of knowledge we gather from the guests. But she really knows her stuff.
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Good show
Informative and up to date topics. Great focus on women. Excellent guests. It would be awesome if the guests were given more time to talk. The host has a tendency to monopolize the conversations. While she is an expert in her own right there is a reason she invites guests.
Susan2 U
The constant interruptions drives me nuts! When she had a guest she talks way more than they do! Frustrating!
Toned up 45
Peter matrone??!!!
Our spines break down when we sleep?? Lose structure..bone…what??!! Get people on your show whose information is backed by science.
Let the guests talk
Lots of great info and love her enthusiasm and dedication. However, she constantly interrupts her guests to bring the conversation back to her. Shhhh.
Great guests!
Really enjoy a lot of the topics and a lot of the guests. I do find it frustrating that so many times JJ turns the focus of the conversation to herself, her work, her body/health information and many times what she shares is repetitive from previous shows. It’s as if she needs to prove what an expert she is. But when there is a great guest, I’d rather hear what they have to say.
Pop til I drop
Stop interrupting
I like what she has to say but find it SO annoying how much she interrupts her guests. Please let them finish their thoughts or don’t have any guests.
Mis- information about oral health
As a registered dental hygienist, I have to say that your last episode had a lot of mis-information regarding best practices for oral health. I just unfollowed.
Waking-up to life
Hormones forever?
I have often heard you speak (rave about) the benefits of bio identical hormones. But, what if you are near 70 or older, went through menopause naturally and never took hormones? Is it healthy for a woman to begin hormone therapy at this age? Is the expectation such that a woman remain on hormones the rest of her life? I have not heard you address this. If it is a normal biological function for a woman to move through the phases of menopause- because that’s what a woman naturally does, why is there such a push for women to start taking hormones beginning with perimenopause and after? Yes, I’ve listened to you explain this (and other podcasters touting the efficacy of bio identical hormones), but it’s as if what a woman’s body does naturally has become such a maligned thing. Something to fix. But there are negatives and safety issues associated with the use of bio identical hormones just as there is with traditional hormone therapies. They are not a panacea or cure all as you seem to tout.
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3 secrets to longevity; walking isn’t exercise?!
I like your podcast in general. You share some great tips. Today as I was listening (and actually thinking “i need to share this with my family”) you said ultramarathoners age more quickly than anyone. You then turned around and said “walking is not exercise”. What?! My 70 year old mom walks 3-4 miles a day and has a fabulous quality of life. My 80 year old father in law has lung fibrosis and still walks 2-3 miles a day with his 78 year old wife. I walk 4-7 miles 5 days a week briskly with friends. Not only do I get exercise (yes, walking is exercise), but I am also outside, seeing the sun as it rises, and discussing life situations that distress me or thrill me. Our mental health walking outside is improved as much as our physical health. I’m 47, I’m 5’8”, I weigh 142 and I have type 1 diabetes. I am also a registered dietitian. I am truly offended by your blanket statement.
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Host interrupts guest so much you never get to hear what the guest is trying to say & then JJ takes them off topic. Too hard to listen.
Help and Thank you
You are such an inspiration at 60 years old and I love listening to your podcast. I have learned so much. I am 65 years old and a lifetime fad dieter. Fortunately, I have kept exercising all these years and kept fairly lean but not lean enough. I am overwhelmed by your books, over 1000 podcast episodes and all the other resources. Can you help me where I start? I desperately need to get off about 15 pounds and 5-7% body fat. Where do I start and what do I do to lose fat fast? I would greatly appreciate an episode with your current protocol and diet recommendations. Thank you so much.
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Amazing Podcast!
J.J. has a wealth of information to share that can truly change your life! Love her explanations and very practical way she conveys information on nutrition and exercise! Love her!
Awesome information!
I have just recently found JJ’s podcast and wow! I am thoroughly enjoying them all. Such wonderful information and guests!!
Easily distracted102
Be Careful When Listening to Dr. Gersh’s Episode
You get as much radiation from flying from LA to NYC as you do for a screening mammogram. For Dr. Gersh to suggest that women should not have mammograms for fear of the effects of it’s radiation in your body is dangerous and irresponsible. From now on I’m taking any advice given on this podcast with a very small grain of salt.
Love this healthy podcast!
Have been listening to JJ for a few years now. She provides valuable health information and invites informative guests on to help people live their best life. Her podcasts on hormone replacement has been life changing. Thanks JJ!
Love JJ Virgin Podcast Episodes
I have followed JJ for years and continue to learn new things! I love her products and positivity!
Thank you!
