Stories of crazy entitled parents, incredible tales of revenge, amusing answers to compelling questions; The Redditor Podcast has it all. If you enjoy listening to intriguing, funny and realistic tales, then this is the podcast for you!Here you will find all of Redditor's YouTube videos in podcast form, from subreddits such as r/entitledparents, r/prorevenge, and many many more.A little bit about me: I narrate Reddit posts for your entertainment! As a fan of Reddit myself, it was a no-brainer, and I love showcasing the best subreddits to my viewers. My favourite story-based subreddit right now is r/entitledparents. I also love the shorter format of r/facepalm, r/mildlyinfuriating, and r/woooosh among others. Consider subscribing and following if you enjoy my content, or my British accent! You are more than welcome to join the Redditor Army! Also, leaving a review on whichever podcast platform you listen on will be greatly appreciated!For business enquiries, please email: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Latest episode
2 months ago
March 13
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