Reframe with Jenna Zoë
Reframe with Jenna Zoë
Jenna Zoe
Reframe with Jenna Zoë
Jenna Zoe
Jenna Zoë is a world leading expert in Human Design, the science of your soul’s blueprint. Using your time, place and date of birth it maps your genetic expression, telling you exactly the person your soul came here to be. Since we are already born as our highest, most authentic and powerful selves, our work is about unbecoming who the world told us to be so we can naturally align with who we really are which is the source of our success, ease and abundance. Join Jenna as she discusses the outdated beliefs and conditioning that are keeping us small and stuck, and how can we Reframe these thoughts into ones that are more aligned with the new paradigm on this planet in which we all are powerful and fulfilled together. These podcasts are short, sweet and to the point and with no interruptions.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 50 days
Latest episode
3 years ago
August 31, 2021
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