Hi JJ I just started listening and love your podcast (wish I started listening earlier). I’m a wellness coach and physician and the knowledge you have and the guests you have are spot on! You are a role model thank you!! Bobbie
a few good tips
She kept saying holy smokes as if she's 5 years old. It was annoying to hear as a Christian, so I'll no longer listen. But thank you for your hormone information.
My new favorite podcast!
Learned about JJ on Dhru’s podcast. And I couldn’t wait to listen to JJ’s. You are up there with the best! Thank you for all you do! P.S. I am turning 59 this week!
Gigi Chica
Jj virgin gets five starts from me!
As a midlife woman looking for health and fitness answers, I couldn’t have found JJ at a better time. I was worried it was getting too late for me, especially after the covid shutdown, to regain my strength and lose the weight I hoped to. Now I have tools to work with! Thank you!
My review score is a 10 !! Everything JJ says makes so much sense and is beneficial because she knows her stuff !! Keep going JJ I truly love your awesome Podcast ⚕️🩺
So much to learn!
I enjoy this podcast so much. I learn something new and useful with each episode. Keep they great info coming JJ!
maria richey
Interrupts speaker too much !
Enjoying listening to speaker but he gets interrupted needlessly and went off topic.
Good info and podcast. But too much pushing of supplementation. If I listened to all the health “experts”, I’d be broke and have a hundred bottles on my counter for the claims of the “must have” supplements.
Your workout routine?!?
JJ, Thank you for a great podcast with bite size pieces of advice to keep us informed about health. In one of your episodes, you mentioned to let you know if we wanted to know about your workout routine- so here it is: What is your workout routine? More specifically, I have heard that lifting heavy is good… but do you recommend lifting heavy every time I go to the gym? (Currently 3 times / week) or should one day be heavy and the others be exhausting after the 3rd rep? Love to know.
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Best Podcast for real lifestyle changes
There are thousands of weight loss podcasts and hundreds of “experts” who would love you to buy their supplements and products. Over the last five years, I’ve found JJ to be the real deal. Her credentials need no investigation. She’s a professional. While I find that much of her information is directed toward a female audience, her overall message is one applicable to everyone: learn to eat whole food for everyday life and longevity; and let weight loss, if desired, be the effect of that. Her message is health and longevity in a world of processed, high sugar foods that permeate our lives. Sure, JJ sells products. I’ve bought several and have found some, not all, helpful for me. I think it’s all about your personal needs. The last thing I’ll say is that JJ leaves you with a feeling that she does this because she cares about improving people’s health, not just to make money. There is compassion in her words, and a lot of “you can”, but also firm encouragement of how to become a fat burner instead of a sugar burner, and live for longevity.
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Amazing tips and practices.
Amazing tips and practices. This podcast is very inspiring and providing some transformational information!
JJ I am so happy you are doing long podcasts again!! I have listened to your show for years and I can’t get enough of them! They are so informative and always leave you inspired to start/continue your health journey. I have done the Virgin diet every year for the past few years and each time it’s life changing and an amazing reset. Thank you for all you do! You have impacted so many lives including my own!
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Bite sized and in depth!
There isn’t a topic that JJ doesn’t cover when it comes to health! Her podcast is educational, informative but not overwhelming (I like that the episodes are shorter than other health pods!) As an RD I could not recommend it more!
Meg- GroundedNourishment
Life changing!! So much for the better.
Dear JJ, For four years now, I continue to flourish as a healthy, happy woman. I owe a great deal of that good fortune to you, your life-changing books and this marvelous podcast (that reaffirms my commitment to this healthy lifestyle)! Four years ago, I picked up "The Sugar Impact Diet)" and lost 30 pounds. I have maintained the weight loss for four years and counting. Previously, I could never accomplish anything remotely close to that. Thank you!!! Keep up the great work that you do. I am so grateful. Linda (61 years-old) this month.
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Amazing podcast!
JJ Virgin is a true health expert and an amazing interviewer who keeps the show interesting and will stop to highlight important points. I always learn something and have an action step or an affirmation step to keep my health on the right track.
Debbie (M)
Love this podcast!!!
So thankful that I stumbled upon this podcast! It contains so much useful information that’s helping me to establish healthy life-changing habits. Thank you JJ!!
Jacen Solo74
Wanted to love
Listened to an episode desperate to get help for my acne. The guest and host talked over each other, interrupted each other, and the connection was cracky and muffled. So hard to listen to!
I adore your podcast JJ but PLEASE stop referencing your sons accident. Please heal. I have stopped listening to you for this reason.
Halle C.
