In this episode I am joined by Crystal Thompson who had a long and painful journey with a variety of different substances. It is safe to say that Crystal probably tried anything that would allow her to escape her painful reality of failed relationships and her mistaken identity of who she really was in the eyes of God. She spent many years where she wasn't able to see herself the way that God sees her, and only through the lens of what the world saw. She spent the last years of her addiction chasing crystal meth from her local community to several hundred miles away from her home and her family. This lifestyle became the norm for Crystal unfortunately, that is until God came into the picture and guided her steps to bring her unto Himself.
Jun 20, 2022
1 hr 21 min

Listen to Stephen Thomas share his story of redemption from porn and sex addiction. Which started from an early age of feeling neglected and isolated. Stephen is an extroverted person and desired relationships with people but had trouble navigating how to effectively approach them because pornography viewing was the way he thought people talked to each other. But God met him right when he needed him. He spoke through other people in dreams and visions to bring him into right relationship and Stephen found his identity in Christ. Stephen is now a counselor who helps other walk through these same issues. He can be reached at the following links:https://www.stephenthomasconsulting.com/[email protected]://www.facebook.com/StephenThomasConsulting
May 16, 2022
54 min

Listen to singer songwriter, Stephen McWhirter share his testimony of redemption from addiction. He was transformed from a long addition to crystal meth into a worship leader. Stephen is best known for his association with Iron Bell Music. Songs like "God That Saves", "My Confidence", and "Belong to You" are most well known. Now Stephen has partnered with Jason Clayborn who has been nominated for several music awards. https://smjcmusic.com/https://www.youtube.com/stephenmcwhirterhttps://open.spotify.com/artist/1DIpWfeb5YTJmmvSy5TSL3?si=QsgromlvTGSuetMyPYo2Kg&dl_branch=1https://www.facebook.com/stephenmcwhirtermusichttps://www.youtube.com/c/IronBellMusic
May 2, 2022
41 min

Listen to Eddie share his testimony of overcoming porn and sex addiction, to now being a licensed counselor who has spent the last 20+ years helping people, specifically men, overcome their own battle with the same issue. Eddie has written several books titled "Going Deeper: How the Inner Child Impacts Your Sexual Addiction ", "Removing Your Shame Label: Learning to Break Free of Shame and Feel God’s Love" , & "Why Men Struggle To Love: Overcoming Relational Blind Spots"Eddie has revealed a lot of the key elements that have a tremendous impact on helping individuals struggling with this area of addiction.
Apr 11, 2022
1 hr 1 min

My guest this week is Sue Bowles who experienced a long battle with an eating disorder. Sue also talks about some struggles with her own identity while fight the urge to have to please people. Her story begins with a traumatic experience at seven years old. Through Sue's recovery, she has written a book titled "The Space Between". Sue is also a life coach and has a passion for helping people. Here are some reference links to learn more about Sue and her story:https://www.linkedin.com/in/sue-bowles-a8649913http://bit.ly/2Ry6ubx (FB - My Step Ahead)http://www.instagram.com/MyStepAheadhttp://bit.ly/2U30v02 (Twitter - My Step Ahead)https://www.facebook.com/suebowlescoaching/https://youtube.com/channel/UC4DmlBMM91B-Jsa9Ww3h5BAhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/1695541839/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_cEbTDb8XSD8Q0suebowles.com
Apr 3, 2022
1 hr 2 min

Listen to Dave's story of redemption from alcohol and cocaine addiction that found him at a very young age. How he reached rock bottom from multiple overdoses and becoming a person that no one wanted to be around because of his unpredictable personality. Through a simple prayer of "God, if you're real - HELP ME!" - Dave was transformed from the inside out.
Feb 7, 2022
1 hr 27 min

Mark Chapter 10 contains the story of blind Bartimaeus being healed because of his faith. He pursued Jesus unashamed and desperate. Joe and Matt break down this story and how it relates to addiction healing and recovery.
Jan 26, 2022
50 min

Dennis Andros joins the podcast this week with Joe Young and I to share his testimony of being addicted to many different types of drugs including opiates, nitrous oxide, DMT, and other forms of hallucinogenic drugs. It led him to encounter demonic spirits that were seeking to kill him. Dennis ultimately called on the name of Jesus out of desperation from this torment. And Jesus encountered him in a powerful way and called him into deliverance ministries.Dennis Andros' YouTube channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaN02zpGvEFUzSz8kn5DdTATikTok Account: https://www.tiktok.com/@dennis_andros?lang=enSchedule call link belowVenmo:@Dennis-AndrosPayPal:[email protected]
Jan 17, 2022
1 hr 25 min

Co-host Joe Young is joining me today to talk about how we create idols in our lives, how that relates to addiction, and what are some practical steps we take to avoid those pitfalls in our daily lives out of obedience to serving God with our lives.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmnCLNTZJclrkUvd2vT8OtA
Jan 10, 2022
51 min

Rachel McCants joins the podcast to share her testimony. Rachel is an author and has a ministry of uplifting daily encouragement to share with people.
Dec 27, 2021
43 min
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