The info on here is decent but the host is so aggressive that it’s not pleasant to listen to.
mosier 2015
Pivotal & Powerful Hope
Pivotal as always JJ. As a certified Health Coach, I am always looking for that piece of information or idea that can help someone, including myself, get to the next level of healing. Especially if you been at it for a while and feel stuck, and episode #396 with Dr. Alex Loyd delivered! His work on how you can reshape memories to jumpstart healing is so spot on and timely. As you mentioned on the podcast, you can do all the things like change what you eat, get more sleep, but if your internal memories keep your body in fight or flight mode you’re filling a very leaky bucket! I often use your podcasts as an educational tool for my clients and this one just made it to the top of the list! Trauma and default memory healing is truly the only way some with a desire to be fully healthy can reach their potential and your podcast and work is a huge part to that recipe. Thanks for all you do and keep bring us the good stuff! Sincerely, Bobbi McGrath from BE FOR YOU in Illinois💪🏻👊🏻😊
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Awesome every time! 🔥
JJ and her incredibly knowledgeable guests talk all things health related, but it’s so much more than that! You’ll get tons of actionable advice and tangible tips, but you’ll also get heaps of inspiration from truly engaging individuals that genuinely want to help others. Thanks so much for putting out such a spectacular show JJ - keep up the amazing work!
Healthy lifestyle
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Healthy Lifestyle
Love LOVE all the health knowledge that you have and have given me! Your a true inspiration to me. I have listened to all your podcast, follow you on social media, read your books ( can’t wait for the next one), and followed your Master class, which made a world of a difference in what I eat, what I can do, and how I feel!! Thank you so much for everything you have done! I truly cannot express my gratitude!
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JJ Talks Too Much
JJ invites interesting guests to speak on relevant topics. Unfortunately, JJ herself is always interrupting her guests and talking over them. It’s like she can’t put her ego aside and just listen for one moment. It’s too annoying to sit through. Too bad, otherwise it could be a good podcast.
Awesome podcast!
JJ, host of the Ask The Health Expert podcast, highlights all aspects of nutrition, health and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
Dr. Joseph Mercola has been identified as the top disseminator of misinformation concerning COVID vaccinations by the CCDH. Yet Virgin describes Mercola as an “amazing “ health expert in her July 24th podcast. We probably don’t know how many people have died needlessly following Mercola’s anti-Vax advice, but any podcast, and podcaster, promoting such a provider deserve no consideration or respect. It is incomprehensible why Virgin allowed such a disgraceful healthcare provider like Mercola to be on this show. I will be canceling my subscription immediately.
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Great , useful info to ponder but
The balance between self promotion, content, sincerity, intent, brilliance, humility and wisdom is concerning. Remember that what we tout as knowledge, even backed by erudite research, will morph and grow so that the idea of certainty is relevant and reforming. I prefer to view most every conclusion, every remedy, prefaced with the wisdom of this knowledge. It would be affirming to hear all these proclaimed experts, and even all medical practitioners, speak and promote this truth along with the jewels and advice. We learn more and shift our thinking. I applaud your willingness to share your life’s work and what you’ve come to understand at this juncture in time. And I get the necessity of advertising, but when listening to many shows in a row it becomes tiresome and less effective,, perhaps even negative. I call it disadvertusing and defeating the intent. Thank you!!!
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Good information
The last time I posted a comment here, I complained about when the podcasts were posted. I do not know if this has been addressed or not because the podcast format has been changed and there has not been any weekend shows until recently. And it is about the new weekend podcast I would like to comment. As usual the podcasts are interesting and informative, but there is a problem. JJ has interviewed two guests about their yet to be published books. Both of these guests have promised bonuses to those who pre-order their books. However, the podcasts have been posted after the books have come out, so the listeners are unable to get the bonuses. These podcasts need to come out BEFORE the books come out if you want your listeners to get all the benefits promised. As a result of, I am taking my stars down to a 3. I enjoy listening to JJ’s podcasts and learn a lot and would love to share them with my friends. However, (and the reason for the 4 stars) when I go to her website to get the link they are not there on they day they are aired. It would be great if the podcasts were on her website the day they were posted on iTunes. Also, I would love to hear a show on CBD oil and its benefits. More specifically, why it would help with brain fog. ~ Beverly Spring
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Deeply substantial and amazingly practical
It’s obvious JJ puts extraordinary effort in covering salient topics and finding guests that are authentic and truly care about being a positive force in this world - the insights she brings to bear is still mind-blowing Every. Single. Time. No matter the subject, you’re guaranteed to gain something from every episode - can’t recommend Ask the Health Expert enough 🙌
J. Barshop
No value
A four minute podcast with 2.5 minutes of advertising? Where is the value for the listener? There used to be meaningful interviews with experts that were worth listening to. This season is missing the mark for me.
Love JJ’s philosophy !!
Love to listen
Very informative information, I love JJ’s voice as well, very calming.
Madiha A.
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